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Bathroom remodeling project

Remodeling a bathroom can be an overwhelming challenge if you donu2019t know how to get started. For some, a remodel is fairly simple and requires very little work. You can put up a fresh coat of paint, change the faucets, buy some new towels and call it a day. In most cases, though, this isnu2019t much of a remodel. Instead, a complete bathroom overhaul, or better yet, a transformation, is required. If thatu2019s the case for you and your home, then hire a contractor. Here are four changes you can make in your next bathroom remodeling project.

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Bathroom remodeling project

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  1. Email: info@5starsconstructionllc.com Mobile: +1.305.510.0170 / +1.323.239.2923 Website: https://5starsconstructionllc.com Four Changes you Can make with Your Bathroom Remodeling Project Remodeling a bathroom can be an overwhelming challenge if you don’t know how to get started. For some, a remodel is fairly simple and requires very little work. You can put up a fresh coat of paint, change the faucets, buy some new towels and call it a day. In most cases, though, this isn’t much of a remodel. Instead, a complete bathroom overhaul, or better yet, a transformation, is required. If that’s the case for you and your home, then hire a contractor. Here are four changes you can make in your next bathroom remodeling project. 1. New Toilet: The bathroom is focused on a few essential activities. Using the toilet is one of them. If you have an outdated toilet, it might not just be an eyesore, but a waste of money, too. Think about it this way – a toilet with a funky color might not be the focal point you want in your bathroom. It might also be wasting water by flushing gallons and gallons every time you use it. Today’s modern toilets come in many models. Some adjust the usage of water based on the type of waste in the bowl. That is better for the environment and saves you money on the water bill. 2. Totally Tranquil Showers: Back in the day, many houses didn’t even have a shower. The original go-to was a bathtub. If your family was lucky, you had a detachable nozzle that you could use to wash yourself; not every bathtub had that. Then modern showers took over our bathrooms. Small, efficient, and difficult to keep clean, these showers brought some convenience to our lives. As time went on, people began to realize that a nice, big shower could bring the spa experience right into your master suite. Double showers, steam rooms, and more are all options when you go with a contract for your bathroom remodeling project. 3. Fancy Tilework: When you want Remodeling project, you need to think like a designer (or hire one). The colors in your bathroom set an entire mood. Think about how often you use this room. Every morning. Every night. Multiple times a day. Do you really want to sit in a room that has colors that don’t create the tranquil space your heart desires? Of course not! Work with a contactor to make your bathroom dreams come true. 4. Accessories Galore: When you redesign a bathroom, you can let your imagination run wild. Always wanted a bidet? Put that in there! Dreaming of a double sink so to start a Miami-Dade Home 8404 SW 26 STREET, DAVIE, FL, 33324

  2. Email: info@5starsconstructionllc.com Mobile: +1.305.510.0170 / +1.323.239.2923 Website: https://5starsconstructionllc.com you and your partner can get ready in the morning in record time? No problem. If you have the space, the contractor can make it happen. Call the experts at Five Stars Construction LLC. When you want to remodel a bathroom, the first step is to dream big. The second is to call a contractor you can trust (hint: look for one that is insured and bonded like Five Stars Construction LLC). 8404 SW 26 STREET, DAVIE, FL, 33324

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