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free online auction sites

Charity Auctions Today, where your fundraising efforts for your favorite charity are set up and running in minutes. Have all the time to promote and organize your event while our experts take care of managing the auction u2013 from designing your web page to setup payment gateways.Call now for more details

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free online auction sites

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  1. Inspired to hold your first online auction? Here’s how to get started Unlike their traditional alternative (physical events), online auctions have come a long way. Whether it is raising money by selling off goods or possessions or accepting donations for a charitable cause, online fundraising platforms enable anyone with a mission or a goal to attract buyers and donators around the world. With today’s technology, it has become easier, faster and better for a host or an organizer to put together the different pieces of the puzzle called online auctions, and if you are planning to host one soon, this article will help you understand the basics better for ensuring a successful live event.

  2. Today there are hundreds of free online auction sitesavailable to choose from - but how does one even make the decision to choose amongst them? With too many choices available, making the right one can be a bit daunting. But before you even choose an online auction platform, it’s good to be fully convinced on why hosting an online fundraising event is a good idea: Fewer Hassles: With online-only auctions, there are no hassles of planning a location, setting up a physical presence, making and showing displays or banners, etc. Larger Scale: A physical auction can only reach so many people, typically those present in the nearby areas or vicinity. With online events, one can reach audiences across the globe and find supporters from anywhere without physical limitations.

  3. More flexibility: A lot of free online auction sites offer time-saving features like - multi-currency support, payment collection, auto-reminders and digital attendee management which helps a host to make the most of their event. Whether you are brand new to the e-auction space or a seasoned professional, here are some practical tips to keep in mind: Choose a hosting platform: An online auction or fundraising event is as good as the platform which is used for hosting it. Before you rush into choosing from any free online auction sites, make sure to understand the features offered and the costs involved to host a virtual fundraiser event.

  4. Plan the basics: If you are planning an auction for your non-profit, start by working on key parts of the virtual fundraiser, such as - the timeline for the auction, the auction prizes, the budget for the fundraise event, how many donors or auction attendees you want to invite and so forth. These are key aspects to ensuring the success of your online fundraising event. Promote it well: To attract as many donors, buyers and volunteers for your online auction, you will need to invest in marketing right from day 1. If people don’t know that you are hosting a fundraising event, how will they even find you and support you. Simply put, to get the most out of your online auction, you must promote it across multiple channels or mediums such as - social media, a press release in the local newspaper, email marketing, etc.

  5. Keep communication open: It is important to encourage window shoppers to explore your auction items or goods. To find the highest bidder, you must first attract a lot of interest from potential buyers and donators. This can be achieved by letting everyone know that it is free to browse your auction, and you will be happy to answer questions or assist interested donators online Keep bidders engaged: This is a crucial aspect to making your online auction a success. Bidders need to be kept on their toes, otherwise they might lose interest or underbid their previous quotes. To keep them engaged, plan activities and events on your website or online auction store, this way your fundraising event can build up an audience of excited followers.

  6. Follow-up effectively: Being a host is no easy job, especially when you are the one in charge for doing everything related to an event. Yet, it is critical to follow up with queries from potential bidders and supporters on time and make sure they are well-equipped with all the necessary information required to make an informed donation. Post the event completion, make sure to announce the winners on time and give clear timelines on delivery of the prizes or gifts. Now that you are armed and prepared to set up and host your first online auction, it is time to get into action made. Yes, it can be overwhelming to get everything started from scratch but you should not scare yourself into believing that it is impossible. In fact, thanks to the technology available today, you can easily choose from a range of free online auction sitesand offload some of the crucial yet challenging aspects of hosting an online fundraiser to them.

  7. If you are all set to choose, Charity Auctions Today is one reputed name that you can count on. From setting up your online presence and adding your items to managing attendees’ lists and collecting payments, they offer a plethora of useful features in their all-in-one online auctions and fundraising software. With Charity Auctions Today, setting up and hosting your first virtual auction is simple and hassle-free, and should you ever run into trouble, they offer friendly and free support to take care of all your problems.

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