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Alibaba Product Data Scraping

Learn how to scrape Alibaba data including pricing, minimum orders, product ratings, and other details by using a web scraper.

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Alibaba Product Data Scraping

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  1. How Web Scraping Is Used To Extract Alibaba Product Data?

  2. Introduction Alibaba is an excellent place to start when looking for products from other countries. Not only will you be able to find hundreds of thousands of things, but you will also be able to identify vendors with proven track records and ratings. However, sifting through all of the listings to discover the ideal supplier for your company can be time-consuming. And you certainly don't want to make a hasty decision about such an important aspect of your company. A web scraper can help with this.

  3. Web scraping and Alibaba A web scraper can quickly gather all of the data you require from a website and save it to a spreadsheet for later analysis. In this scenario, we'll utilize Web Screen Scraping, a free and sophisticated web scraper, to extract data from Alibaba's "phone case" search result page.

  4. Alibaba Product Data Scraping Now we'll show you how to scrape Alibaba product data into a spreadsheet. The First Steps Make sure to download and open Web Screen Scraping, which is available for free. Select "New Project" and enter the URL you want to scrape. We'll provide the URL for Alibaba's search results page for the phrase "phone case" in this situation.

  5. Extracting Alibaba Search Results data The URL will be shown in Web Screen Scraping once you've submitted it, and you'll be able to choose your first element to extract. 1. Begin by selecting the first product on the page by clicking on its name. It will be highlighted in green, indicating that it has been chosen. 2. The rest of the product names will be highlighted in yellow; pick them all by clicking on the second one on the page. Rename your pick to a product on the left sidebar. 3. Choose the Relative Select command by pressing the PLUS(+) sign next to the product selection. 4. Click on the first product name, then on its price, using the Relative Select command. The selection will be shown by an arrow. 5. Rename your pick to price on the left sidebar.

  6. 6. To extract more product information, such as minimum order quantities, seller age, nationality, seller name, review score, number of reviews, and response rate, repeat steps 3 through 5 to generate new Relative Select commands. 7. We have chosen in this instance to avoid Web Screen Scraping by also retrieving the target URL from the review score and reviews commands. Expanding the selection and eliminating the extraction accomplish this.

  7. Conclusion You will be able to download your scrape as an Excel file after it's finished. Having access to this essential information might mean the difference between getting your firm off to a good start and choosing the incorrect supplier. Looking for Alibaba Product Data scraping requirements, use web scraping services of Web Screen Scraping! Request for a quote!

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