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Shakti Enterprise - Languages Translation Services in India

Shakti Enterprise is a dedicated and well-qualified multilingual translation agency from India. Since its inception, Shakti Enterprise has been offering professional language translation services to its global clients. <br>With its rich experience of more than 20 years in the field of language translation, Shakti Enterprise constantly manages to deliver most accurate and finest language translation services in all major foreign and Indian<br> languages. While functioning and delivering quality language translation services for more than 20 years, Shakti enterprise has gained a wealth of experience in translation management, technology, and expertise. <br>We not only offer exceptional translation services for legal and non-legal documents and files but also competent to deliver website translation services, technical translation services, and medical translation services efficiently.

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Shakti Enterprise - Languages Translation Services in India

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  1.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 Com Sha main repu com tran lang Our Ciba We effec Ente mpanyProfile e: ktiEnterp ntainsane utationisb prehensive scription& uage,comm prise, an IS excellentre basedono language typesetting municationa SO DI N 15 eputationw our long-st solutions. gservices. andtranslati 5038 Certi ithinthe la tanding com Services Wearea ionservices ified comp anguagese mmitmentt include tra bletooffe fromstartt pany wase rvicesand toquality anslation, ra comple to finish. established translation andservice proofreading eterangeo in1985, industry. einprovid g,voiceove ofhighqua and Our ding ers, ality clientlistin aResearch, ncludesAdit Novartis,an p,Tata Gro hers. oup of Comp panies,Quin ntiles,Siro, LupinPharm ma, ya Birla grou ndmanyoth haveacces ctive Techn erprisefor th sstoallrel ical&Non- heirLanguag levantsoftw -Technicalt geTranslati waretoolsi ranslation. onneeds. inmostof Todaymany theIndian yleadingco Languages orporations s andtools relyonSh for akti Write er Selection & & Evaluation n process: Writer Sele Step01: Tran a. Hav b. Hav c. d. Tran e. Be a Step02: Tran a. His b. Cop ection:Transla nslator is Short ve specialized k ve translated at ve at least two nslate only into appropriately q nslator submits / Her residenc py of Certificate  ator goes throu listed on below knowledge in d t least 100,000 references for o their mother t qualified in their the copies of h e proof of coun es and awards. ugh a stringent w points: domain and the 0 words. previous proje tongue. r technical area his following do ntry he/she live . t quality proces ss before being g Evaluated by Shakti Enterpr rise: eir stylistic capa abilities. Hav cts. as. ocuments. es in. Writer Eva Client specifi Step01: Sam Step02: Bac expected to translation. Step03: Valid difference in The project corrections in Below is the luation:Tran c glossary, Sty slator is offere yle guide and a d a pilot projec access to dictio ct with relevan onary: t information a and required do ocuments inclu uding  mple Translation n: The Candida ate submits a s sample translat tion to Shakti E Enterprise for Q Q/A ck Translation: carry out a lit A second wr teral translation riter translates n; which reflec s the sample cts errors in th translation ba he style, phras ck to English. sing and voca . The translato bulary used in or is n the dation: Our inte the documents ernal validator s. A detailed re compares the eport is generat e source text an ted regarding t nd the “backwa the discrepanci ard” translation ies. n and mark ou t the manager will n the validation discuss the is n report. ssues both wi ith the Transla ator & and the e Back Trans lator and logs s the screen shot of f one of the rep ports generated d.

  2.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 The validator of errors ma the LQA form The critical by the senior are then gra Minor or M them. The writer w well is em Enterprise. SHAKTI ha customized integrates in Q/A model is “LISA” Standards As r marks out the ade by the tran m. e number nslator in errors are the r managers. Th aded on the n Major errors m n judged he writers umber of made by which performs mpanelled with relatively h Shakti as created Q/A nto the workfl s little different its own which low. The t from the Industry A model. tool ( (Localization ssociation) Q/A

  3.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 T EP Translati on process d details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . Gathering . Samples fo . Translation . Editing (W . Copy finali . DTP . Mechanica . Delivery info or approval n & Term base riter B) isation (Writer    e developmen nt (Writer A)      r A + Shakti Te eam)   al review   a) Gathering translation pr the writer. info:The Pro rocess, whethe oject Manager er being techni r reviews the cal or logistica project thorou al in nature. He ghly and iden e asks the clien tifies challeng nt for relative in es that may r nformation and rise during the the queries of e f b) Translation in that partic documents b To ensure th than 1000 dic In addition, w and also coll producing qu All freelance terminology d A draft transl For big proje Editing (W occur, regard An Editor fo comments, c Below is the n & Term bas ular field. He i before proceed se developm s provided with ing with the tra ment (Writer A h glossary and anslation. A):Delivery he d terms sheet i ead selects an f any. He is pr appropriate N rovided with ap ative translator ppropriate infor r who is expert rmation on the t e hat the translato ctionaries and ors and editors reference work s have full acce ks, covering mo ess to specializ ore than 50 lan zed terminolog nguages. y, SE maintain ns a reference library of more e we have a spec lections of a b uality translatio cial list collectio road range of ns. on on computin current period ng, extensive f icals in major file material cov European and vering a broad Asian languag d range of spec ges - essentia cialist subjects, l resources for , r e translators h database 'Euro have broadban odicautom' in L nd access to uxembourg, wh a number of hich is used da f international aily. terminology d databases suc ch as the EC C ation is comple eted by a profe essional transla ator who is a na ative speaker o of the target lan nguage. sis. cts, the submis sions are on ev very 2 days bas riter B):As tr dless of how qu c) ranslation is a ualified a transl human endeav lator may be. vor, we’re real istic about the fact that error rs or stylistic di ifferences may y ollows the belo corrections whe ow checklist w erever appropri while review. H iate. He create He/she inserts s a report for a s the correctio all the correctio ons with track ons with the sug changes ON ggested chang and adds his es. s check list that Editor follows d during translati ion process. Translato ors Checklist Cultural Co nsideration Prevent any cultural m misunderstandin ngs & streamlin ne for target ma arket(s) Considering Terminology g Audience y Meet ch The term haracteristics of minology does n f audience not follow the I ndustry Standa ards. Consistent Format Keep fo rmat consisten nt throughout a ll documents Word Choic ce Come u p with better ex xpressions Grammar Prevent grammatical m mistakes Spelling Check fo or spelling erro ors Accuracy Check w word by word fo or accuracy Clarity Make su ure intended m meaning is conv veyed without c confusion Technical R Review Technic cal points check ked by the expe erts Linguistic R Review Dedicate ed review by n ys basis. ative linguistic specialists projects, the s ubmisions are on every 2 day For big

  4.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 Copy finali Editor and ac The conflicts Further the w ization and p ccepts or denie proofreading es any correctio (Writer A + S ons suggested Shakti Team . The writer ad m):The Writer ds his commen d) reviews the co nt to the correc orrections sugg ctions he denie ested by the s. in suggestions s are discussed d by Shakti Tea am with the wr riter and the ed itor and copy is s finalized. writer performs his task with th he below check k list. Proof C freader's r Additional irre Missing or Additional lin nes Line no ot Translated or elevant line ins erted Incomplete e Translation Line is incomplete References s Referen referen nces to other s ces to third -pa sections or com arty products a mponents of the re incorrect. e product are in ncorrect, or Project ins structions The tra nslation does n not adhere to t he instructions s provided by t he client DTP:The T Project Mana Mechanica Below is the e) Team leaders a ager. Documen are provided wi nt formatting/La th the style gui ayout are perfo ide that they ne ormed by in -ho eed to adhere t ouse designers to. The task sc . chedule is confi irmed with the al review:In h f) house reviewer rs check for me echanical errors s made by the writer. process. check list that reviewer follow ws during Mech hanical review Tran nslators n english & Ta Hyphenatio on Compa are Hyphenatio rget Typos eg: dou uble fullstop or missing fullsto p Punctuatio on eg: "?? ", "?", "?!", "!?" , "! Measureme ents Units o to country Addres f measuremen t (e.g. length, w weight, temper ature, etc.) are e not converted d y standards. ses are not ad Addresses s apted to count try conventions s. Telephone numbers in orde r Postal cod es in orde r Numbers in orde r Trademark ks ©,®, an nd ™ in order Project ins structions Client I nstructions Formatting g Leading g, indent etc Font & font t style Multiple e fonts? Unrea dable? Table of Co ontents Table o of Contents in o order? Bullet orde er Numbe ered bullets? Al lphabetic bullet ts? Mixed? Sym mbols? Spacing no spac cing, or single w width vs. doub le width spacin ng Project mana project. The f ager checks tha final copy is de at all the proce elivered to the c ess steps are fo client. ollowed properl ly. Has a final c conversation w with the writer re egarding the

  5.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 es Case e Studie S W G F S ra C in w e a ex E o th T b se “S fr T th d d a kn a b m modelingtechniqu SucdenLtdison Withover35ye Germany,TheNe rance,holdsa20 eoftheUK'sle arsintheFinan etherlandsandF 0%market share eadingCommodi ncialmarket,th France. Sucden's einthesugartrad tyandFinancial eynowboast o parentcompany dingindustryope lFuturesand O officesinHong y,SucresetDeni eratingthroughou ptionsBrokers. Kong,Russia, esSAbasedin uttheworld. Sucdenappointed atewebsite,con ChineseMandari ndustryterminolo whichwouldalso mployedateam ndlocaliserswh xperience. Equippedwithtra urtranslatorswe hetechnicaljargo heprojectunder eforebeingsen emanticallyperfe dShaktiEnterpri nsistingof30,00 ntranslation.Su ogy, beabletosellth ofexpertEnglish hocombinedexp setolocalisethe 00+wordsofEn ucden requested eirfinancialbroc nglish intoRuss danaccuratea chures, presentat siantranslationa andspotlesstra tionsandcorpo andEnglishto nslationofthe hecompany'sse htoRussianand pert knowledge rvicestotheirta dEnglishto Chin offinancialmar argetmarkets. Sh eseMandarinna rketswithmarke haktiEnterprise ativetranslators etingandsales anslation-memory ereabletoefficie onand corporate rwentseverallay ttotheclientto ect. ytechnology,fina entlylocalisethe style. ersofverification oguaranteethe ancialexpertise differentmateria and exceptional als,payingparticu linguisticskills, ularattentionto nandqualityass endproductwa urance asgrammatically y accurateand ShaktiEnterprise romanyprevious e’scustomerserv stranslation servi vicewasexcelle iceproviderswe nt.Wehave nev haveused.” verreceivedthe levelofservice TheRobertBosch heautomobile evelopment,ma ieselengines,s pplication-centr nowledge-based ndstructureof rakingsystem)a hGmbHisanin industrywithn anufacturingand ystemsforpass redresearchgr dmethodsandt mechatronicsu andclosefamiliar uesofsuchautom dependentmanu necessaryparts maintenanceo sivesafety,elect roupinFV/FLI tools.Ithasgain ubsystemslikeE ritywith motivecompone ufacturerofauto andsubsystem ofe.g.fuelinjec tricmachinesan hascollected nedbroad knowle EDC (electronic omotiveequipme ms.Itsactivitie ctionsystems fo nd mobilecomm manyyearsof edgeaboutfunc dieselcontrol), ntand supplies es includethe rgasolineand munications.An experiencein ction,behaviour ABS(antilock nts. Weprovideprima cientificdocumen nnature,wehad ncluded,encrypte W sc in in W W w S re S d W ra u c h arilyEnglishto nts.Asmanyoft dtoputinplac eddatatransfera oGermanand thedocumentsw eahighlysecu anddatastorage Frenchtranslat wereconfidential redsystemto . tionsforalltheir r technicaland handlethese do ocuments.This cumentstoo. Weofferedtransla ationsupportfor usermanualsan ndotherSAPdoc Weareveryhap wishthemallth ppywithShakt hebestandgoo tiEnterprise.I odluck.. reallyapprecia atethewaythe eywork.We Symtraxisaw eportingando Symtraxsoftwar ecisionmaking worldwideorga outputmanage rehelpstocrea g. anizationwhic ementsoftware ateprofessiona hproducesan e.Withuserfr alreportsforbe nddistributes riendlinessat etteranalysisa multiplatform theforefront, andeffective WeprovideE angeofITdo undergorigoro countries. EnglishtoSp cumentsInclu ousvalidation panish,Germ udingwebsite fromtherebr manand Fre eforSymtrax ranchoffices nch translatio inUK.These intherespec onofawide etranslations ctive ttp://www.symt trax.com/    

  6.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 s W D te m o W in zer Global Ph siness - Pharm portsinteraction n.comisaworl ldleadinggam blingportal. Welocalizedt Duetothehig estplanwas meticulouslyc on thenet. theirwebsite ghlyinteractive swrittenand checkedspan &onlinePok enatureofth dsubmitted ishlanguage kergamesGU hiswebsite,a toalllingui onastaging UIinto Mexica a Quality Assu ists.Thewe gserverbefor anSpanish. urance(QA) ebsitewas regoinglive http://www.s m/ sportsinteracti on.co Wewouldliket nsuchashortp tothankyoufo period. oryourservice fortranslating goftheSpanis shdocuments Pfi bus Ph pro seg and SH all co da co As en all me Us lev “W dif You wit Ma me D in m W re W a th w harmaceuticals' maceuticals, Con ' division can nsumer Health be broadly c , Specialty and lassified into f India Agencies four areas of s. armaceuticals oducts. This bu gments namely d Women’s He group is respo siness is driven y Cardiovascul alth. onsible for the n by two sales t ars, Anti -infec promotion of a teams with a cl ctives, CNS, Pa all mass -marke ear focus on ke ain Manageme et prescription ey therapeutic ent, Nutritional HAKTIENTER thetranslat nsistentconte atabaseofind llationofman RPRISEwork ionsandter ent.SHAKTI dexinformati ndatoryinform kedwithPfize ms.Thiswil ENTERPRIS ion,withove mationforthe erIndiatocre lstripoutal Ehasalread r5,000fields indexofprod eateasystem llduplication dycreatedfor s.Thisenable ucts. mcontaining andcreate thisclienta estherapid swellasimp suresthatstr times,andto edicalprofess plementingth rictqualitypro ocarryoutth sionalsthroug hesetechnica oceduresand hesechecking houttheIndia alsolutions, checkingpro gprocessesit a. SHAKTIEN ocessesarea temploysthe NTERPRISE adheredtoat eservicesof singthesecon velsofconsist ntrolmeasure tencyandacc es,SHAKTIE curacythroug NTERPRISE houtthe trans maintainsthe slation process erequired s. Weareveryplea fficultforallof asedtohearth usatForeignEx hatyoureceive Exchangewhow edtheflowers. workedwith** Thisprojectwa ****tocomple asvery eteit. urteamofInd thoutyourpers dianlinguistshe severance. elpedmakeits successfuland wewouldhav vefailed anythankstoe eetinpersonso everyonethere. omeday.” .Perhapswew willhavesome luckandanop pportunityto http://www.d dnhsecheron .com/ D&HSécheron ndustryfieldsin manufacturingo WeldingWires, ecord70%ofth ElectrodesPvt nce1966.D&H ofWeldingCon FluxCoredWi helocalmarket t.Ltd,aprivate HSécheronEle nsumablessuch resandGasW tandhenceare elyownedcomp ctrodesPvt.Lt hasWeldingE WeldingRods.D eenjoyingstro pany,isinthew disspecialized Electrodes,MIG D&HSécheron ongdomesticp welding dinthe G/MAG coversa resence. Welocalizedt andItalian.W heindustry.T with themtobu heirwebsitei Wehadtoheir Toensurethat uilda'Glossa nChinese,R qualifiedtran tthecorrectla aryofTranslat Russian,Fren nslatorshavin anguageisus tedTerms'sp nch,Spanish gin-depthex sed,weworke pecifictothein h,German xperienceof edalong ndustry.  

  7.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 Cert ifications DIN EN 1 15308 Tran nslation ce uirements to o ertification . We h have adhered to resources agement f the contract o following req obtain DIN cert ification      this certificatio ing this certifica    Personnel Quality an Framewor Work proc and technical d project mana rk conditions of cesses on we confirm t ate, we set our With Holdi he translation q rselves apart fr quality norms a rom others in th as per the Euro he market. opean standard ds.

  8.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 sociation. Corpor rate Membe er of Amer rican Trans slators Ass    

  9.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 ISO 900 01:2008 Man nagement c ents of this sta omers that we ertification. . Even thoug h we had alre eady fulfilled t cant for many the requireme y of our custo andard in the e show this ce e past for ISO ertification. 9001:2008, i t is signifi    

  10.     15 5038 Certified d Company Treasur ring Customer Sa atisfaction Since 1985 CRI ISIL Perform mance Certification  

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