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Same-day teeth vs. traditional implants - Which option is right for you?

Compared to traditional dental implants, same-day dental implants offer you a much faster timeline. Find out here how Same-Day Dental Implants and Traditional Implants and which is the best for you.<br>

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Same-day teeth vs. traditional implants - Which option is right for you?

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  1. Same-Day Teeth vs Traditional Implants – Which Option is Right For You? Deciding to get dental implants can be nerve-racking, whether you’re replacing one or multiple teeth. The good news is that because of technological advances in dentistry, there are more choices when it comes to dental implant surgery. You can now choose between traditional and same-day dental implants. Also known as TEETH-IN-AN-HOUR™, same-day implants involve pre-planning the entire placement and restoration procedure before your appointment to ensure a seamless process that’s significantly shorter than the process involved in conventional dental implants. But is it the best choice for you? Let’s explore the details to help you make the right choice. What are dental implants? Dental implants are small metal posts replacing the roots of missing teeth. They are made of biocompatible material (such as titanium) and designed to fuse with the jawbone to serve as a solid anchor for a permanent tooth replacement. Dental implants require ample healthy jaw bone and overall optimum health. Dentists do not usually recommend waiting long to decide to get them, especially after getting your teeth extracted. Waiting a year or longer without replacement teeth makes the jawbone deteriorate at the site of the missing teeth, compromising your chances of becoming a good candidate for implants. Traditional vs. same-day implants

  2. Traditional implants typically involve several visits to the dentist. The entire treatment can take around five to ten months, and possibly longer if you require bone grafting to restore the lost jawbone tissues. In contrast, same-day implants or Teeth In An Hour provides patients with fully functioning dental implants in an incredibly short amount of time. It allows for less postoperative pain, swelling, and bruising, so you can get back to your daily activities as soon as possible. The dentist plans out every step of the procedure before your appointment. First, the dentist uses your CAT scan to identify optimum implant placement and visualize the upcoming restoration procedure. The dentist transmits this proposed plan to Nobel Biocare Centre, which then sends a surgical template back to the dentist to guide the actual placement. Utilizing this template, the dentist can place the implant using a flapless technique, which reduces post-surgical stress and visible swelling. The dentist will also affix the temporary (and in some cases even permanent) crown to the implant in the same appointment. This makes the procedure incredibly efficient while promoting patient comfort and safety. Same-day dental implants offer amazing benefits. However, they aren't suitable for everyone. The dentist needs to look at your case to determine if you're a good candidate. Are same-day implants right for you? The only way to know if you can have same-day implants is by consulting a dentist that offers this procedure—preferably a specialist in prosthodontic care. You can count on The Smile Doc. Dr. Shaw will work closely with you to identify the best restoration method for your missing teeth. If you’re a good candidate for Teeth In An Hour, he will carefully plan your treatment and customize your new teeth to ensure optimum results.

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