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Social Anxiety Disorder - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Knowing the symptoms of social anxiety disorder and how to treat them is key to overcoming this condition. Read on to find out more about the Causes and Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder, and find out how you can get help.

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Social Anxiety Disorder - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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  1. Social Anxiety Disorder - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Specialty Care Clinics

  2. Social Anxiety Disorder Social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fear of getting involved in social situations. People with this disorder have trouble talking to people, meeting new people, and attending social gatherings. They fear being judged or scrutinized by others. The exact cause of the social phobia is unknown. However, current research supports the idea that it is caused by a combination of environmental factors and genetics. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been shown to work best for treating social anxiety disorder. Physical abnormalities such as a serotonin imbalance may contribute to this condition. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that helps regulate mood. An overactive amygdala (a structure in the brain that controls fear response and feelings or thoughts of anxiety) may also cause these disorders.

  3. Causes of Social Anxiety Disorder People with social anxiety disorder are fearful of or anxious about certain social situations due to a fear of negative judgment, embarrassment, or rejection. Some people experience anxiety in most social situations. For others, anxiety is connected to specific social situations, such as speaking to strangers, mingling at parties, or performing in front of an audience. Common social anxiety triggers include:    Meeting new people    Making small talk    Public speaking    Performing on stage    Being the center of attention    Being watched while doing something    Being teased or criticized    Talking with “important” people or authority figures

  4. Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder The symptoms tend to occur in certain social situations and may include:    Physical symptoms - such as blushing, sweating, trembling, nausea, and increased heart rate, and the mind “going blank”    feelings of panic or panic attacks    fear of experiencing anxiety or of seeming anxious in front of others    intense fear of judgment from others    feelings of fear or dread in situations with other people, especially strangers    feeling very self-conscious, embarrassed, or awkward in front of others Get More Details Information Click Here

  5. Contact Us Website:https://specialtycareclinics.com/ Contact No. + 469-545-9983 Email: hugosutton020@gmail.com

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