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Energy: The Dance of Life

Energy: The Dance of Life. 鄭先祐 Life Science 2010. Fig. 5.1 The water behind a dam is a source of potential energy that can be released as kinetic energy. 熱力學 . Potential energy is stored energy. Kinetic energy is the process of doing work. 熱力學的定律: (1) 能量守恆(不滅)定律 (2) entropy 定律

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Energy: The Dance of Life

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  1. Energy: The Dance of Life 鄭先祐 Life Science 2010 Fig. 5.1 The water behind a dam is a source of potential energy that can be released as kinetic energy.

  2. 熱力學 • Potential energy is stored energy. • Kinetic energy is the process of doing work. • 熱力學的定律: • (1) 能量守恆(不滅)定律 • (2) entropy 定律 • entropy (能趨疲 / 熵) Fig. 5.2 The energy that is released as a boulder rolls down a hill is proportional to the work it took to get it up there in the first place.

  3. ATP:The energy currency • ATP (adenosine triphosphate) • ADP (adenosine diphosphate) • 分解有機分子,將能量貯存於ATP • ADP + Pi + Energy → ATP • 於細胞中,將ATP的能量釋放: • ATP → ADP + Pi + Energy

  4. Fig. 5.3 ATP consists of nitrogen base adenine, the 5-carbon sugar ribose and three phosphates.

  5. The energy stored in glucose is then released during respiration in the mitochondrion, to make ATP, which can be broken down to ADP and inorganic phosphate with the release of energy. Fig. 5.4 The energy of sunlight is used by plants to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the chloroplast through photosynthesis.

  6. 附加圖:只有2%的太陽能被光合作用吸收。

  7. Photosynthesis (光合作用) • 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 • light-dependent reaction:(利用光能,分解H2O產生O2,以及產出能量(ATP 和NADPH)。 • Light-independent reaction:(固定CO2,並利用能量,轉成葡萄醣。

  8. Fig. 5.5 In the light-dependent reactions, the energy of sunlight produces ATP and NADPH, which then enter the light-independent reactions where glucose is formed.

  9. The light-dependent reactions • Chloroplast (葉綠體) (Fig.5-6) • stroma (基床/基質) • thylakoids (類囊體) • granum (葉綠餅) • lamella (層片) • 於thylakoid 的外膜上有 CF1 particles (粒子),這是產生ATP的場所。(Fig.5.7)

  10. 類囊體 基床 葉綠餅 Fig. 5.6 The location and structure of chloroplasts within the cells of a green leaf.

  11. Essay 5.1 Chlorophyll (葉綠素) • Chlorophyll is a pigment molecule found in the chloroplasts of all green plants. • 我們所看到的綠色是葉綠素吸收陽光紅色和紫色兩邊的能量,剩下中央部份(綠色光)反射回來。 • 葉綠素通常有a和b兩型。

  12. 藍 綠 黃 橙 紅 Absorption of light of different wavelengths by the two groups of plant pigments – chlorophylls and carotenoids.

  13. Essay 5.2 The visible light spectrum and photosynthesis • 可見光,其頻率可以被感光色素細胞吸收。 • 比可見光的頻率更低的,光子的能量較低,主要會以熱的形式耗散。 • 比可見光的頻率更高的,光子的能量較強,可以打斷分子鍵,諸如蛋白質和DNA的分子。 • 如紫外線(UV),可以傷害我們的皮膚和眼睛。 • 高頻率的光子,可稱為離子化輻射(ionizing radiation),或稱游離輻射。

  14. 可見光 輸配電輻射 微波 收音機與電視 頻率 游離輻射 Electromagnetic spectrum

  15. 光化學反應 • Fig.5-7 • 陽光→葉綠素(photosystem II)→分解H2O產生O2和 H+與電子 → 激發電子→傳送到葉綠素(photosystem I),並將ADP轉成ATP,且將膜外的H+壓入膜內。 • 陽光→葉綠素(photosystem I),激發電子→將NADP + H 轉成 NADPH • 膜內的H+ 經過CF1粒子,排出膜外,並產出ATP。(chemiosmosis) (供應暗反應)。

  16. Fig. 5.7 累積H+離子

  17. Fig. 5.7

  18. Light-independent 的反應 • Calvin cycle (Fig.5.8) • RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate) (5-C醣) + CO2 → 6-C (不穩定) ,再加ATP和NADPH → 2 PGAL (phospho-glycer-aldehyde)(3-C) • 2 PGAL→ 葡萄醣 (6-C醣)

  19. Fig. 5.8 The Calvin cycle.

  20. C3途徑 • 大部份生活在水域的植物,吸收CO2的生物化學途徑是稱為:Calvin-Benson cycle。 • CO2 + RuBP (5C) → 2PGA(3C) • 因為是產生3C的分子,所以這個途徑就稱為C3途徑(光合作用)。 • 這個過程的催化劑(enzyme,酵素)稱為RuBP carboxylase 。 • 這個酵素對CO2的親合力低,所以葉片內的這個酵素的含量要很高。 • 這個酵素在高熱高氧下,也會催化RuBP的氧化,如此造成光合作用的效率差。

  21. Fig. 5-12 The major steps of the Cabin-Benson cycle of CO2 assimilation.

  22. C4途徑 • 許多在熱氣候的植物具有對C3修改的途徑,增加一個吸收CO2的途徑: • CO2 + PEP(3C) → OAA (4C) • 因為是產生4C的分子,所以就被稱為C4途徑。 • 催化此過程的酵素是稱為PEP carboxylase,與CO2有很高的親合力。 • OAA(4C) → PEP(3C) + CO2→Calvin

  23. The initial assimilation step in C4 photosynthesis involves the transformation of CO2 into the four-carbon compound OAA.

  24. CAM (crassulacean acid Metabolism)途徑 • 有些沙漠植物,可以在晚上的時候吸收CO2,並且可以留到白天才進入Calvin cycle。 • PEP + CO2 → OAA → Malic acid • Malic acid 可以貯存,於白天時: • Malic acid→pyruvate + CO2→Calvin • 這就被稱為CAM代謝途徑。

  25. Diagram of the photosynthetic pathway in CAM plants.

  26. Essay 5.3 海底的特殊生活方式 • 於近Galapagos 島嶼的深海底,沒有陽光。但有許多生物在此地區生活。 • 這個地區的能量是來自地熱,有機物質是源自細菌分解 H2S,而不是H2O。 • 類似這種生活,分散在全球多處深海底。

  27. Essay 5.3 海底的特殊生活方式

  28. Food to Energy • Food →切咬嚼→水解→monomer • glucose + 2 ATP →glycolysis →2 pyruvate (丙酮酸) + 4 ATP + 2 NADH • pyruvate →無氧→Alcohol +CO2 • pyruvate →無氧→Lactic acid (乳酸) • 2 pyruvate →有氧→Krebs cycle →2 ATP + 32 ATP →CO2 + H2O (粒腺體)

  29. Fig. 5.9 Glycolysis is the process that forms pyruvate from glucose, releasing two ATPs. 丙酮酸

  30. 酒精 Fig. 5.10 In yeasts, the pyruvate can form alcohol; in animals, it can form lactic acid. 丙酮酸 乳酸

  31. 發酵 乳酸

  32. Fig. 5.12 Glycolysis. The pathway from glucose to the Krebs cycle.

  33. Fig. 5.12 Glycolysis. The pathway from glucose to the Krebs cycle.

  34. Fig. 5.14 The little old winemake knows that the anaerobic condition in alcoholic fermentation are maintained by the careful exclusion of oxygen.

  35. Fig. 5.15 Human also have an acquaintance with the production of lactic acid from pyruvic acid in the muscles.

  36. 有氧的能量產出 • Pyruvate (3-C) → CO2 + Acetyl-CoA (2-C) + NADH • Acetyl-CoA→ Acetyl + CoA • Acetyl + Oxaloacetate (4-C)→ Citrate (6-C) → Krebs cycle • NADH → FADH2→2H+ +1/2O2 →H2O (電子傳遞系統)

  37. Fig. 5.17 Details of the Krebs cycle.

  38. Protons的累積與釋放 • 葉綠體和粒腺體, • 都是雙層膜的構造。 • 都有CF1粒子(particles) • 都是利用累積H+,再釋放,以產出ATP。 • 但是累積的位置,剛好相反。 • 葉綠體是在膜內累積,釋放到膜外。粒腺體是反過來,在膜外累積。(Fig.5.18)

  39. Fig. 5.18 In chemiosmosis protons are moved into the outer compartment by energy released in the eletron-transport system. They then pass through enzyme-charged particles on the inner membrane to the inner compartment, powering the production of ATP as they pass.

  40. 問題與討論! japalura@hotmail.com Ayo NUTN website: http://myweb.nutn.edu.tw/~hycheng/

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