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This resource provides information on who can provide consent for various healthcare services for teens, including birth control, STI testing, and abortions. It also covers topics such as confidentiality and types of birth control. Available in English.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Consent Services Vocab Birth Control Mis. 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 Final Jeopardy

  2. Who consents for someone to get a TB (tuberculosis) shot? Parent/Guardian 1 - 10

  3. 1 - 20 • Who consents for someone to get a physical exam? • Parent/Guardian

  4. 1 - 30 • Who consents to a pregnancy test for an 11-year-old teen? • Parent/Guardian

  5. 1 - 40 • Who consents to STI testing for a 12-year-old teen? • Teen

  6. 1 - 50 • Who consents to an abortion for a 14-year-old teen? • Teen

  7. 2 - 10 • Which clinical services cost more to you: birth control or drug counseling? • Both are FREE

  8. 2 - 20 • True or False: the clinic can provide you with a personal trainer. • False

  9. 2 - 30 • True or False: A 12 year old can get an abortion in CA without a parent’s consent. • True

  10. 2 - 40 • Name 3 things a student can get from the wellness center? • Tea, access to teen health, counseling, snacks, jobs, doctor/clinic, many more

  11. 2 - 50 • True or False: a clinic can confidentially send an oral swab to be tested for strep throat. • False, that is a general medical service and needs a parents’ consent

  12. 3 - 10 • Define “consent.” • Giving permission

  13. 3 - 20 • Define “confidentiality.” • Private; secret

  14. 3 - 30 • Multiple choice: What is anonymous? • A: Unknown • B: Weird • C: Known • A: Unknown

  15. 3 - 40 • Multiple choice: What is a health care provider? • A: parent/guardian • B: nurse • C: vet • B: Nurse

  16. 3 - 50 • Multiple choice: What is the name of a group of youth health advocates at this school? • A: United Players • B: Y-MAC • C: Youth Advisory Board • C: Youth Advisory Board

  17. 4 - 10 • – True or False: Condoms are a non-hormonal type of birth control. • True

  18. 4 - 20 • – Multiple choice: What is a form of birth control that both males and females can use? • A: shot • B: condom (internal/external) • C: pill • D: all of the above • B: condom

  19. 4 - 30 • Which form of birth control also reduces the risk of transmitting STIs like gonorrhea and HIV? • A: shot • B: condom (internal/external) • C: pill • D: all of the above • B: condom

  20. 4 - 40 • Multiple choice: When can emergency contraception be taken after unprotected sex? • A: up to 1 week • B: up to 2 week • C: up to 1 month • D: up to 5 days • D: up to 5 days

  21. 4 - 50 • Name 2 hormonal types and 2 non-hormonal types of birth control. • Hormonal: Pill, Mirena and Skyla IUC, ring, shot, patch; Non-hormonal: condoms, Paragard

  22. 5 - 10 • What are 2 ways a health center can do an STI test? • Urine/blood sample, oral/genital swab

  23. 5 - 20 • What are the two most commonly tested STIs? • Gonorrhea and Chlamydia

  24. 5 - 30 • True or False: The wellness center will tell my counselor if I have an infection. • False

  25. 5 - 40 • True or False: The wellness center provides vitamins. • True

  26. 5 - 50 • True or False: If two 14-year-olds have sex, it is not reportable to Child Protective Services. • True, but a parent can make a CPS report if they choose to because teens are minors.

  27. Final Jeopardy • Type question to appear here • Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

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