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The Best Way To Sell Products And Services Online - Jeremy McGilvrey

By this time you may have seen a lot of marketers sharing theories and ways to do things, especially in the online world. However, it is always best to do your due diligence and truly only listen to those who u201clive what they preachu201d and their results come from tested and proven methods.

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The Best Way To Sell Products And Services Online - Jeremy McGilvrey

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  1. The Best Way To Sell Products And Services Online – Jeremy McGilvrey By this time you may have seen a lot of marketers sharing theories and ways to do things, especially in the online world. However, it is always best to do your due diligence and truly only listen to those who “live what they preach” and their results come from tested and proven methods. In this blog, or I can say “semi-vlog,” I will share the best way to sell products and services online, regardless of what industry you are in. Sure, you may need to do a few tweaks to adapt the methods and the strategies for your particular niche, but these are solid, proven and results-driven. Let’s dive in… Webinars: the good, the bad and the ugly Watch this video completely to learn why webinars can bring tremendous profit to your business, and also be a way to screw things up and why a lot of people do them wrong… The big picture… The webinar path starts with a landing page, where your visitor first comes to. It can also be referred to as the optin page. Here are the crucial components of a highly- converting optin page First, no matter what, your landing page MUST, MUST, MUST be mobile optimized. Over 80% of people that are online, are coming to your page via their smartphone. This can happen if they are clicking from any social medial platform or checking their email. Next, your lading page should always contain these 3 crucial components: 1. Headline •The headline must have the word “FREE” in it

  2. •The button should be right where the thumb touches the screen as the visitor scrolls your page on their phone •Clear call to action. Add an arrow to the button, tell them to “Click HERE” 2. Results •Get someone credible to endorse your product – if you are able to •Customer’s photo and testimonial, showcasing the results they have gotten (the benefit of the benefit) – very powerful 3. What they are going to learn •Put these in bullet point format and keep them curiosity-driven •At the bottom, add another button with a call to action and a “P.S.” for those who love to scroll to the bottom Next page will have a “thank you for registering” video, letting them know what they should do next. Followed by engaging text, with hyperlinks to pre-webinar. Make sure to emphasize that you do not do any replays. From this point on is where you start “winning” your subscriber… The fortune is in the follow up As they wait for your webinar, email follow up is the KEY to building rapport with your subscriber. In the email, send them to a page where you are teaching them bits of value, or “appetizers,” so they can implement immediately and achieve results. This page will also have testimonials from people who have already received results from the bits of value, before they even attended your webinar. This part is crucial to not only building rapport, but giving the potential prospect the satisfying feeling that your content and strategies work, before they even get the “full meal.” The Pre-frame changes everything! Setting up pre-webinar trainings/bonuses, will make your prospect feel like they already know you when they attend your webinar, greatly increasing the chance that they will invest in your product.

  3. The process – behind the scenes strategizing In part two of this video series, you get to join my thinking process, where I fully lay out the strategy for a webinar… As I lay out the whole strategy, here is a brief start-to-finish rundown: •Ads– most ads are ugly. Go to 99designs and get great ad designs. •Copy–MUST be good. Start with “ask campaigns” to figure out pain points. Then use those in your copy. Let them write your copy. •Sign up page– get Clickfunnels and build a sign-up page (follow the first video for crucial components). •Thank you page– emphasize no replays. •Pre-webinar bonuses–build a page with “appetizer” trainings so people can take action and get immediate results before they even attend the webinar. •Email follow up– your fortune! •Webinar–do not teach too much, but break beliefs why they “can’t” do something and inspire them to take action. •The stack– irresistible offer / fast action bonus. •Repurpose content–don’t leave money on the table. •Two step order page–customer’s info, including the address. •Thank you page– for accessing the purchase. •Reminder emails– with access link. Make certain that people know they have support and can come forth with questions. Follow up with testimonials to continue strengthening their purchase decision (buyer’s remorse is real). •More training and more follow up– this is where the money comes from. This alone, if you follow down to T, is going to change your business tenfold! You are ONE FUNNEL away For more Digital Marketing Content visit - https://jeremymcgilvreysite.wordpress.com/ Or Main Website – www.JeremyMcGilvrey.com

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