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Female Pattern Baldness|Homeopathy Treatment at Dr Batra’s™

Dr Batrau2019su2122 offers the best hair loss treatment for females without any side effects. Consult our hair specialist for homeopathy remedy for hair loss

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Female Pattern Baldness|Homeopathy Treatment at Dr Batra’s™

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FEMALE PATTERN BALDNESS Facts in India Female pattern baldness occurs in women usually in their late 40s. Almost 25% women in India suffer from premature female pattern baldness, i.e. in their late 30s.


  3. TIPS TO FIGHT BALDNESS Include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds in your diet as they are packed with lots of fibre, zinc, and other essential vitamins & minerals Drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration halts hair growth. Exercise everyday and keep yourself fit. It aids hair growth.

  4. HOMEOPATHY FOR TREATING FEMALE PATTERN BALDNESS HOMEOPATHY IS Natural Safe Effective Homeopathy is known for its safe and gentle ways of treatment. People across the world prefer homeopathy over conventional medicine as it has no side-effects, is non-toxic, and non-addictive. 704577 7400 https://www.drbatras.com/hair-loss/female-pattern-baldness

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