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Depression, Causes and Treatment

Depression is defined as a state when a person feels very low. People with depression may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, ashamed or restless. The whole world seems worthless and it is futile to go on living. If you see your loved ones going through depression, rush them to a nearest mental health center, where they can receive professional treatment and come out of it. For More information call (866) 954-0529 or visit www.sovmentalhealth.com

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Depression, Causes and Treatment

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  1. Depression, Causes and Treatment According to a 2004 WHO report, depression is a prime cause of disability in the United States, afflicting individuals from the age of 15 to 44. It is estimated that more than $31 billion absenteeism from work in the U.S. every year accounts for depression. Going by these statistics, it is indeed an alarming fact which calls for immediate attention. A mentally ill person needs medical assistance at the earliest to prevent further deterioration. Depression is defined as a state when a person feels very low. People with depression may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, ashamed or restless. The whole world seems worthless and it is futile to go on living. If you see your loved ones going through depression, rush them to a nearest mental health center, where they can receive professional treatment and come out of it. Causes of depression Depression can occur because of many reasons: Adverse Life events One can suffer from depression due to adverse life situations like abuse during childhood, bereavement, neglect, unequal treatment from parents etc. Medical treatments Certain medications can also trigger depression in people. Medication for high blood pressure, Hepatitis C and sleeping pills are known to precipitate depression at times. Depression also occurs due to substance abuse, Non-psychiatric illnesses or Epigenetics.

  2. Treatment Studies reveal that two-thirds of depressed people in the United States do not proactively seek profession help, despite the fact that such mental health centers proliferate in the country. Although minor depression or mood swings experienced by most of us, do not require professional assistance, a severely depressed person can only be treated by a renowned psychiatrist in a mental health center. The California mental health center is also a well-equipped center for treating depression. For further assistance contact (866) 954-0529 www.sovmentalhealth.com

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