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Choose FUE technique for permanent result of Beard transplant in Punjab

Looking for Beard transplant in Punjab to treat patchy beard to improve beard and moustache growth. Consult the best surgeon for hair transplant in Amritsar. Read moreu2026

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Choose FUE technique for permanent result of Beard transplant in Punjab

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  1. Choose FUE Technique For Permanent Result Of Beard Transplant In Punjab Are you willing to get rid of your patchy beard to enhance your personality? Have you ever tried to get a full beard and realised that you cannot grow as the hair follicles are unable to fill in between the gap and the patches? Are you looking for a treatment for aesthetic restoration? Beard transplant can be performed with the help of Plastic Surgery which is the treatment that helps in functional, structural and aesthetic restoration of all defects and deformities in our body. You can consult an experienced plastic surgeon for a Beard transplant in Punjab. Read this article to gain more information about beard transplant non-invasive surgeries. Beard Transplant is common in males as they experience slow growth or no growth at all in the facial area such as the moustache, beard, cheeks, neck and along the jawline. Some of them may not experience the growth of facial hair due to injury or burns and usually due to surgeries. You can get the beard that you want by following the simple beard transplant procedure. How is the beard transplant procedure carried out? ➢ A Beard transplant is a mainly painless treatment. In this non-invasive surgery, the hair is taken from one part of the body and transplanted to your jawline or wherever you want to grow a beard. ➢ Initially, the follicular unit or small groups of hair follicles are taken and placed in a petri dish to keep the hair follicles alive after removing them from the donor area.

  2. ➢ Hair follicles are taken from the sides and back of the scalp. Sometimes, the hair follicles are taken from the sides, but most of the time, the hair grafts are taken from the back of the scalp. ➢ It has been seen that hair at the back of the scalp is most suitable for a moustache and central and anterior regions of the cheek. ➢ On the other hand, the hair follicles taken from the sides of the scalp are mostly a perfect match for sideburns and the posterior and lateral regions of the cheek. ➢ As soon as transplantation is done, the hairs are permanently intact and grow typically. Also, you can shave these hairs like shaving normal hair. ➢ The beard transplant can be performed for those who have no growth and thin hair growth. What are the steps followed by a beard transplant patient for the successful growth of transplanted hair? Every beard transplant patient experiences a different recovery. But most of the time the patients recover mostly at the same time as compared to other beard transplant patients. Mainly smooth recovery is crucial for a successful beard transplant procedure. Some instructions are suggested for the patient for recovery as follows: ➢ Take off from the work - Beard transplants are minimally non-invasive in the case of the FUE technique. ➢ Reduce Stress Level - You must keep your stress levels low at first a few days after the treatment for faster recovery and healing. ➢ Prepare yourself for recovery - The patient should avoid household chores for better recovery or the patient can hire someone to carry on all the household chores. ➢ Avoid touching - It is very important to note that you should not touch your face in the initial days as instructed by the surgeon. The grafts are very sensitive in the initial days and touching the transplanted area will only introduce the bacteria and create opportunities for the infection to occur. By touching your face, the grafts' growth can fail. ➢ Eat Healthy Foods - You must be very serious regarding your healthy diet. Avoid junk food and fried food to recover faster. Reduce the consumption of high-fat and high-sodium food from your diet. Eat plenty of fruits, and vegetables and add healthy fats to your diet. ➢ Keep yourself hydrated - It is very important to keep yourself hydrated. You must drink more than 8 glasses of water every day. ➢ Quit Smoking - If you are a smoker, then you need to quit smoking for a couple of weeks before and after the procedure for successful transplantation. ➢ Avoid Strenuous Exercises - It is strictly recommended to patients to avoid strenuous exercises as it increases the heart rate and blood pressure which can lead to bleeding and thus result in the failure of graft growth. You can get back to the gym after the restoration by consulting your surgeon from time to time.

  3. ➢ Take medicines as directed - Beard transplant does not involve the use of a large incision and no medication is required as it is a non-invasive surgery. You might face discomfort and minor pain for a few days after the procedure. But ensure that you take medicines as directed by your surgeon. ➢ Dress Comfortably - As the new grafts transplanted into your affected skin are extremely sensitive for a few days after the surgery. So, you must avoid pullover-style t-shirts. You have to dress comfortably to avoid any complications. You can wear a button or zip-up shirt until your incisions heal. ➢ Keep your face dry - You should keep your dry and avoid steam. After 5 days from the procedure, you can wash off your face with soap and water. During the initial days, you should avoid hot tubs and anything else. ➢ Sleep on your back - During the initial time of healing after the procedure you are advised to sleep on your back and keep your head at an elevated position to avoid face swelling. Last but not the least, you can consult any doctor for a Beard Transplant in Punjab. Who is eligible for a beard transplant? Eligible persons for beard transplant are given below: ➢ As you know, facial hair transplant is a procedure that is generally protein for those men who face minimal beard growth or those who suffer the patchy or spotty loss of hair due to major injuries, surgical scars and other major accidents. ➢ For some people, keeping a long beard or thick beard and moustache is a symbol of strength and manhood. ➢ Another reason for minimal beard growth or absence of hair can be heredity. What are the effects after a beard transplant? As described above, the hair follicles for transplantation are taken from the sides of the scalp or back of the scalp. Thus, the donor area and recipient area show some side effects after the beard transplant. The potential side effects are shown below: ➢ Swelling - Due to the use of incisions and other tools while taking hair follicles from the back or sides of the scalp and then transplanting those hair follicles in the affected area. The swelling occurs as the surgeon transplants the grafts deep in the skin. ➢ Redness - After the transplantation, the redness is not at all common. Due to sensitive skin, redness may occur. It might be due to infection. ➢ Tightness - It can be present in both the donor and recipient areas for a few weeks after the transplantation procedure. ➢ Numbness - By numbness, it does not mean that the nerves have been damaged while transplantation. But, often after the surgical procedure, the donor area and recipient area can feel numb.

  4. ➢ Temporary scabs or crustiness - resulting from dead graft tissue. During the transplant process, the surgeon makes small incisions on your scalp for the grafting process. These small incisions result in scabs and take a few days to heal. If you face any of these side effects or any kind of irritation after Beard transplant in Punjab, then you must consult the hair transplant surgeon. Scabs form due to dried-up blood and crusts Conclusion: In the end, we conclude that beard transplant is necessary and very common nowadays among young ones to enhance their look and well-defined personality. A Beard transplant is a minimally invasive surgery that at starting may not show a result But after some time and by following precautions the hair follicles start to grow. If you face any difficulty while finding an experienced beard transplant surgeon. Then you may contact the best surgeon for a Hair Transplant in Amritsar for better hair growth and good results.

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