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How to Have Perfect Digestion According to Ayurveda

Udar Arogya ayurvedic solution for digestive issues is especially potent. They are incredibly effective and never cause any side effects.<br>

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How to Have Perfect Digestion According to Ayurveda

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  2. PROJECT OVERVIEW METHOD OBJECTIVE An ideal fast for a healthy person can include kitchari with aged basmati rice, moong dal, turmeric, ghee and spices for all three meals of the day once every two weeks. Stay hydrated using warm ginger infused water and coconut water. Ayurveda recommends fasting as a method to cleanse or detoxify the digestive system. Based on the Agni or digestive fire, fasting can be done in many ways either by avoiding all solid food for a day and drinking only hot water or having light food like kitchari for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When we have a weak appetite, any food that we eat becomes too heavy for the digestive system to metabolize. This usually gets converted into a toxin called ama. According to ayurveda, ama has many negative effects on our physical, mental, behavioural and cognitive functions. The biggest reason why fasting is encouraged in ayurveda is that it eliminates these toxins. Another reason is that fasting allows the digestive system to take a break and get some rest. Fasting will not only cleanse but also build up the digestive fire and allow it to metabolize heavy and difficult to digest foods. BALANCED DIET Ayurveda does not define a balanced diet based on the quantity of micro or macro nutrients. 5000 years ago we had no idea of carbohydrates or proteins or vitamins. But the importance of fruits in improving immunity to illness and root vegetables and grains for energy was still understood. The balanced diet that Ayurveda recommends is based on natural intuition and the affinity that our body shows to food naturally. Eating seasonal foods was encouraged. The quantity of food was always based on appetite and activity of an individual. Therefore our forefathers had a naturally healthy diet and balanced gut.

  3. According to Ayurveda, a balanced diet should contain all six tastes. The six tastes are sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and astringent. A balanced diet containing foods with all six tastes will naturally include all nutrients necessary for our body and would not make us feel unnecessarily unsatisfied or create a craving for certain tastes all the time. The diet that we follow nowadays tends to be mostly sweet, sour and salty. This increases the chances of illness due to the absence of bitter, astringent and spices which are healing herbs. If you want to treat digestive problems, then ayurveda is the best solution for you. They are incredibly effective and never cause any side effects. Try Udar Arogya ayurvedic formula. Udar Arogya ayurvedic solution for digestive issues is especially potent because it contains carefully selected natural herbs such as Bhringraj, Rohitak, Punarnava, Giloy, Kutki, Kasaundi, Vaividang. It cleans the guts of lodged feces responsible for producing gases and turning the digestive system into breeding grounds for bacteria. It gives a holistic effect of a digestive process which is free from obstructions, sluggishness, and toxins, resulting in a healthy body and mind. Resource: https://udararogya.wordpress.com/2021/03 /26/how-to-have-perfect-digestion- according-to-ayurveda/

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