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Computer Virus (Attack, Spread & Protection)

DDoS i.e. Distributed Denial-of-Services attack is a malicious attack that can have a severe impact on a targeted business or organization. But as there is no solid way to prevent this attack, we need to take precautions to save ourselves from this attack. If we will be more careful while being online, we can surely prevent this attack.

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Computer Virus (Attack, Spread & Protection)

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  1. Computer Virus (Attack, Spread & Protection)

  2. What is Computer Virus (Attack, Spread & Protection) A computer virus has very similar characteristics to that of the flu virus. Both need a host to do their work, both spread from one host to another and both of them have replicating abilities. In one case, humans act as hosts while in the other computer programs and files act as hosts.If we get to its technical definition then it is a malicious program that replicates itself when executed and inserts its own code to change the computer program. These new programs are when executed, do not perform as expected which is said to be affected by computer viruses.

  3. How does a Computer Virus attack? There are many ways by which viruses can spread like when the user opens a corrupted email attachment, runs an executable file, has visited an infected website, views an infected advertisement which is generally called malvertising. Viruses can also spread through the use of infected removable devices like USBs. Once the virus is injected, it can affect other system software of the device, It can do changes with core functions or resources by modifying or disabling them, or can copy, edit, encrypt or delete the data, even damaging the hard disk. However when one computer gets infected by the virus, then it can easily infect other computers on the same network

  4. Sign of Computer Virus? A variety of symptoms can be seen if attacked by a virus. Some are: • Speed of the system: In case your computer gets infected by the virus it will reduce the performance of the computer. So, if you see a sudden change in the processing speed of the computer, it could be an alarming signal. • Frequent pop-up windows: Pop-ups can encourage you to open an unusual site that may not be safe. One can get frequent pop-ups up on the screen which might be virus-affected and can even cause more harm. • Changes to your homepage: You will see sudden changes on your homepage, and it may happen that you will be unable to change it.

  5. Mass emails being sent from your account: You can notice that anonymous emails will be sent from your account without your acknowledgment • Frequent crashes: A virus can cause major damages to your hard disk. It may cause your device to freeze or crash. • Unusual activities happen: Unusual activities like password change can occur which can prevent you from logging.

  6. How to remove a computer virus? Although the process will depend on the Windows version used, some general steps are: • First of all, enter safe mode. • In safe mode, use the disc cleanup tool to delete all the temporary files. • Download on-demand and real-time virus scanners. • Run one followed by another, if non of them detect a virus then you need an expert to remove the virus manually.

  7. Conclusion • A computer virus is a malicious program that replicates itself, enters the system, corrupts the files, and does unexpected harm to the system. They could also lead to cyber threats and can cause great damage to existing files. So to avoid them, a system must have an anti-virus installed, anyone must be very careful while browsing the web, should scan all email attachments before opening them, and scan files before downloading them.

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