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My School-Tech Roadmap

My School-Tech Roadmap. Principal’s Name. Name of School. School Location. Points to ponder: what is your personal vision of applying technology in your school?. How do you see technology being integrated: In the Classroom In the Computer lab To facilitate communication

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My School-Tech Roadmap

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My School-Tech Roadmap Principal’s Name Name of School School Location

  2. Points to ponder: what is your personal vision of applying technology in your school? How do you see technology being integrated: In the Classroom In the Computer lab To facilitate communication To promote personal growth

  3. Points to ponder: where is your school right now? How is technology being used: In the Classroom In the Computer lab To facilitate communication To promote personal growth

  4. Points to ponder: Generally, how do I achieve my vision? What initial steps will the school need to do in order to map out a plan for technology integration in the school?

  5. Points to ponder: what are my specific goals and programs with regards to applying technology in infrastructure? Hardware? Software? access ? Network ?

  6. Points to ponder: what are my specific goals and programs with regards to applying technology in personal productivity? Teaching? Non-teaching? MYSELF?

  7. Points to ponder: what are my specific goals and programs with regards to applying technology in the implementation of school development plans in the areas of? Systems & Policy-making? Professional development? Curriculum & Instruction?

  8. Points to ponder: what are my specific goals and programs with regards to applying technology in the evaluation of: Programs? Faculty?

  9. How long will it take to achieve my vision and goals? Please indicate in days, weeks, months Infrastructure Curriculum & instruction Systems & Policies Infrastructure Curriculum and Instruction Systems and Policies Professional Development Professional Development

  10. Who will be the people involved in this project? Pls. indicate, number of staff needed, for what task per component and no. of manhours

  11. What resources do I need to achieve my goals? Please indicate per component / approximate costs? Infrastructure Curriculum & instruction Systems & Policies Infrastructure Curriculum and Instruction Systems and Policies Professional Development Professional Development

  12. How can I share and convince school community to achieve this vision? What kind of technology should I use to effectively achieve this goal?

  13. How will I evaluate outcomes? Infrastructure Infrastructure ( list all ) Curriculum and Instruction Systems and Policies Professional Development Curriculum & instruction

  14. How will I evaluate outcomes? Systems & Policies Infrastructure Curriculum and Instruction Systems and Policies Professional Development Professional Development

  15. Please email this plan to: chellow@cbephils.net

  16. Please share your experiences, thoughts, ideas in the preparation of this plan to: www.cbephils.net

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