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Presentation Transcript

  1. 聖誕旋律/Listen to Christmas聽啊 聽啊 聖誕鐘聲在響聽啊 聽啊 美好樂音迴響聽啊 聽啊 孩童歡唱歌聲聽啊 聽啊 是聖誕的旋律到處絢爛美麗 聖誕燈在閃爍Listen, listen, Christmas bells are ringingListen, listen there’s music in the airListen, listen sounds of children singingListen, listen it’s Christmas that you hearChristmas lights are glowinghear and there we’re going

  2. 跑馬燈走不停 光燦耀眼奪目來 聽啊 聽啊 聖誕鐘聲在響聽啊 聽啊 是聖誕的旋律採購禮物拜訪好朋友一起圍坐在聖誕樹前Running “to and froing” there’s just no time to spareJust listen, listen, Christmas bells are ringingListen, listen it’s Christmas that you hearWith gifts to buy and the folks to seeAnd the places we just have to be

  3. 這正是團聚的好時節 同唱聖誕的頌歌面帶笑容彼此請安問候人來人往聖誕節來到緞帶包裝禮物 餅乾與人分享不辭辛勞的愛都為了這一天It’s a time of year when we gather heresinging carols round a treeSmiling faces greeting one anotherCrowded places it’s Christmas on the wayBows and shiny paper, cookies for our neighborAll our love and labor preparing for that day

  4. 聽啊 聽啊 聖誕鐘聲在響聽啊 聽啊 美好樂音迴響聽啊 聽啊 孩童歡唱歌聲聽啊 聽啊 是聖誕的旋律聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聖誕旋律正迴響Listen, listen, Christmas bells are ringingListen, listen there’s music in the airListen, listen sounds of children singingListen, listen it’s Christmas that you hear Listen, listen, listen, listen , listen, listenIt’s the sound of Christmas!

  5. 聽啊 聽啊 聖誕鐘聲在響聽啊 聽啊 美好樂音迴響聽啊 聽啊 孩童歡唱歌聲聽啊 聽啊 是聖誕的旋律聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聽啊 聖誕旋律正迴響Listen, listen, Christmas bells are ringingListen, listen there’s music in the airListen, listen sounds of children singingListen, listen it’s Christmas that you hear Listen, listen, listen, listen , listen, listenIt’s the sound of Christmas!

  6. 齊來信主聖徒/O Come, All Ye Faithful齊來信主聖徒 高興大家歡呼齊來 喔一起來到伯利恆聖嬰臥槽中 生乃天使君王齊來歡欣同敬拜 齊來歡欣同敬拜齊來歡欣同敬拜主基督O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphantO come ye, O come ye to BethlehemCome, come and behold him, born the King of angelsO come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore himO come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!

  7. 天使齊歌唱 頌聲喜樂洋洋眾光明天軍都來高聲頌揚在至高之處榮耀歸於真神齊來歡欣同敬拜 齊來歡欣同敬拜齊來歡欣同敬拜主基督Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultationO sing, all ye bright hosts of heaven aboveGlory to God all glory in the highestO come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore himO come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!

  8. 來虔誠恭賀救主今日降生將榮耀全歸於主聖名奇哉主真道藉肉身來顯明齊來歡欣同敬拜 齊來歡欣同敬拜齊來歡欣同敬拜主基督齊來歡欣同敬拜主基督 主基督Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morningJesus, to thee be all glory givenWord of the Father, now in flesh appearing O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore himO come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord! O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord! Christ the Lord!

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  10. 主救贖將臨/Salvation Will Come主靜靜出世來世間 沒有樂隊歡迎儀式祂沒出世在有錢人的厝宅是在遠遠安靜的城Not with great fanfare will it comeunnoticed by most everyoneNot in a great and royal place of renownbut in this sleepy little town

  11. 獨獨牧者來朝見祂看上帝所賜的禮物奇妙救贖從這嬰兒開始上帝的愛今施落With only shepherds there to seethis wondrous gift of heaven is heWith this one child the miracle beganheaven’s love came down to man

  12. 因主救贖要來 有光星遍照滿天細漢耶穌靜靜睡 新活命從今開始古早先知有預言 講起至聖者降臨這應允今要應驗 因主救贖要來For Salvation will come, and a star will light the skyFor new life has here begun with a newborn’s quiet cryAs foretold so long ago of the coming holy oneNow this promise we behold for salvation will come

  13. 咱攏來朝覲新生王天使在天讚美吟詩有榮美光采顯照祂的面是主賜萬邦的恩典今咱攏充滿大歡喜將這福音記在心裡As shepherds watch and angels singas we adore the heavenly Kingwith glory shining brightly from his facewe celebrate this gift of graceNow with rejoicing we departwith revelations in our heart

  14. 緊緊去傳給世界萬百姓分享主救贖恩典因主救贖要來 有光星遍照滿天細漢耶穌靜靜睡 新活命從今開始To all the people of the world we goshare this news that all may knowFor Salvation will come, and a star will light the skyFor new life has here begun with a newborn’s quiet cry

  15. 古早先知有預言 講起至聖者降臨這應允今要應驗 因主救贖要來因主救贖要來 有光星遍照滿天細漢耶穌靜靜睡 新活命從今開始As foretold so long ago of the coming holy oneNow this promise we behold for salvation will comeFor Salvation will come, and a star will light the skyFor new life has here begun with a newborn’s quiet cry

  16. 古早先知有預言 講起至聖者降臨這應允今要應驗 因主救贖要來主救贖要來 要來As foretold so long ago of the coming holy oneNow this promise we behold for salvation will comesalvation will come will come

  17. 古早先知有預言 講起至聖者降臨這應允今要應驗 因主救贖要來主救贖要來 要來As foretold so long ago of the coming holy oneNow this promise we behold for salvation will comesalvation will come will come

  18. 伯利恆明星/In Bethlehem a Star在伯利恆的小城 高掛燦爛明星在小小卑微馬槽 救主為愛降生在城外的曠野地 天軍天使高唱In Bethlehem a star shines, so bright and high aboveAnd in a tiny stable, is born the Lord of LoveAnd just outside the city the hosts of angels sing

  19. 和撒那歸至高者 讚美歸新生王在伯利恆有明星向世界宣告遠近四方都當知今救主降生在伯利恆先知的預言今應驗救主同在以馬內利“Hosanna in the highest” praise to the new born kingIn Bethlehem a star proclaims to all the earthTo those both near and far this is the Savior’s birth In Bethlehem this day, as prophets did fore-tellthe Lord with us, Emmanuel

  20. 美哉小城小伯利恆 你是何等清靜無夢無驚深深睡著 群星悄然進行在你漆黑的街道 永恆真光照啟萬世希望眾生憂喜 今宵集中於祢O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lieabove thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go byYet in thy dark streets shin-eth the everlasting lightthe hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight

  21. 在伯利恆的小城 高掛燦爛明星在小小卑微馬槽 救主為愛降臨眾星辰齊聚集來宣告聖嬰降生多年的期待和盼望今夜即將實現在伯利恆In Bethlehem a star shines, so bright and high aboveAnd in a tiny stable, is born the Lord of LoveO morning stars together proclaim the holy birthThe hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonightin Bethlehem

  22. 在伯利恆有明星向世界宣告遠近四方都當知今救主降生在伯利恆先知的預言今應驗救主同在以馬內利救主同在以馬內利In Bethlehem a star proclaims to all the earthTo those both near and far this is the Savior’s birth In Bethlehem this day, as prophets did fore-tellthe Lord with us, Emmanuel the Lord with us, Emmanuel

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  24. 普世歡騰/Joy普世歡騰救主已降 全地接祂為王萬心為主預備地方 宇宙萬物頌揚宇宙萬物頌揚 宇宙 宇宙萬物頌揚大地歡騰 救主統領 世人都當歌頌Joy to the world, the Lord is comeLet earth receive her KingLet every heart prepare Him roomand heaven and nature singand heaven and nature sing, And heaven and heaven and nature singJoy to the earth, the Savior reignsLet all their songs employ

  25. 田野江河平原山嶺 響應歌聲嘹亮響應歌聲嘹亮 響應 響應歌聲嘹亮牧羊人守夜在野地天使帶來大好信息While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plainsRepeat the sounding joyRepeat the sounding joy,Repeat, repeat the sounding joyWhile by the sheep we watched at nightglad tidings brought an angel bright

  26. 何等喜樂 大喜樂讚美歸於至高真神讚美歸於至高真神救主治世以真以惠 用道將民訓悔How great our joy! joy, joy, joyPraise we the Lord in heaven on high Praise we the Lord in heaven on highHe rules the world with truth and graceand makes the nations prove

  27. 主顯公義何等全備 慈愛奇妙豐盛慈愛奇妙豐盛 慈愛 慈愛奇妙豐盛慈愛 慈愛奇妙豐盛The glories of His righteousnessAnd wonders of His loveAnd wonders of His love, and wonders, wonders of His loveand wonders, wonders of His love

  28. 愛護我無休止 魔鬼不相侵也愛憐並賜福天下眾孩童帶我們進天國永和祢相親遠遠在馬槽裡 小小的主耶穌安睡在草上close by me forever and love me I prayBless all the dear children in thy tender careand fit us for heaven to live with thee thereAway in a manger the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head

  29. 馬槽聖嬰/Away in a Manger遠遠在馬槽裡無枕也無床小小的主耶穌睡覺很安祥在天上眾明星注目向下望小小的主耶穌安睡在草上Away in a manger, no crib for a bedthe little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet headThe stars in the night sky looked down where he laythe little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay

  30. 一聽見牛鳴聲 嬰孩忽然醒小小的主耶穌不哭也不驚主耶穌我愛祢 願祢今臨近在床邊保護我直到天放明求耶穌靠近我永不離我身The cattle are lowing, the baby awakesbut little Lord Jesus no crying he makesI love thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the skyand stay by my cradle till morning is nigh Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay

  31. 愛護我無休止 魔鬼不相侵也愛憐並賜福天下眾孩童帶我們進天國永和祢相親遠遠在馬槽裡 小小的主耶穌安睡在草上close by me forever and love me I prayBless all the dear children in thy tender careand fit us for heaven to live with thee thereAway in a manger the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head

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  33. 好信息Sing the News在聖誕節大家歡喜宣揚天使所帶信息全地萬民讚美不息因基督今降生This Christmas day all Christians singsing out the news the angels bringO’re all the earth let praises ringfor Jesus Christ is born

  34. 來唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神歸至高的真神唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神基督今降生Singing gloriagloria in excelsisin excelsis, DeoSing gloriagloria in excelsisJesus Christ is born

  35. 我眾罪主為我除掉使我生命走在正道今主的愛將我擁抱因基督今降生All sin departs before his graceand life and health come in its placeThe love of God we now embracefor Jesus Christ is born

  36. 來唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神歸至高的真神唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神基督今降生Singing gloriagloria in excelsisin excelsis, DeoSing gloriagloria in excelsisJesus Christ is born

  37. 遠離黑暗入光明 使我信心得堅定同聲同心大家唱哈利路亞宗主信徒歡唱 以心 以靈 以聲請聆聽我們信息 救主基督今降生From the darkness we have lightnow our faith has turned to sightas our hearts and minds unite, AlleluiaCome Christians, come rejoice with heart and soul and voicelisten now to what we sayJesus Christ is born this day

  38. 祂將天上恩門開 世人蒙福神愛豐盛基督今降生 基督今降生來唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神歸至高的真神唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神 基督今降生He has opened heaven’s doorand we are blest forevermoreChrist is born today Christ is born today Singing gloriagloria in excelsisin excelsis, DeoSing gloriagloria in excelsis Jesus Christ is born

  39. 來唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神歸至高的真神唱榮耀榮耀歸至高神 基督今降生 主降生Singing gloriagloria in excelsisin excelsis, DeoSing gloriagloria in excelsisJesus Christ is bornChrist is born

  40. 齊來崇拜/Come and Worship榮耀天軍展翅飛騰 遨遊大地看世人當年歡唱創造權能 今天報告主降生齊來崇拜 齊來崇拜 崇拜基督新生王Angels from the realms of glorywing your flight o’re all the earthye who sang creation’s storynow proclaim Messiah’s birthCome and worship, come and worshipWorship Christ the new born King

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