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5 reasons why ants rule the world

Ants are the fascinating creatures living on earth. How they have managed to survive the earth for so long is something is everyone is curious about. If you are curious like the others then you can check out the presentation 5 reasons why ants rule the world by 117 ants Colony, ant keeping supplier usa<br><br>

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5 reasons why ants rule the world

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 5 reason why ants rule the world

  2. ADAPTED WELL Antsrulebecausetheyhaveadaptedwellinmanydifferentwaystheycould. Theirappearancesandwheretheylivearedifferentfromoneanttoanother. Theycanbeastinyasmillimeterlongorasbigas1.5incheslong. OligomyrmexatomusandDinoponeraaretwotypeofantsfoundwith contrastingphysicalappearances. Theycanbefoundineverywhere dessert, rainforests, swamps, anywhereotherthancoldestandhighestplace ontheearth.

  3. WIDE RANGE OF BEHAVIOUR Differentantshavedifferentbehavior. Manyantsfeedfromcarbohydrate-rich floweringplants. Carpenterantsliketoguardagainstotherinsectstoprotect theirfoodsupplybybuildingashelteraroundthebaseoftheplants. Inhot, dry habitatsantshavecomeupwiththeideaofstoringfoodsinordertosurvive longdrought. Honeypotantsusetheirbodytostorefood. Someantsfightin ordertogetnourishment. Armyantswiththickantennaeontheirheadfight withotherants. Slaveraidingantsstealbabiesfromtheirneighbors.

  4. FEMALES DO THE WORKS Antsfamilyemployantswhodevelopspecialtoolsandskillstogetthejob done. Theantswhoworkinsidenestsaregenerallyyoungerthanthosewho protectthenestfromoutsideelements. Femaleantsdoalltheworkwhile maleantsjustspreadtheirgenesaround.

  5. USE OF CHEMICALS Unlikeotherinsectslikebees, waspsmostantsdonothavewings.That'swhy antshaveevolvedandnowhasanarsenalofchemicalstocommunicateonthe ground. Theyusechemicalcuescallsforalarm, datesandfoodlocations.

  6. KEY IS COMMUNICATION Antsemitpheromonesfromaglandintheirmouthasanalarmifsomething disturbsthem. Humanstoocansensethesepheromones. Antsleadtheway withemittedchemicals. Fellowworkersfollowthepath. Thesuccessofants liesintheirsocialbehavior. Theyhavefoundawaytousetheirsocialbehavior tofindawaytobringinresourcesi.efood.

  7. Contact us  530W. LakeSt, SouthLyon, Michigan48178 586-850-1117 117coloniesmichigan@gmail.com 117colonies.com

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