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Joint Venture - Government of Misiones Province - Municipality of Posadas

Joint Venture - Government of Misiones Province - Municipality of Posadas. Posadas Intermodal Logistic Area. Industrial Park. Shipping port ( Parana River ) Airport Convention&Expo Center. . Posadas Industrial Park. As part of:. Strategic line 2:

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Joint Venture - Government of Misiones Province - Municipality of Posadas

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  1. JointVenture - Governmentof Misiones Province - Municipality of Posadas Parque Industrial Posadas

  2. Posadas Intermodal Logistic Area • Industrial Park. • Shippingport (ParanaRiver) • Airport • Convention&Expo Center.

  3. Posadas Industrial Park As part of: Strategic line 2: Employment and Innovation. Program 2.2.: Competitiveness and Industrial production. POSADAS 2022 STRATEGIC PLAN

  4. Great geographiclocation Geographic center of the MERCOSUR, near most competitive agribusiness zones of southern Paraguay and Brazil.

  5. Posadas and theNational & Territorial StrategicPlan (PENT) Posadas isdefined by the PENT as “structuring core” in Bioceanic Connectivity Corridor, linking the northern Chile with Southern Brazil PENT structuring net

  6. Industrial Park Plan 1st stagework

  7. Posadas Industrial Park 1st stagework • Urbanisation: streets, curbs, drain, paved central area. • Asphalt access from National Route 12. • High-powerelectricsupply: main connection, transformers, lighting and distribution networks • Perimetral fence. • Other services: potable water, sewer • Buildings: 1st stage.

  8. Commonbuildinginfraestructure 1st stagework

  9. Commonbuildinginfraestructure 1st stagework Administration Meeting Room

  10. Commonbuildinginfraestructure 1st stagework NationalInstitute of Industrial Technology (INTI)

  11. Commonbuildinginfraestructure -1st Stage - Business Incubator

  12. Commonbuildinginfraestructure 1st stagework General firmservices

  13. Commonbuildinginfraestructure 1st stagework Show-room

  14. Commonbuildinginfraestructure 1st stagework 1st. PhaseSMEsbuilding

  15. 1st. SMEsbuilding: woodenfurnitures • Objetives: • Encourage partnerships and associative business • Generate high value products • Add design value • Promote Quality Certification & Standardization • Develop marketing strategies • Foster productive complementarity. Generate an innovative partnership model Commonservicesarea

  16. Posadas Industrial Park Lot • Modalities & Conditions: • Commodate • Sale • Occupation permit for construction. • Lot deed only by executed investment. Preservation of publicinvestment • Speciallot reserves: • To forecast business growth • Limited time • Subjetctoprojectprogress

  17. Zoning • Zoningcriteria: • Prevent and reduce environmental risks • Avoid involvement between different types of production processes • Optimize logistics • Facilitate productive complementarity TO PROMOTE INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS… • Reduce waste and pollution. • Sharingresourcesefficiently.

  18. Posadas Industrial Park AdditionalStrategies • Detectmarket opportunities for development of new, innovative & high value activities that can settle in the park, contributing to the local productive competitiveness: • Metalworking: foster local association, linking, develop cluster strategies. • Small boat & yachtconstruction • Other industrial activitieswith local resources-basedcompetitiveadvantage

  19. Meetings & Conferences Conference: Industrial Parks: a toolforNationalGrowth • Information • Motivation • Linking • Analysis • Training

  20. Meetings & Conferences Conference: Regional ProductivePotential and Partnerships

  21. Parque Industrial Posadas • A spaceto: • Promote productive development • Generate genuine employment • Contribute to the urbanistic organization of Posadas city • Consolidate Posadas as regional economic hub • Facilitate business growth • Contribute to productive integration in MERCOSUR

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