Social community script | Open source social network PHP
I-Netsolution is having the PHP Social Network Script is the best-emerging script for the users to connect with other, this Social Networking Script will help the peoples to connect the people across the globe and our Open Source Social Networking Script is designed with specialized user interface and it is designed with Open source platform and the process of communication with the people in private chat or group messages will also help them to connect to the world, our script has more features with the unique functions and we provide you to use the social networking site efficiently. This Social community script is build up with the optimized site and the page promotion and the script analysis is done by our experts, and our technical team will provide you the service and the users don’t need to worry about any technical guidelines and the script is customized as per the user requirement and since we are sixteen years’ experience in this field, we give you the best outcome result for the user solution and Open Source Social Networking Script has the authorized id for the user log-in and we have included some more build in feature updates for the users. Open source social network PHP comes with the two step verification log-in and with the phone number, the user can also get the password by clicking in the forgotten password and the user get recovery by giving the mail id or by giving the required number and we have added the user attractive templates for the users to understand the site features and functions, we have added some more functionality like CMS, user management, and the user can also have the privacy options to post the videos and photos, it can be shown to friends, public, and only me option, the user can also get notification if the friends approved your request. In Open Source Social Networking PHP the user can post their events activities like Travel and experience, work and education, family and relationships etc, the new user can add their own profile in the user dashboard like contact info, date of birth, relationship status, and workplace status, the profile photo and cover photo can be updated by the user, we provide your needs and requirements with specialized privacy options in our script, in our Social community script the profile dashboard has some more additional options like the user can share their feeling/activity with their photos or videos and they can share the status with privacy option like public, only me and shown to friends. Website URL: Mail us: Make a Call: (USA) – ( 1) 3252004515 Make a Call: (UK) – ( 44) 2032905530 Make a Call: India – ( 91) 9790033633
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