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origin of valentines day

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origin of valentines day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Origin of Valentine’s Day February 14, 2023

  2. Agenda 01 02 03 Vocabulary Before you read Reading 04 05 Checking understanding Discussion

  3. Warm up Do you like Valentine’s day? Why or why not?

  4. 01 Vocabulary Match the vocabulary

  5. You’re going to read a text about the origins of Valentine’s Day. Put true (T) or false (F) next to each of the statements below. Then read the text to confirm or correct your answers.

  6. Checking understanding Why did the emperor decide to ban marriage for young soldiers? 2. What were the reasons for the sacrifice of certain animals during Lupercalia? 3. Why did Valentine’s Day become associated with love? 4. What is unusual about Valentine’s in Korea?

  7. Choose the correct verbs from the text to complete the sentences.

  8. Why do you think that love is often associated with the heart, as opposed to other organs in the body?How do people often celebrate Valentine’s Day?

  9. Write about a person that you love. What makes this person special? • We often say that we “love” something. For example, “I love chocolate.” What is the difference between loving a person and loving a thing or activity? • Do you think that animals feel love? Do you think a dog can feel love? A cat? What about a cow, a snake, or a slug? What makes you think so? • Make a list of ways you could show your parents that you love them. • Why do you think that love is often associated with the heart, as opposed to other organs in the body? • Write about a time when you felt loved. • Write a paragraph to convince people that a stapler is the most romantic Valentine’s gift you could ever give to someone. • Pretend you have been put in charge of your class’s Valentine’s Day party. What would you plan to do? What would you plan to eat? • What does it mean to “have a heart of gold?” Do think that you have a heart of gold? Why or why not?

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