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Henna Hair Dye (1)

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Henna Hair Dye (1)

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  1. Henna Hair Dye Valentine’s Day is for all kinds of love, and I hope you are with someone you love this week, even if you are by yourself. I’m so glad #galentines has become a thing! In fact, self care organization can be a really important part of your happy life. How are you ever supposed to stay organized and healthy if you don’t take time for self care? This week I’m sharing three of my favorite current self care tips, and the first is about henna hair dye. You might wonder how this fits into my general organizing theme, but you’ll see the money-saving and time-saving aspects as you read on. My hair is a medium brown color, but the years and two kids have taken their toll, and I’ve had to start thinking about hiding some (premature!) gray hair. I did the salon treatments for a time, but they were pricey, chemical-laden and time-consuming. Also, there was an unfortunate side effect of always ending up with blonder hair. I think the stylists just can’t help themselves. They can’t believe that not everyone wants to go blond. I started looking for a miracle cure for grey hair, and my research led me to henna for hair and Whole Foods (this was before the Amazon buyout). What did I have to lose? Only about 10 bucks, so I gave it a shot. The big reveal? My henna hair dye routine is now my favorite new self-care tip, and even my hair stylist approves!

  2. If you are thinking henna hair treatment = red hair, you are mistaken. I am able to get a nice, rich medium brown for my hair with or without a reddish tint. But you can go red if you choose. How to Use Henna For Hair I got my first batch of henna hair dye at Whole Foods, but have since bought the very same items at Amazon. This post includes affiliate links for everything I bought that you might want to try. I’ve tired two henna powders: Rainbow Henna, light Brown shade and and Surya Brasil Henna, Golden Brown shade. More on how they compare later. I thought I was getting a cream in the Surya Brasil product, but I ended up with the powder instead. Maybe I’ll try the cream product next time. Be aware of what you order. Update: I have since tried the Surya Brasil Henna Cream, and found it a LOT easier to apply. But I kind of like the control I have mixing it myself as described in this article. For now I’ll stick with the powder henna. \ The first application was a little intimidating, just because it was new, not because there is anything particularly tricky about it. So if you are interested in trying henna hair treatment, dive right in. Rainbow Henna gave specific instructions on how to prepare the henna powder to address gray hair, and I followed the instructions closely with good results. It says that you should get good results if your hair has about 10% grays or less. You don’t need to wait for previous dye processes to grow out. My lengths were lighter than my roots when I started, but right away I got a nice overall color, with no unintentional ombre pattern. How to Prepare Henna Hair Treatment Read through your henna powder instructions a couple of times before trying it. They might have specific instructions for your hair type. For the brand that came in the plastic jar, Rainbow Henna, I used about 1/3 of the henna powder per application. I wasn’t super specific about the amounts of anything. It’s a lot more forgiving than commercial hair dye. First, I brewed a cup of strong, black tea. This is a great time to use up that awful black tea that comes with Chinese takeout. Brew it as you normally would, and let cool just a bit. Mix about a cup of strong black tea with the henna powder.

  3. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I found this to be really important. Without the oil, it can be really hard to work the henna hair treatment into your hair. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. This is supposed to help the henna hair dye affect the gray hair more accurately. Mix all of this together in a plastic bowl. It should be the consistency of thick creamy yogurt. I suppose the amount you need will depend on whether you have short or long hair. My hair is longer than shoulder length, and this amount worked just fine for me. I tried a couple of different utensils, and found that a rice paddle was the best applicator. How to Apply Henna Hair Treatment Gather the rest of your supplies together. I recommend an old towel or two, rubber gloves and a heated gel cap. This is a misnomer since it isn’t electrified. You put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes to warm up the gel before you use it.

  4. By the time you start applying it, the mixture will be warm, but not hot, and definitely not cool. Through several applications, I discovered that I needed to carefully apply it to my front hairline at the start of application. This, after all, is where I see my grays, and I wanted to be sure that I covered them, and they had enough time to take the color. You pretty much can’t avoid getting a little of the mix on your skin. The Rainbow Henna powder didn’t affect my skin color at all, but the other one definitely did. Just make sure that you wipe off any excess henna hair treatment from your skin before the plastic bag step, and you shouldn’t have any stains. Once you cover the hairline, flip your head upside down over the bathtub and start applying the henna hair treatment to the rest of your hair. It’s messy, but brief. DO work in sections. DO apply globs at a time. DO massage the mixture into your hair roots.

  5. DO NOT try to comb the henna hair treatment through your hair, or you WILL damage your hair. There is no chemical smell, but it does smell like tea, and I smelled that for a couple of days, but it’s not unpleasant. Once you have evenly applied the henna for hair from roots to hair ends, pile your hair all on top of your head, if it’s long like mine. Cover your hair with a plastic bag. Where you are going to get the right plastic bag? Just use a regular old Target shopping bag.

  6. I clip it closed with a bobby pin or binder clip, and it works just fine. You can also use a bag from the produce aisle (see below). The point is, you don’t need more plastic in your life.

  7. The one thing that you might decide you need is a warming cap. I didn’t have this the first time I used henna for my hair, but quick decided that it was a wise $15 investment, based on all the money I was saving with the rest of the treatment. You can also just wrap your head with a towel to keep the heat in, but you want to keep your henna hair treatment warm for about an hour, or however long you leave yours on.

  8. With my warming cap on, I can go work in my home office for the next hour and be completely productive. I don’t peek at the color or anything scientific like that. I just let the henna hair treatment work. Check your instruction sheet for recommended times for your hair type and color. I left mine on for a solid hour, then removed the cap and plastic and rinsed. Henna hair dye might look like a mess in your tub for a minute, but it will rinse right off your bathroom surfaces, unlike chemical hair dyes. Thehennaguys

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