Karnataka – Where Nature Meets Adventure
Karnataka’s landscape is a vibrant blend of quiet, rolling plains that merge seamlessly into majestic mountains, interspersed by gushing waterfalls that flow into bubbling rivers flowing placidly through towns and villages where it appears that the clocks haven’t been wound. Skirting the rivers and passing by the fringes of villages are highways that lead to insistently throbbing city life, no different from the hustle and bustle of any other city. But for the intrepid trekkers and adventure tourists, Karnataka abounds with opportunities for rock-climbing, rappelling, cave exploration, and river rafting. Call us: 0120-4127715, 91-7838984471 Mail us: care@365hops.com Likes FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/365hops Tweet US: https://www.twitter.com/365hops PIN it: http://www.pinterest.com/365hops G Profile: https://plus.google.com/ 365hopsIndia YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/365hops
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