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Sometimes when a Wedding event lacks in colors,it reduces celebration to half.If you’ve never considered Wedding Decor as important as other Wedding events, this is the time to add trendy Decor Ideas and appealingWedding Wordings to your Wedding Planning list and making your Wedding an eminent one.
TopWeddingDecorIdeas 2015foraVibrant and Colorful Wedding Sometimeswhen aWedding event lacks in colors,it reducescelebration to half. Ifyou’ve never considered Wedding Decor as important as other Wedding events,this is thetime to add trendyDecor Ideasand appealingWedding Wordingstoyour Wedding Planning listand making yourWedding an eminent one. You can go for various decor tips, for decorating different Wedding accessories. Starting withyourVenue,giveitamodernandromantic lookbyfurnishingwithfreshgreeneryand architectural beauty.GiveyourNuptialauniquelookbyassigningPalmSpringgazetoit too.Fabdecordesignswithdesertvibesaregoingtomakeyourguestsenjoyandrelaxatthe same time.
Corals and Peach tones can be applied to Bridesmaids dresses and Floral decor. Bookmark these Aquaand Gold colors for decorating tables, balloonsand lanterns. Capturethe essence ofWeddingStyle that can be reflected in Wedding flowers decor, bridesmaid bouquets and centerpieces. InmostoftheWeddings,tablesarethemajorattractionfor guestgathering.Therefore,while choosingacolorschemeforyourBigDay,it’sreallyimportantthatyourpartytablescapture the whole look of the day. Let’s have a look at some more ideas of decorating your Wedding: 1)Centerpieces: Give a snowy look to the table by adding some decorative snowflakes , flowers and candles. Tree branches, covered with white spray paint gives an ideal look. HammeredCoppermugscanbeused,thatgivesalookoffancyweddingfavor. Theyserve as a beautiful addition to the décor. Later on these mugs can be given to the guests as Wedding Favor too.
2)Cake:Adeliciousdessertwhenfedby couples,addsfuntotheparty.Fixatopperonthe cakethatexpressesyourWeddingthemeandstyle.Applycomboofdifferentcolorsandbe creativewhiledesigningyourcake.Addflowersorfruit thatcorrespondswiththeseasonor cake color.
3)Stationery Suite : Invitations can be printed according to Wedding Theme. Send RSVPCardsalong with the Invites to your guest so that they may reply on time regarding their presence or absence during the celebration. Set Balloon Invitations for your Big Day where eventdetailsarerevealedwhenyoublowuptheballoon.YoucanalsogoforHandkerchief Map Invitation that feature directionof your Wedding.
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4)Balloons:HavingballoonsatWeddingsisalongtimetrend.Circularballoonswithtassels lookfantastic.Balloonarches attract attentionandprovideagreatphotoopportunity.They make the event more enjoyable and memorable.
5)Florals: You can have blush flowers, floral arch and chandeliers for decoration. Other flowers likeCoolWeatherflowers,realflowers,PrettyPeonies,BlushingBlooms canbeused according tothe season.Ifyour venue has a pool, floating decor would addmore glory to it.
6)Lanterns: Hanging lanterns from the trees gives a nice touch to the decor. They are versatileandprovidearichlooktodecor.Itwillcreatearomanticandelegantambienceat your Event. So, what do you think about implementing theseWedding DecorationIdeas ? Letus know about your views in the comments below: Happy Wedding Decor Planning!