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What is it like to work at a food NGO in India

My mother used to volunteer at a nearby NGO and helped with the distribution of foods and medicines on the weekends in the slum areas. Since then, as a 12-year-old, I made the decision to continue doing my bit to help out society in any way I can.

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What is it like to work at a food NGO in India

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  1. What is itliketo workat a food NGO in India? My motherused tovolunteeratanearbyNGOandhelpedwiththe distributionof foodsandmedicinesontheweekendsin theslum areas.Sincethen,asa 12-year-old, I madethedecision to continue doing my bit tohelp outsocietyinany wayIcan. Asastudentvolunteer,Ihavebeeninvolvedinmanycommunityoutreachprograms andvolunteered atdifferentNGOssincemychildhood.AsIinteractmoreandmore with people fromunderprivilegedcommunities, itmotivatesme furtherand itismy goalto onedaystartanNGOofmyown.However, asIamstillstudying, Ibelieveit isinmybestinterestto volunteeratdifferentNGOs.Throughthis,Ihope tofully understand howtheseorganizationsfunctionand the keypointsoffocusthatmakean NGOsuccessful.Followingthroughwith thisplan, Ihavebeenvolunteeringata top foodNGOinIndiaforthe pastninemonths. The work they do here is amazing, and I genuinely enjoy spending my time as I am gaininghands-onexperienceandlearningsomuch.LikemanyotherfoodNGOsin the country, theyfocuson providingmid-daymealstoyoungchildrenwhoattend government-aidedschoolsinthearea.Allmyteammembersare extremelypassionate aboutthecauseofmaking Indiahunger-free,andweallwork hardtoachievethe tasks assigned to us. Twoweeksago,Ievenwentalongwitha fewvolunteersto the nearbyschoolwhere we distributed themealsandinteractedwiththechildren. They wereso happyto see

  2. us, andIsawtheirfaceslightupaswewereservingthefoodduring lunchtime.Ifelt very gratefulto be partofthisveryimportantcause. Frommyveryfirstday,InoticedtheNGOisveryorganized.All theteamsaregiven clearinstructionsonwhatto do. Thehigh-tech kitchens are sanitized everyfewhours tomaintainhygienestandards.Therearealsochartsdisplayedindicatingtheamount ofprotein,carbohydrates,vitamins,andmineralsthatneed to beincludedin every meal,accordingtogovernmentregulations.Afellowvolunteeralsoshowedme the timetabletheyfollowedforthedifferentmealspreparedeachdayoftheweek,andthe schedulesthatneededtobefollowedfordeliveryofthemealstothespecified schools.Overall,thewholeprocessisrunning withgreatefficiency to providethe best qualitymeals to children.

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