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WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY 2010 Dr Peter Lind

WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY 2010 Dr Peter Lind. New Zealand Teachers Council members. Alison McAlpine Chair. Current NZQA national executive member Former Principal of Nelson College for Girls for 18 years. Former member of SPANZ Executive Committee for 7 years

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WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY 2010 Dr Peter Lind

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY 2010Dr Peter Lind

  2. New Zealand Teachers Council members

  3. Alison McAlpine Chair • Current NZQA national executive member • Former Principal of Nelson College for Girls for 18 years. • Former member of SPANZ Executive Committee for 7 years • From 2000-2003 member of UNESCO Education Sub commission for the New Zealand Secondary School sector. • A Hillary Commissioner from 1996-2002. • Recently retired Nelson City Councillor

  4. Lyn Brash Ministerial Nominee • An Education Consultant • Previous Deputy CEO of Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology • Former secondary school teacher with 20 years experience in secondary school governance.

  5. Kevin Knight Ministerial Nominee • Dr Knight’s career spans education leadership and management, teacher education, classroom teaching, school psychology and education consulting.  • His professional development for teachers has focused on behaviour management, teacher appraisal and establishing mentoring systems for teachers. • Currently a director of the New Zealand Graduate School of Education, Christchurch, a private teachers’ college he co‑founded in 1996.

  6. Pat Newman, Principals’ Representative • Kai Tahu • A principal since 1982 in a range of schools throughout New Zealand from sole charge to current school Hora Hora (U5) in Whangarei • Former National Executive Member and President of the New Zealand Principals Federation with 13 years experience representing principals at both a national and international level.

  7. Megan Cassidy, Secondary Teachers’ Representative • Currently Assistant Principal Pastoral Care at Villa Maria College in Christchurch. • Megan has taught for over 20 years in private, state and integrated schools and was seconded to Christchurch College of Education in 2004. • Megan has served on a primary school Board of Trustees for six years, two as Chairperson.

  8. Jenny Varney ECE Teachers’ Representative • Currently a Team Leader: Senior Teacher Team at Wellington Kindergarten Association. • 20 years of experience in kindergarten, Education and Care and the tertiary sector • Has held executive positions for NZEI Te Riu Roa and ASTE. • Currently board member of New Zealand Kindergartens.

  9. Ken Wilson, Primary Teachers’ Representative • An experienced primary teacher, who has taught in Taranaki, Niue Island, Wanganui and Wellington. • A former teacher educator at the Wellington College of Education, where he was director of Postgraduate Qualifications. • Ken has been a Council staff member.

  10. Louise Green, NZEI nominee • A fully registered teacher with over 20 years experience across all levels of the primary sector in classroom teaching, leadership and management positions in city, rural and integrated schools. • Currently the principal of Khandallah School, Wellington. • An active member of NZEI and is serving for a fifth year on the National Executive.

  11. Barbara Arnott STA nominee • Barbara Arnott is an Education Consultant, East Coast Region • Member of School Trustees Association • Council Member, Eastern Institute of Technology • Chair of Napier Community High School • Mayor of Napier

  12. Diane Wills, PPTA nominee • Currently a secondary school teacher working in the English and Social Sciences Departments at Hagley Community College, Christchurch. • A former member of the Post Primary Teachers Association Executive, with an involvement in contract negotiations, and a 3-term board of trustee’s member. • Diane was involved in reviewing primary, secondary and early childhood centres during a year’s secondment to the Education Review Office. • She is currently a member of the Post Primary Teachers Association Staffing Committee.

  13. New Zealand Teachers Council Managers

  14. SharonKerry • Deputy Director since January 2010 after five years in a senior management role at the Ministry of Education.  • Sharon is a Chartered Accountant experienced in financial and non-financial analysis, monitoring and management in both the public and private sectors.

  15. Barbara Benson • Manager Teacher Education since 2008. • Trained and qualified secondary school teacher. • Formerly Director of Teacher Education and Associate Dean (Teaching) at Otago University

  16. Linda Gendall • Manager Teacher Practice since 2004 • Linda has extensive experience across the education sector from classroom teaching to lecturing and leadership in initial teacher education, and Educational Review Officer.

  17. Jenny Thomas • Manager Registration since 2004 • Trained and qualified secondary school teacher. • Over experience 15 years in senior management including deputy principal of large co-ed secondary school.

  18. Cynthia Shaw • Manager Policy and Strategic Development since 2005. • Extensive experience in teaching and middle and senior management in secondary schools in the Wellington region, and a year working as a leadership and management adviser at Wellington College of Education.

  19. Functions of the Council • Provide professional leadership. • Encourage best teaching practice. • Determine standards for teacher registration. • Approve and monitor teacher education programmes. • Identify research priorities. • Promote the code of ethics for the profession. • Maintain register of teachers. • Exercise disciplinary functions.

  20. Graduating Teacher Standards (2007) The Graduating Teacher Standards (2007) describe what a teacher at the point of graduation from an initial teacher education programme: • will know • will understand • will be able to do • the dispositions they will have that are likely to make them effective teachers.

  21. Teaching teachers is certainly among the most demanding kinds of professional preparation Teacher educators must constantly • model practices • construct powerful learning experiences • thoughtfully support progress, understanding, and practice • carefully assess students’ progress and understandings • help link theory and practice. Darling-Hammond & Bransford, 2005

  22. Initial Teacher Education is an applied professional qualification • Partnership between the workplace and the tertiary provider. • Partnership between the teacher and the teacher educator.

  23. Conceptual Framework There should be a common, clear vision of good teaching that permeates all coursework and practical teaching experiences, creating a coherent set of learning experiences for student teachers. Darling-Hammond (2006)

  24. Research A quality teacher education programme must be informed by sound research and should promote research as an important component of student teachers’ developing professional skills.

  25. Graduating Teacher Standards All approved initial teacher education programmes must demonstrate how graduates have met the Graduating Teacher Standards.

  26. Selection • Besides meeting academic entry requirements, selection must involve a visual interview. • ITE providers must involve the profession in the relevant sector in the selection of candidates.

  27. Practicum must… • Help student teachers to integrate theory and practice throughout their ITE programme • Operate as a partnership between the ITE educator and the associate teacher.

  28. Quality Teaching and Learning Initial teacher education providers must ensure programmes adequately model the skills and practices required for teaching in the learning context in which the graduates will be working.

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