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Skin Problems in Pregnancy and Tips to Help you Overcome Them

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Skin Problems in Pregnancy and Tips to Help you Overcome Them

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Skin Problems in Pregnancy and Tips to Help you Overcome Them

  2. Index • Skin Problems During Pregnancy—What to Expect? • Skin Breakouts or Pregnancy Acne • Here’s how to keep Pregnancy Acne in Check • Darkening of Skin during Pregnancy (Melasma) • Here’s how to control Pigmentation during Pregnancy • Stretch Marks • Here’s what you must do to Reduce Stretch Marks • Safe Skin Care Routine for Pregnant Women • Check with your doctor before starting on a New Product • Moisturise • Use a Serum with Vitamin C • Hydrate Yourself • Exfoliate • Conclusion Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  3. Introduction You are now a mother-to-be! You got to watch what you feed your body and what you feed your skin. Take care of your skin to look radiant throughout your pregnancy. Skincare is not new to women, and you would already have a range of cosmetics that work for you. But that was before you got pregnant. Skin woes are common during pregnancy. Your beautiful, flawless skin can go dull when you conceive. The rise in hormone levels in your body disturbs the delicate balance of your skin, making it less tolerant to dirt, UV rays, and wind, making it dry and sensitive. It could be frustrating to see that none of your trusted products work for you. Also, you have to use only safe products. The solution is to have a simple and safe skincare routine to tackle the drastic changes in your skin during pregnancy. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  4. 1. Skin Problems During Pregnancy—What to Expect? There are constant hormonal changes throughout a woman’s life, but they are more pronounced during pregnancy. Skin eruptions and dull skin is the consequence. For most women, there is a reversal at the second trimester, and they begin to glow.But that is not always true. The problem could intensify with the sudden flare-up of acne or Melasma (mask-like pigmentation during pregnancy). Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  5. 2. Skin Breakouts or Pregnancy Acne Hormonal changes during pregnancy are the number one culprit of skin breakouts. Almost half the pregnant women suffer from this skin concern, and for some, it is severe. The delicate oil balance of the skin disrupts. The excessive secretion of natural oils causes the eruption of acne. Although anyone can be troubled by it, those with previous acne problems are most likely to have it during pregnancy. Skin breakouts though common during the first trimester— can trouble you also during the second and third trimester. Some who had flawless skin during the first trimester had a bad case of acne in the second and third trimesters. Never look for over-the-counter remedies on your own. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  6. 3. Here’s how to keep Pregnancy Acne in Check Your skin absorbs all that you put on it and can affect both you and your baby adversely. That is why it is a must that you consult your doctor before you start any treatment. Also, women differ from each other. We have different skin types. That is why something that works for one need not work for the other. Scroll down for safety tips to help control and get rid of pregnancy acne. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water. Stop using soap as some of them can be harsh and dry your skin. Use mild cleansers instead. Keep your hands away from your face and never squeeze or pinch acne. Remember picking on acne can scar you for life. Vitamin A is excellent in reducing the sebum or oil in your body. Use natural sources of the vitamin. Consume food rich in Vitamin A; Cheese, milk, curd or yogurt, oily fish, and eggs. Massage your face with coconut oil. It moisturizes and nourishes your face. Keep your hair clean. Avoid processed food. Instead, eat nutritious food like fresh fruit and vegetables. Make sure you cleanse your face of all makeup before you go to bed and sleep well. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  7. 4. Darkening of Skin during Pregnancy (Melasma) Have you seen a mask-like pigmentation in pregnant women? The condition is more prominent in dark-skinned women. The main culprit is Melanin that temporarily increases due to the hormonal changes in the body at conception. It can worsen if you go out in the sun without protection. But it generally disappears at childbirth. It is blotchy skin a shade darker than your own on your face and body; jawline, upper lip, bridge of your nose, and forehead. The parts of your body that are left bare can develop pigmentation. The skin around your nipples and genitals, underarms, and inner thighs may also darken. Melasma is generally harmless. But during pregnancy, it is never good to take chances. Consult your doctor during the regular check-up. And never medicate yourself without the doctor advising you to do so. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  8. 5. Here’s how to control Pigmentation during Pregnancy Although you cannot get rid of the problem completely, here are tips that can stop aggravating it: Block Sunlight Never step out in the sunshine without applying a Sunblock that is of SPF 30 or higher. Although dark skin does not burn, it can pigment. Even if you plan to spend the day staying indoors, it is advisable to put on sunscreen on your face. That is to protect from UV radiation that can harm you when you step out onto your balcony or sit by the window that lets in sunlight. Stay indoors from 10.00 to 4:00 when the sun is brightest. Reserve early mornings or evenings for your walks and other outdoor activities. If you must go out when the sun is hot—cover your head and face with a wide-brimmed hat or scarf. Cover your legs with pants or flowing skirts and arms by wearing clothes with full sleeves. Melasma worsens with waxing. Waxing removes the hair and causes the skin to inflame. The condition worsens when you go out in the sun. Do not use any skincare products other than those recommended for use during pregnancy. Hypoallergenic skincare products are good but can irritate your skin. Stop using any product if your skin tingles, as such a product can make melasma worse. The worst part of skin pigmentation is that it can give you a complex. It can make you feel ugly and depressed, But there is a solution. You can cover it up with concealer. But here again, don’t just buy anything the salesperson gives you. Consult your gynaecologist, who will refer you to a dermatologist. After all, you are pregnant, and cautious you should be! Using bleach is not advisable during pregnancy. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  9. 6. Stretch Marks Stretch marks are common to all pregnant women. The stretching of your skin as your baby grows— causes them. Yes, the skin has elasticity, but the overstretching to accommodate the baby permanently snaps the elastin fibres and collagen in the skin tissue. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  10. 7. Here’s what you must do to Reduce Stretch Marks It may not be possible not to have stretch marks at all. But you can do your best to have less of those. Begin moisturizing the areas prone to stretching, like belly, breast, inner thighs right from the start. The stretch marks will not show much. A lotion prescribed by your dermatologist or cocoa butter should work well to reduce stretch mark formation on your body. The best moisturizers are coconut, rosehip, or argon oil. It works well to moisturize and reduce scarring. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  11. 8. Safe Skin Care Routine for Pregnant Women Most women find pregnancy tiresome and have no time for a daily skincare routine. Skincare is necessary to maintain your skin’s health throughout your life, and more specifically during pregnancy. Organic or natural products work better and are safer. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  12. 9. Check with your doctor before starting on a New Product Your monthly facial may not harm you as long as you don’t bleach your skin. But chemical peel-off is out of the question. It would be better to stop using waxing as a hair removal option and switch to a safer and better option. Botox, lasers, and extensive heat treatments are best to avoid. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  13. 10. Moisturise Don’t just moisturize your face, but moisturize your whole body giving special attention to areas prone to stretch marks. Also, use sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 to protect your skin from the sun. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  14. 11. Use a Serum with Vitamin C The antioxidants in Vitamin C serum are safe to use during pregnancy. But a consultation with a doctor is better before starting it. It repairs and heals skin tissue to give you glowing and healthy skin. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  15. 12. Hydrate Yourself Use fast-absorbing, non-greasy hydration to your skin before moisturizing it. The hydrator helps the skin retain water content to keep it soft and beautiful. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  16. 13. Exfoliate Exfoliate your skin at least once a week to remove dead cells that clog your pores. That will allow the moisturizer to seep deeper into your skin to restore its health. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

  17. Conclusion The changes in your body during pregnancy can overwhelm you. And that can be true each time you are pregnant. The changes need not be constant. With the chances of pigmentation, pimples, and itchy stretch marks high, it can be one annoying period. Maintain your hygiene and follow your doctor’s advice on skincare during pregnancy for a less troublesome gestation period. Source: https://9happymonths.com/skin-problems-in-pregnancy-and-tips-to-help-you-overcome-them/

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