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Advocacy What is it and how does it work

Advocacy What is it and how does it work. N. Assifi UNFPA/CST, Bangkok. What is Advocacy?. Advocacy simply means actively supporting a cause, and trying to get others to support it as well.

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Advocacy What is it and how does it work

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  1. Advocacy What is it and how does it work N. Assifi UNFPA/CST, Bangkok

  2. What is Advocacy? • Advocacy simply means actively supporting a cause, and trying to get others to support it as well. • Advocacy is speaking up, drawing attention to an important issue and directing decision makers towards a solution.

  3. 1.The purpose of advocacy as defined by UNFPA is to promote or reinforce a change in policy, programme or legislation. 2.Rather than providing support directly to clients or users of services, advocacy aims at winning support from others, i.e. creating a supportive environment. Purpose of Advocacy Guidelines on UNFPA Support for Advocacy, July 1997

  4. Differences and similarities of Advocacy and IEC Advocacy Similarities IEC Goal: Changeattitudes, Beliefs, values and Behaviour of individuals or group of individuals Goal: Actively supporting a cause, and trying to get others to support it as well Process . Identify, segment audiences . Undertake research to clarify issues . Develop strategies & messages . Monitor and evaluate

  5. An advocacy campaign is not the same as IEC campaign IECeducates individuals and the community about the existence and benefits of reproductive health services. Advocacyaims to gain wider support for such causes or issues. þAlthough there is a good deal of overlap between IEC and advocacy, advocacy activities tend to be more deliberately persuasive and campaign oriented.

  6. Issues for Advocacy Enhancing Gender Equity, Equality and Empowerment of Women Promoting Reproductive Health and Rights Population and Development Linkages Mobilizing and Monitoring Resources

  7. Issues… Violence against women Early marriage of girls Gender disparities in education Gender Male responsibility Gender disaggregated data Unequal social and political participation Female economic empowerment

  8. Issues… The reproductive health approach Reproductive rights RH Maternal and newborn care STDs and HIV/AIDS Adolescent reproductive health RH in conflict situations

  9. Issues… Reorienting national population policies Strengthening national data systems PDS Integrating population factors into development planning process Addressing needs of special population Achieving basic social services for all

  10. Issues… Ensuring government commitment Eliciting donor support Resource mobilization Fostering community participation Encouraging private sector participation

  11. Major areas of advocacy work • Leadership development • Coalition building • Networking • Political Lobbying • Promoting legislative change • Briefing media • Counteracting opposition

  12. Stakeholders of Advocacy • Beneficiaries • Decision makers • Allies and partners • Resistant groups (Adversaries)

  13. Techniques and Tactics of Advocacy • Sensitizing • Mobilizing • Dialoguing • Negotiating • Lobbying • Petitioning • Pressuring • Informing

  14. Techniques and Tactics

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