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Go With Ease Through That Time Of The Month With Our Delicious Gummies

Power Gummies, PMS gummies was built with the thought that the pain whose source is still unknown should be treated with utmost care and cuteness and hence, we came up with gummies for PMS.<br><br>PMS relief gummies are here to make every woman experience pain-free periods. The delicious strawberry flavor and the legacy of traditional ingredients used make it a perfect match to deal with all the unsaid traumas of PMS and periods.<br>

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Go With Ease Through That Time Of The Month With Our Delicious Gummies

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  1. GO WITH EASE THROUGH THAT TIME OF THE MONTH WITH OUR DELICIOUS GUMMIES PMS can be clinically recognized as a chronic disorder that disrupts work productivity, personal relationships, and social activities. It is a common health problem in women of reproductive age. PMS refers to the changes in a female’s mood along with certain physical symptoms including irritability, emotional lability, anxiety, and depression. While the somatic symptoms are weight gain, headache, fainting, and paresthesia. They appear about 1 week before the onset of menses and disappear soon after the menses. According to World Health Organization, sadness, loss of confidence, low self-esteem, and less energy are more common among females. In India, about one-fourth (27.7%) of the female population falls in the transition phase of life i.e., 15-29 years age group where they go through physical, mental, emotional, and social development. However, there’s no solid proof about why PMS happens, yet PMS is associated with menstrual cramps, positive family history, symptom onset since menarche, and relatively higher BMI. Power Gummies, PMS gummies was built with the thought that the pain whose source is still unknown should be treated with utmost care and cuteness and hence, we came up with gummies for PMS. PMS relief gummies are here to make every woman experience pain-free periods. The delicious strawberry flavor and the legacy of traditional ingredients used make it a perfect match to deal with all the unsaid traumas of PMS and periods. According to a survey in Gujarat, 91.4% of students had, at least, one premenstrual symptom in at least more than or equal to half of the menstrual cycles during the last 12 months duration. The most reported symptom was fatigue, lack of interest in work and anger/irritability. Power Gummies “That Time Of The Month” PMS gummies help you fight all the PMS related symptoms with just 2 gummies a day. Our vision was to make gummies for period cramps and to support the good health of menstruating women. The rundown of the ingredients involves 100% vegan ingredients that have been used for years to treat menstrual cramps. Our gummies for period cramps are clinically tested and scientifically backed making them suitable for all menstruating women. Ingredients: VITAMIN C

  2. When life gives you lemons, use them for flow. Vitamin C help creates an easy path for the uterus facilitating a smooth flow and helps you have a happy & light period. The contractions in the muscles happen with ease and give you relief from menstrual cramps. Might help with irregular periods too. VITAMIN B6 A boon in the true sense! If the beauty inside you switch to the beast mode without any warning. PMS bring mood swings and that bring lots of melodrama. Vitamin B6 is your buddy to let you go pink in good mood. Also, deal with cravings! MAGNESIUM SULPHATE Stop spending teary nights. If PMS for you is anxiety and depression, let magnesium clear all the tension. It is effective in dealing with insomnia, stress and breast tenderness too! PASSION FLOWER EXTRACT While you are PMSing, this one will protect the men of your house. Passionflower extract relieves anxiety and calms you down so you get to sleep like a baby and the men can finally relax! CITRUS BIOFLAVONOIDS These are found in citrus fruits and are effective in easing blood flow. When you will have a smooth flow without blood clots, you’ll be able to become the star of every party without worrying about bloodstains. Wear all your sassy clothes even during your periods carefree. MILK THISTLE EXTRACT No, it’s not milk! Milk thistle comes from the plant, Silybum marianum and treats hormonal acne with ease. So, now you don’t have to worry about pimples coming with your periods. Let your skin glow! CHASTE BERRY EXTRACT Take this one as the best of all. Chaste berry has been a “women’s herb” for a long to treat PMS symptoms. Hormonal acne or mood swings, this gem can deal with anything. Seriously, ANYTHING! With the ingredients matching the safety and quality standards, our gummies for period cramps are formulated to take the period blues away and make you go pink with happiness. Gummies for PMS aren’t just cute little gummies but a blessing in disguise for every woman who usually skips her fun during that time of the month to deal with menstrual cramps. So, if you too have been saying no to impromptu meetings, fun trips and adventures that were on your bucket list for a long. It’s time to go live that dream, girl. Don’t let the cramps make you weak.

  3. Just chew 2 gummies and make the flow smooth for you! The goodness and deliciousness of strawberry are instilled in these gummies making it a resort for all your sugar craving during periods. You won’t be able to resist it. Our gummies are not like other contemporary gummies but are proved to show results if taken by a healthy person. In case of medical conditions like pregnancy, diabetes, lactating mother, thyroid, etc. we insist you consult a doctor before starting the usage. Power Gummies, PMS relief gummies are to be consumed 3 days before your menstrual cycle, 4 days during and 3 days after your cycle ends to kick out the PMS pain. One may continue to consume the gummies for 2-3 days more as needed. Also, these are PMS gummies and not pills to be afraid of. We at Power Gummies believe in creating innovative methods to deal with health problems in an easy, simple and tasty way with our chewable gummies. The Gummies for PMS fall in the same category whilst dealing with all the mood swings, food cravings, menstrual cramps, fatigue, etc. with just 2 gummies a day. So, you just have a happy period without the hot bottles, painkillers, and other essentials you had earlier. Substitute them all with Power Gummies, PMS relief gummies and swing with happiness.

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