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Ozi End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

Ozi End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne<br>924 Sayers Rd, Tarneit VIC 3029<br>(03) 9021 3766<br>http://www.oziendofleasecleaningmelbourne.com.au/

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Ozi End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne

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  2. End Of Lease Cleaning Melbourne • Ozi End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne Services offers end of lease cleaning to make sure you get your deposit amount back again. • End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne services provides a comprehensive clean which fulfils all lease conditions. Our clients and property agents love to use our services because we give a complete satisfaction experience.

  3. Vacate Cleaning Melbourne Tasks Includes: • Vacuum floor coverings, mop all hard flooring including stairways steps. • Remove areas and spot off walls. • Clean entrance doors, cupboards, door holders, switches & furniture. • Windows cleaning (including window curtain rods). • Dust blinds, floors, light accessories & fans. • Clean bathroom, bathtub, mirrors, taps and sinks. • Toilets sanitised. • Oven cleaning and other kitchen appliances. • Clear rubbish bins & provide standard tidy up.

  4. GET IN TOUCH WITH US: Ozi End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne 924 Sayers Rd, Tarneit VIC 3029 (03) 9021 3766 http://www.oziendofleasecleaningmelbourne.com.au/

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