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Ascariasis - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Ascariasis is a worm infection that can be serious and cause serious symptoms. Learn more about the causes of ascariasis, the symptoms of ascariasis, and how to treat ascariasis with the right antibiotics.

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Ascariasis - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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  1. Ascariasis - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment - Specialty Care Clinics

  2. What is Ascariasis? An ascariasis is a form of roundworm infection. These worms are parasites that use your body as the host to mature from larvae or eggs to adult worms. Adult worms, which reproduce, could be more than a foot (30 centimeters) long. One of the most common worm infections in people worldwide, ascariasis is unusual in the United States. The majority of infected people have mild cases with no symptoms. But heavy infestation could lead to severe symptoms and complications. Ascariasis happens most often in children in tropical and subtropical regions of the world — particularly in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene.

  3. Symptoms of Ascariasis Most people infected with ascariasis do not have signs or symptoms. Moderate to heavy infestations cause a variety of signs or symptoms, depending on which part of your body is affected. In the lungs After you swallow the tiny (microscopic) ascariasis eggs, they hatch into the small intestine and the larvae migrate through the bloodstream or lymphatic system into the lungs. At this stage, you might experience signs and symptoms similar to asthma or pneumonia, including: Persistent cough Shortness of breath Wheezing After spending ten to fourteen days in the lungs, the larvae travel to the throat, where you cough them up and then swallow them.

  4. Causes of Ascariasis Ascariasis does not spread directly from one person to another. Instead, a person needs to come into contact with soil mixed with human or pig feces that contain ascariasis eggs or infected water. In some developing countries, human feces are used for fertilizer, or poor sanitary facilities enable human waste to mix with soil in yards, ditches, and fields. People could also get it from eating uncooked pig or chicken liver that is infected. Life cycle of a worm Ingestion - The tiny (microscopic) ascariasis eggs cannot become infective without coming into contact with soil. People could accidentally ingest (swallow) contaminated soil through hand-to-mouth contact or by eating uncooked fruits or vegetables that have been grown in contaminated soil. Migration - Larvae hatch from the eggs in your small intestine and then go through the intestinal wall to travel to the heart and lungs through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. After maturing for about 10 to 14 days in your lungs, the larvae break into your airway and travel up the throat, where they are coughed up and swallowed. Get More Details Information Click Here

  5. Contact Us Website:https://specialtycareclinics.com/ Contact No. + 469-545-9983 Email: hugosutton020@gmail.com

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