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Advantages of RFID versus non-RFID technologies

RFID versus Barcode. NON-RFID VS RFID. Advantages of RFID versus non-RFID technologies. J.-D. Chatelain. RFID versus Barcode. RFID Tag. Non-RFID Tag: barcode. TAG’s memory. It is possible to choose the information we want to read in the RFID tag. The information of the

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Advantages of RFID versus non-RFID technologies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RFID versus Barcode NON-RFID VS RFID Advantages of RFID versus non-RFID technologies J.-D. Chatelain

  2. RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory It is possible to choose the information we want to read in the RFID tag The information of the non-RFID tag can be read DE2A 1811 1998 0000 READING READING 084 04 3700078200193

  3. RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory RFID tags are symmetrical and can be read on both sides Information from non-RFID tag must be visible to be read DE2A 1811 1998 0000 READING READING 084 04

  4. RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory By writing, it is possible to modify any information in the RFID tag It is impossible to change information in non-RFID tag 0123 4567 89AB CDEF CAFE 0123 4567 89AB CDEF CAFE WRITING WRITING 083 3811189311205

  5. RFID versus Barcode RFID Tag Non-RFID Tag: barcode TAG’s memory If the non-RFID tag is hidden, its information cannot be read Even if the RFID tag is hidden, the information it contains can be read FF32 0123 READING READING 082 02

  6. NON-RFID VS RFID End of this chapter J.-D. Chatelain

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