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New York City Personal Injury Lawyer

Hiring a New York City Personal Injury Lawyer Lipsig, Shapey, Manus & Moverman, P.C. is one of NYCu2019s most successful law firms. Our lawyers routinely handle all types of injury cases. Call us today for a free consultation.<br>Visit-https://lipsig.com/personal-injury/<br>

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New York City Personal Injury Lawyer

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  1. New York City Personal Injury Lawyer Hiring New York City Personal Injury Lawyer Helping Injured Victims Recover Compensation When you are involved in an accident that is brought about by another person’s negligence, you can suffer both acute and long-term injuries. Those injuries might be compensable under injury law. Our injury attorneys at Lipsig, Shapey, Manus & Moverman have been representing innocent victims of accidents and on-the-job injuries for over 80 years. Our strong legal knowledge and skilled representation have led to hundreds of favorable settlements and jury verdicts for our clients. Give us a call today at (917) 336-4256, or ​contact us​ online to find out how we might be able to assist you with your injury matter.

  2. Areas of Representation Our experienced injury lawyers are adept at representing clients in accident cases that arise from the following: ● Car accidents ● Truck accidents ● Workplace accidents (including construction, scaffolding, and ladder accidents) ● Uber and Lyft accidents ● Slip and falls ● Negligent security and premises liability ● Wrongful death If you have suffered injuries and damages in any of these areas, give our experienced lawyers a call today to find out how we might be able to assist. The burden of Proof in Accident Cases In cases that involve negligence, the accident victim must be able to demonstrate that another person acted unreasonably under the circumstances and that this negligence proximately led to the damages and injuries suffered. In the case of motor vehicle accidents, the accident victim may file a claim for no-fault insurance. He or she could also ​bring a claim against the negligent driver in cases that involve permanent injuries. With on-the-job illnesses and injuries, the accident victim may be eligible to recover various forms of compensation, regardless of who caused the accident. To be eligible to make a New York workers’ compensation claim, the accident victim must have suffered an injury while working within the scope of employment – and while working on the job. FAQs about Personal Injury Cases It is important to recognize that every personal injury case follows its own natural progression and involves circumstances that are case-specific. This said, however, there are certain basics that apply universally, and the answers to the following frequently asked questions can help you make better-informed decisions regarding your own claim:

  3. What should I do first? If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, the first order of business is always obtaining the medical attention you need. After you’ve secured medical help, it’s time to consult with an experienced New York City personal injury attorney who will immediately get to work championing your rights in support of a claim resolution that protects your best interests. ● Do I need to provide a recorded statement to the insurance company? If someone else’s negligence leaves you injured in an accident (of any kind), you’re going to be hearing from that person or entity’s insurance company. Further, that insurance company is likely going to request that you provide a statement about the accident (typically a recorded statement). You are not required to provide such a statement, and it’s is the best interest of your case not to do so. ● How will I pay for an attorney? You’ve been injured, and that injury leaves you currently unable to work and is causing you to experience mounting medical expenses. This obviously isn’t a great time to add legal expenses to your budget. Reputable personal injury attorneys, however, work on a contingency basis, which means that their pay is contingent upon you being compensated by the insurance company for your damages. Negligence While personal injury cases come in many forms, some of the most common are traffic accidents, and negligence in these cases tends to run to the following categories: ● Distraction​ – Motorists are responsible for training their full attention on driving safely, and drivers who are distracted by anything other than this important task, put everyone at risk. Smartphones are quickly becoming the most dangerous and most common distraction of all.

  4. Impairment​ – Motorists are well aware that drinking and driving is as dangerous as it is foolish. Nevertheless, many motorists refuse to swear off this terrible practice. ● Exhaustion​ – Exhaustion is another form of dangerous impairment that can precipitate life-threatening accidents. ● Excessive Speed​ – Excessive driving speeds are closely associated with dangerous driving accidents. ● Aggression​ – Aggressive drivers are easily some of the most dangerous drivers out there. Aggression can take many forms, and they’re all dangerous. Further, aggressive drivers tend to engage in multiple forms of aggression all at once, which helps ensure that they’re as dangerous as they can possibly be. Aggressive driving practices include tailgating, zipping in and out of traffic, passing illegally, failing to yield the right of way, attempting to distract and/or offend other motorists, and much more. If a negligent motorist leaves you or someone you love injured in a traffic accident, an experienced New York City personal injury attorney can help. Damages Available The damages available in accident cases depend largely upon the extent of the injuries, the amounts of the medical bills incurred, and the extent of permanence (if any) from which the accident victim is expected to suffer. Compensable damages in a New York City accident case might include damages for medical bills, missed time from work, pain and suffering, lost earning capacity, mental distress, inconvenience, and loss of spousal companionship. Call us for Assistance Today Personal injuries resulting from another’s negligence are fully compensable under the law. The lawyers at Lipsig, Shapey, Manus & Moverman can review your case, determine your eligibility, negotiate the case on your behalf, and litigate your case through the court system, if necessary.

  5. To schedule a free consultation or case evaluation, please call us today at (917) 336-4256, or ​contact us​ online.

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