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Complete your outfits with our favourite neclaces style make every women feel awesome. These style for real women's. Check out now<br>
4CLASSICWAYSTOSTYLENECKLACES INEVERY SEASON DRESS IT UP You need at least one classic delicate necklace as a ‘go-to’ for a first date or important business meeting. The effortless sophistication and grace of a delicate necklace can complete any dressy outfit, whether for a day meeting or a night out on the town. To dress up an ensemble, be sure to pick a necklace that works well with the neckline of your outfit. Complete the look with similarly delicate and refined earrings or bracelets. DRESS IT DOWN Conversely, a delicate necklace can work surprisingly well with a casual or sporty outfit. Because these necklaces are wardrobe staples, they work in almost any situation if you make styling choices that highlight rather than overwhelm them. A fun Sterling Silver Pineapple Necklace, for example, can elevate a simple t-shirt and jeans outfit effortlessly. LAYER YOUR NECKLACES As classic as delicate necklaces may be, these timeless pieces are also trending right now. Take full advantage of this fun jewelry trend by layering your classic delicate necklaces with other pieces. Choose simple chains in the same metal as your necklace for an understated and classic look, or go for a variety of different length pendants for a more eye-catching and fashion-forward presentation. LET IT POP Often, the best way to let a delicate necklace shine is the simplest. For example, the classic shape and elegant, minimalist design of a delicate pendant necklace may be the most striking if left to stand on its own. Don’t try to make your delicate necklace compete with an armful of bangle bracelets, large hoop earrings or bright and bold rings. Instead, embrace the enduring beauty of a delicate necklace and be daring enough to showcase it on its own. LOOKINGFORA DELICATENECKLACETO COMPLETEANOUTFIT? CHECKOUTOUR COLLECTION. SOURCE: https://www.7charmingsisters.com