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SURAgrid Governance Committee

SURAgrid Governance Committee. Art Vandenberg Mike Sachon SGC Chair SGC Co-Chair September 27, 2007. SURA Board Support. May 3, 2006 SURA Board of Trustees meeting. Recognized the importance of grid computing for scientific research and education within SURA region

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SURAgrid Governance Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SURAgrid Governance Committee Art Vandenberg Mike Sachon SGC Chair SGC Co-Chair September 27, 2007

  2. SURA Board Support May 3, 2006 SURA Board of Trustees meeting • Recognized the importance of grid computing for scientific research and education within SURA region • Recognized SURAgrid role • Endorsed growth of the SURAgrid Program • through creation of strategic partnerships • addition of staff resources

  3. Brief timeline • March 2006 • SURA Board of Trustees endorsement • November 2006 • begin SURAgrid Project Planning Working Group (transitional) • March 2007 • vote on SURAgrid Governance & Decision-Making Structure approved by SURAgrid • May 31, 2007 • SURAgrid Governance Committee established • SGC begins 1 year term (to May 31, 2008)

  4. SGC members • John Connolly, U. Kentucky • Gary Crane, SURA • Steve Johnson, Texas A&M U. • Daniel S. Katz, Louisiana State U. • John-Paul Robinson, U. Alabama at Birmingham • Mike Sachon, Old Dominion U. • Phil Smith, Texas Tech U. • Art Vandenberg, Georgia State U. • Victor Wong, U. Michigan

  5. Forming, storming, norming… • 7 bi-weekly meeting calls • First call: Review SGC responsibilities • Governance process • Membership definition and criteria • SURAgrid Strategic Advisory Group liaison • SURAgrid working groups relation with SGC • Overall SGC communications…

  6. Performing… governance process • Established bi-weekly call schedule • Determined SGC process to elect Chair, Co-Chair • Invited SURA technical staff to join calls • Mary Fran Yafchak • Linda Akil • Dali Wang • SURA IT Steering Group liaison is responsibility of SGC Chair (SGC co-Chair…) • Developed structure for calls • Notes (not minutes), scribes, topics… • Web site: http://www.sura.org/programs/sura_grid_gov.html

  7. SGC key decisions • SURAgrid Governance and Decision-Making Structure Mar 21, 2007 current governing document • SURAgrid members will provide to SGC an annual report of their activities • SGC’s SURAgrid Annual Report will be timed to synch up with SURA Board Meeting (May/Nov) • Membership classes need definition • Contributing, Participating, Partnership • Better defined criteria… • Possibly peer review mechanism…

  8. SURAgrid membership classes • SURAgrid membership is defined as participatory involvement on some level • minimum requirement to designate SURAgrid Lead when applying to join SURAgrid • Use version of “site participation matrix” in SURAgrid member application process • Initial application filled out to “join SURAgrid” • Re-submitted annually as part of site report

  9. Pause: SGC decision on quorum • “All actions [of the SURAgrid Governance Committee] will be passed by a simple majority of the nine (9) SGC members.” • Approved by a vote of 7-0 (2 members not present) • Meetings may take place without a quorum, but decisions can’t be reached

  10. SURAgrid membership defined • Contributing Member • A higher education institution or related association or organization that contributes resources to the SURAgrid community for the advancement of regional cyberinfrastructure • Must designate a SURAgrid lead • SURA is by definition a Contributing Member • Participating Member • A higher education institution or related association, organization or individual participating in SURAgrid activities other than as a Contributing Member • Partnership Member • Any organization, commercial entity, or other non-higher education group that establishes a strategic relationship with SURA related to the SURAgrid program.

  11. Contributing member participation • Contribute a resource or service to SURAgrid • computation, storage, Certificate Authority, portal, visualization… • Contribute staff time • support of grid management, maintenance, deployment, etc. • Participate • SURAgrid working groups • Governance • in-person meetings • conference activities • Work with SURAgrid node sites to deploy an application, improve application deployment strategies for SURAgrid

  12. Membership criteria examples • Active participation is the key: • Resource in SURAgrid portal • SURAgrid web site, SURAgrid Portal, other portal or wiki • Myproxy server, Bridge CA, CA for SURAgrid entities • SURAgrid Management Tools usage • SURAgrid listserv or service • Staffing focused on SURAgrid • SURAgrid working group participation • Application deployment (advancing SURAgrid infrastructure) • SURAgrid grant funding preparation, participation • SURAgrid All Hands, In-Person meetings • SURAgrid Conference, workshop, program committees

  13. SURAgrid VOTE CALLED • SURAgrid Membership Proposal, 9/17/2007 • SGC approved 8-0 (one absent) • Next step, SURAgrid vote • Voting by SURAgrid Contributing member leads • Email instructions to be sent to SURAgrid@sura.org • Submit Membership Renewals by Nov 30, 2007 • Application to Join SURAgrid as Contributing Member • Application to Join SURAgrid as Participating Member • Application to Join SURAgrid as Partnership Member

  14. SGC strategic plan, annual report • All Hands meeting (5 of 9 SGC members) • Draft SURAgrid Strategy • Draft SURAgrid Annual Report • For December SURA Board meeting • Along the way, revisit: • SURAgrid Strategic Advisory Group liaison • SURAgrid working groups relation with SGC • Overall SGC communications… • Goals: • Good progress May-November 2007 • Establish topics, goals December 2007-May 2008

  15. SGC Strategic Plan elements • SURAgrid Strategic Advisory Group input Nov 2006 • Strategic Advisory Group for high level input into SURAgrid • Review governance structure to establish formal model • Investigate strategy for alignment with other grids • Expand SURAgrid by corporate partnerships • Inventory data collections, recommend SURAgrid strategy • HPC networking • Community building, collaborative joint funding proposals • Outreach/awareness via workshops/research applications • Metrics to evaluate success of SURAgrid • Annual review of goals and objectives • SUSTAINABILITY

  16. SGC topic queue • Policy related to 20% of resources acquired per MOU • EPSCoR states & SURAgrid survey • NSF petascale award to NCSA (SURAgrid outreach) • SURAgrid Community Conference

  17. Q&A

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