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writersarehere.com-Learn SEO for Beginners Complete Guidelines Update 2021

There is no stoppage to learn SEO. Given the ever-changing Google algorithm, SEO strategies must always be updated. Otherwise, it is difficult to compete on the search page.<br><br>Of course, you donu2019t want that to happen to your website, do you?<br><br>Well, in this article, we invite you to learn SEO according to the latest Google algorithm. What needs to be learned?<br><br>To make things easier for you, we have divided this article on learning WordPress SEO into nine main sections:<br><br>

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writersarehere.com-Learn SEO for Beginners Complete Guidelines Update 2021

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  1. Learn SEO for Beginners: Complete Guidelines (Update 2021) writersarehere.com/learn-seo-for-beginners There is no stoppage to learn SEO. Given the ever-changing Google algorithm, SEO strategies must always be updated. Otherwise, it is difficult to compete on the search page. Of course, you don’t want that to happen to your website, do you? Well, in this article, we invite you to learn SEO according to the latest Google algorithm. What needs to be learned? To make things easier for you, we have divided this article on learning WordPress SEO into nine main sections: 1. SEO Basic Concepts 2. Website Speed Optimization 3. Website Optimization to be Mobile Friendly 4. Keyword Research 1/7

  2. 5. Creating Content 6. On-Page SEO 7. Technical SEO 8. Off-Page SEO 9. Link Building 10. Factors Affecting Google Ranking We have sorted from the easiest discussion. So, even if you are a beginner, you will be able to understand it well. To learn SEO you need to understand the basic concepts first. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a website optimization step to get a top ranking on Google search pages. Websites that are in the top position will get a large number of quality visitors for free. In fact, the number 1 position in search engines dominates click results 10 times over . However, because Google keeps the exact ranking technique secret, we can take a peek at some of the main indicators of SEO. First , Google likes fast websites. Second , Google likes useful and relevant articles. And many more. Read Basic Concepts and Key SEO Indicators Website Speed Optimization Before getting into various other optimizations, in general, learning SEO should start from website optimization to make it faster. Because, speed is one of Google’s ranking factors. Don’t use assumptions . Check using various tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix . After getting the results, do the optimization as recommended. If the problem is on the server, make sure the quality of the hosting and the location of the server is optimal. If there is a configuration error or annoying script, fix it immediately. Don’t forget, always enable compression techniques such as Gzip or Brotli . Ensuring that your website is well-optimized is a prerequisite for getting optimal results Read 25+ Tips to Make WordPress Super Fast Website Optimization to be Mobile-Friendly Smartphone users are increasing and internet access is mostly done from mobile devices. Not making your website mobile friendly is a mistake . Speed up a WordPress site is a rather difficult and non-trivial task, for example, if you need good results for PageSpeed Insights. 2/7

  3. A bunch of small things that we will consider in the process. So, it’s time to get down to business. In this article, we will take a look at acceleration for PC, as well as optimizing WordPress for the mobile version of the site. By the way, I recommend not to concentrate only on PageSpeed Insights, it is better to measure using GTmetrix or Pingdom Tools. Moreover, mobile-friendly websites are prioritized by Google to appear in the top rankings of search results. How to do this, you can install a responsive website theme. Not only that, don’t forget to use easy-to-read fonts and provide sufficient whitespace. To be more optimal, use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) . And, some other tips. Read How to Make a Mobile Friendly Website Keyword research Keyword research is no less important when learning SEO. Creating content without keyword research is a mistake. Because, keyword research helps you understand what internet users need today. Some things to consider when doing keyword research are: Search Volume which shows the number of keywords typed in Google when doing a search. Keyword Difficulty to understand the difficulty level of a keyword is on the first page of search engines. In addition, there is Keyword Suggestion which is useful for knowing which keywords have a purpose ( intent).) the same one. Search results are also important to analyze how competitors can rank at the top. By doing keyword research, you will know what is best for your website content Collecting data is time-consuming, but keyword analysis provides valuable insight you need to: Improvements to the promotion strategy PR campaigns Ideas for content – videos, texts, posts, etc. Audience studies Paid advertising Search campaigns in the local market Competition analysis Identifying irrelevant keywords and phrases Collective brainstorming sessions Keyword Analysis Tools 3/7

  4. There are many free tools today to help you gather important information. In this article, I’ll break down 12 easy-to-use free services that marketers and business people use to improve their marketing strategies: Google Trends QuestionDB AnswerThePublic Keyword Tool Dominator Google’s “People Also Ask” Also Asked Soovle YouTube Autocomplete Side-by-Side SEO Comparison Tool Amazon Autocomplete Google Ads Semrush Free Option Creating Content Creating content is an important part in learning SEO after keyword research is done. To be able to produce quality content, there are several conditions that must be met: First , make sure your content is relevant to the needs of readers. Otherwise, your blog/website may not be visited. Second , create content that is unique and has a good search volume. Third , provide correct/valid information from reliable sources. There are many other tips that you can use to make your website articles stand out from the rest. Read How to Write SEO-Friendly Articles On Page SEO On-Page SEO is a set of techniques and practices aimed at optimizing the internal content of web pages for better search engine rankings. The ultimate goal of internal optimization is to drive more traffic to your site. More deeply when learning SEO, you must understand On Page SEO. This is an optimization effort that emphasizes improving the internal factors of a website. Some of these optimization steps are the use of proper permalinks because this is what defines the content of your content. Another tip is to write meta titles and meta descriptions that are relevant to the content but not truncated in search results. Regarding content, On Page SEO also makes efforts to arrange headings and subheadings correctly and place keywords correctly. 4/7

  5. Other On Page SEO optimization efforts are still quite a lot. So, make sure you understand it and use it in your website. On-Page SEO isn’t just about placing your main keywords in your meta tags. Internal web page optimization is all about creating the perfect page for both the user and the search engine Read 15 Steps of On Page SEO Optimization Off Page SEO In contrast to On Page SEO, Off Page SEO optimization steps emphasize efforts outside the website itself. Off-Page SEO is a set of off-site measures to improve your search engine rankings. These include link building (getting backlinks from other sites), crowd marketing, content marketing, working with bloggers, etc. In simple terms, Off-Page SEO helps search engines understand what others think of your site or product. When learning SEO to do Off Page optimization, here are the things you need to pay attention to: First, get a Brand Mention . This is an effective way to get quality traffic. Google also considers websites that get mentions in the media to get top rankings. Then, create a Google My Business profile that will make it easier for consumers to find information about your business description, address, hours of operation, photos of your business. Some other Off Page optimization efforts such as reviews and social media sharing you also need to do properly. Read How to Optimize Off Page SEO Link Building Being part of Off Page SEO, you should not forget Link Building when learning SEO. Link building is an effort to get links from other websites that point to your website. Getting backlinks is one of the most common and effective off-page optimization methods. Search engines use backlinks as a signal of content quality and site authority, which is why sites with a lot of quality backlinks rank higher in the SERPs. Some of the efforts you can do when doing link building are: Trying to get lots of Referring Links to show your website as a credible source of information. In addition to the number, make sure the links you get have relevance to the topic. 5/7

  6. Those two things are not enough, you also need to build Domain Authority , pay attention to the type of link whether DoFollow or NoFollow , and much more. Read How to Get Quality Backlinks Local SEO There is one more discussion when learning SEO. Especially, if the local market is the target of your business, namely Local SEO. Local SEO refers to optimizing a website to attract potential customers from nearby areas. You can start local promotion by adding a site to a Yandex and Google map. Local SEO is an effort to always bring up your website in the top rankings on local search engine searches. This step is important considering that 46% of searches are done locally and 29% of them end in a purchase. Actually, local SEO techniques use almost all of the general SEO techniques above. The difference is, focus on the local market. So you’ll keep building Google My Business, doing keyword research, and more. Fill out your profiles in as much detail as possible – add a work schedule, contact details, photos, services, prices, a link to the site, and also ask customers to leave feedback about you. With the right approach, Google Map will provide you with a steady stream of customers, and all this is free. Read the Complete Local SEO Guide Google Ranking Factors There are more than 200 factors that Google uses to determine a website’s ranking in search results. So, do not be surprised if the competition on the first page of Google is very tight. Google deliberately has hundreds of rating factors to be fair and prevent manipulation. But fortunately, you don’t have to meet hundreds of Google Ranking factors to get first rank in search results. You just need to focus on a few key factors. What are they? Read What Factors Affect Google Ranking? > Conclusion How? Learning SEO is easy, right? While there’s a lot to understand, with the right steps you’ll get the hang of it quickly. Of course it must be supported by a lot of practice and record the findings on your website. Again, the most important thing about learning SEO is never to stop. 6/7

  7. SEO is an optimization effort that must be done continuously to get the best results. And, we believe, you can do it. Well, what are you waiting for? Use the knowledge you already have to make your website rank one. Good luck! 7/7

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