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Fundamental JavaScript [UTC, March 2014]

A bit of an introduction to JavaScript for University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s Web 2 students.

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Fundamental JavaScript [UTC, March 2014]

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  1. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Aaron Gustafson @AaronGustafson slideshare.net/AaronGustafson

  2. Variables (i.e. buckets)

  3. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Variables var my_var; var another_var, yet_another_var;

  4. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Variables var MYVAR, myvar, myVar, MyVar, MyVaR;

  5. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Variables: Scope function myFunc() { var my_var = false; } my_var; // undefined

  6. Data Types (i.e. stuf that goes in buckets)

  7. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Strings var single_quoted = 'my text', double_quoted = "more text"; var no_escape_necessary = 'some "text"', escaped = 'some \'text\''; var numeric_string = '06517';

  8. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Numbers var positive = 34, negative = -1, decimal = 3.14;

  9. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Booleans var yes = true, no = false, also_yes = 1, // truthy also_no = 0; // falsey

  10. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Arrays var my_cats = []; my_cats[0] = 'Sabine'; my_cats[1] = 'Dakota'; my_cats; // ['Sabine','Dakota']

  11. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Arrays var sabine = [ 'Sabine', // 0 = name 'cat', // 1 = type 'female', // 2 = gender 17, // 3 = age true // 4 = spayed/neutered ]; sabine[2]; // 'female'

  12. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Arrays var sabine = ['Sabine', 'cat', 'female', 14, true], dakota = ['Dakota', 'cat', 'male', 13, true]; pets = [ sabine, dakota ]; pets[1][0]; // 'Dakota'

  13. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Hashes var sabine = []; sabine['name'] = 'Sabine'; sabine['type'] = 'cat'; sabine['gender'] = 'female'; sabine['age'] = 14; sabine['fixed'] = true; sabine; // [] sabine['name']; // 'Sabine' sabine.name; // 'Sabine'

  14. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Objects var sabine = {}; sabine.name = 'Sabine'; sabine.type = 'cat'; sabine.gender = 'female'; sabine.age = 14; sabine.fixed = true; sabine; // Object sabine['name']; // 'Sabine' sabine.name; // 'Sabine'

  15. Operators (i.e. telling JS what to do)

  16. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Operators: Arithmetic var one = 2 - 1, two = 1 + 1, three = 9 / 3, four = 2 * 2, five = three + two;

  17. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Operators: Concatenation 'This is a ' + 'string'; // 'This is a string'

  18. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Operators: Shorthand var my_var = 1; my_var += 2; // 3 my_var -= 2; // 1 my_var *= 2; // 2 my_var /= 2; // 1 my_var++; // 2 (after eval.) my_var--; // 1 (after eval.) ++my_var; // 2 (before eval.) --my_var; // 1 (before eval.)

  19. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Operators: Comparison var my_var = 1; my_var > 2; // false my_var < 2; // true my_var == 2; // false my_var >= 2; // false my_var <= 2; // true my_var != 2; // true my_var === 2; // false my_var !== 2; // true

  20. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Operators: Identity function isTrue( value ) { return value === true; } isTrue( true ); // true isTrue( false ); // false isTrue( 1 ); // false isTrue( 0 ); // false

  21. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Operators: Logical if ( ! my_var ) { // my_var is false, null or undefined (not) } if ( my_var > 2 && my_var < 10 ) { // my_var is between 2 and 10 (exclusive) } if ( my_var > 2 || my_var < 2 ) { // my_var is greater or less than 2 // (i.e. my_var != 2) }

  22. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Operators: Logical if ( ! ( my_var < 2 ) ) { // my_var is not less than 2 // (or my_var >= 2) } if ( ( my_var > 2 && my_var < 10 ) || my_var == 15 ) { // my_var is between 2 and 10 (exclusive) // or my_var is 15 }

  23. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Dynamic typing var my_var = false; // boolean my_var = 14; // number my_var = "test"; // string my_var = []; // array my_var = {}; // object my_var = function(){}; // function

  24. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Data type: Dynamic typing 'This is a ' + 'string'; // 'This is a string' 10 + '20'; // '1020'

  25. Control Structures (i.e. conducting the symphony)

  26. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Conditional Action if ( condition ) { statement ; }

  27. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Semicolons: Use them first statement second statement

  28. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Semicolons: Use them first statement second statement compression first statement second statement

  29. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Semicolons: Use them first statement; second statement; compression first statement; second statement;

  30. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Conditional Action if ( 1 > 2 ) { console.log( 'something is terribly wrong' ); }

  31. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Conditional Action if ( 1 > 2 ) { console.log( 'something is terribly wrong' ); } else { console.log( 'everything is okay' ); }

  32. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Conditional Action console.log( 1 > 2 ? 'something is terribly wrong' : 'everything is okay' );

  33. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Conditional Action if ( height > 6 ) { console.log( 'you are tall' ); } else if ( height > 5.5 ) { console.log( 'you are of average height' ); } else { console.log( 'you are shorter than average' ); }

  34. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Conditional Action var msg = 'You are '; switch ( true ) { case height > 6: msg += 'tall'; break; case height > 5.5: msg += 'of average height'; break; default: msg += 'shorter than average'; break; } console.log( msg );

  35. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT For Loops for ( initialization ; test condition ; alteration ) { statement ; }

  36. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT For Loops for ( var i=1; i<=10; i++ ) { console.log( i ); } // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  37. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT For Loops for ( var i=1; i<=10; i++ ) { console.log( i ); } // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 var i = 1; for ( ; i<=10; ) { console.log( i++ ); } // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

  38. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT While Loops initialization ; while ( test condition ) { statement ; alteration ; }

  39. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT While Loops var i = 1; while ( i < 10 ) { console.log( i ); i += 2; } // 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 i; // 11

  40. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT While Loops var i = 11; while ( i > 10 ) { console.log( i++ ); } // infinite loop (condition is always met)

  41. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT While Loops var i = 10; while ( i ) { console.log( i-- ); } // 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

  42. Functions (i.e. reusable bundles of logic)

  43. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Functions function name( arguments ) { statements ; }

  44. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Functions function isTrue( value ) { return value === true; } isTrue( true ); // true isTrue( false ); // false isTrue( 1 ); // false isTrue( 0 ); // false

  45. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Functions function add( a, b ) { return a + b; } add( 1, 2 ); // 3 add( 4, 5 ); // 9 add( 1, 2, 3 ); // 3

  46. FUNDAMENTAL JAVASCRIPT Functions function add( a, b, c ) { return a + b + c; } add( 1, 2 ); // Not a number (NaN) add( 4, 5 ); // NaN add( 1, 2, 3 ); // 6

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