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Life Skills Academy

Describe the implications of a life-skills curriculum.Identify domain areas and embedded skills as they apply to elementary school students.

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Life Skills Academy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Life Skills Academy Presented by… PowerPoint by….Brenda Mast 2007

  2. Module A: Life Skills and Community-Based Training for Elementary and Middle School Students • Describe the implications of a life-skills curriculum. • Identify domain areas and embedded skills as they apply to elementary school students. • Describe how community-based training coincides with inclusion. • Identify domain areas and embedded skills as they apply to middle school students.

  3. Module B: Self-Determination SkillsB-T1 • Describe how to help students conduct self-analyses. • Describe how to present choices to students and encourage choice-making. • Demonstrate the use effective communication skills when coaching students. • Demonstrate how to coach students in the use of effective communication skills. • Demonstrate how to encourage students’ exploration of interest areas. • Demonstrate how to support students in their efforts to set goals, create plans, solve problems, identify and access resources, and make decisions.

  4. Module C: Life Skills and Community-Based Training for High School and Transition Students • Define domain areas and embedded skills for high school and transition students. • Describe a person-centered planning process and how it determines what students are taught. • Carry out IEP-based instruction in community settings. • Define transition. • Identify forms, agencies, and supports necessary for transition and how to access them.

  5. Module D: Vocational Skills andJob Coaching • Define the rationale for providing vocational instruction. • Identify formal and informal vocational assessments. • Describe the process of job development. • Conduct a job site analysis, ecological inventory, task analysis, and discrepancy analysis. • Demonstrate job matching procedures, modifications, and adaptations. • Identify the embedded skills necessary for successful job performance. • Identify natural supports for stability and the maintenance of jobs.

  6. Skills Transition Elementary School Life Middle School High School

  7. Module A: Life Skills and Community-Based Training for Elementary and Middle School Students • Describe the implications of a life-skills curriculum. • Identify domain areas and embedded skills as they apply to elementary school students. • Describe how community-based training coincides with inclusion. • Identify domain areas and embedded skills as they apply to middle school students.

  8. What is a Life-Skills Curriculum?A-T3 • When you hear “Life Skills,” what do you think of? • What type of skills are Life Skills? • Why teach Life Skills? • Is a Life-Skills curriculum an addition to the regular curriculum? • Where is a Life-Skills curriculum taught?

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