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Ruby is a precious gem that attracts almost all people. In the PPT you will know what Ruby gemstone is and what are the right ways to wear Ruby Gemstone so it can give more benefits.
Ideal Weight For Ruby Gemstone 3.6 Carat 5.2 Carat The weight of a normal Ruby Gemstone should at least be around 3- 6 carats.
Planet Related To Ruby Gemstone Related Ruby Planet Sun Ruby gemstone is associated with the most powerful astrological planet, the Sun
Ruby Gemstone Ring Gold Ring Silver Ring This stone should be either stud in gold or silver ring to attain the powerful benefits of Planet Sun.
Ruby Gemstone Birthstone The Ruby Gemstone is termed being the birthstone of Leo. Moreover, this gemstone also registers as the birthstone of month July.
Best Quality Ruby Gemstone The best rubies are sourced from Burma (Myanmar). Rubies from Burma are considered to be of the highest quality.
Finger To Wear Ruby Gemstone Ring Finger Ruby Gemstone should be worn in the Ring finger of right hand.
Day To Wear Ruby Gemstone According to Vedic Astrology Ruby Gemstone should be worn on Sunday.
Mantra For Ruby Gemstone While wearing Ruby Gemstone recite the mantra, “ Om SuryayeNamah”.
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