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The Overlay is placed directly on the sheet and you lie on the Overlay for the best effect. Skin -Wool contact gives the best Pressure Sore Prevention. If you look after it, this sheepskin will last a lifetime.
MERINO WOOL + LEATHER BACKING +GREEN + STAMP BEST: FREE Shipping in Canada & Lower 48 States. Australian Medical Sheepskins are for people who need Pressure Sore Prevention and want improved comfort in a bed or chair. Use 24/7 for maximum effectiveness. READ MORE
GOLD STANDARD" OF MEDICAL SHEEPSKINS These are the " Gold Standard" of Medical Sheepskins because of their WOOL. Specially selected very-fine wool Merino lambskins have a very high wool pile density and optimal fine wool characteristics. READ MORE www.medicalsheepskins.com
STANDARDS AUSTRALIA If buying for someone who is incontinent, we recommend purchasing 2 overlays and our Woolskin Shampoo available here. This allows for one to be washed and dried while the other is being used.** READ MORE www.medicalsheepskins.com
FREE Shipping in Australia If you are in Australia, get FREE shipping from our partner in Australia. If you would like to accept this offer, contact us by clicking: Contact. Complete the form and we will send you an Invoice for Payment and arrange for delivery. This is one of many products offered by Down-Under Wool for the Prevention of Pressure Sores, Bedsores & Decubitus Ulcers. To see other products click: Product List
THANK YOU GET MORE DETAIL.S Sheepskin Shampoo & Conditioner, to add a 1.0L bottle of Woolskin to your purchase. www.medicalsheepskins.com