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How to Rent a Party Bus

<br>The Ottawa Limo Company - http://www.ottawalimo.org/blog/how-to-rent-a-party-bus<br>2420 Bank St #26 Ottawa, ON K1V 8S1<br>(613) 699-8130<br>

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How to Rent a Party Bus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Steps to Rent a Party Bus 1. Find a local party bus company on Google   2. Call the company and let them know the details of your desired trip  3. Ask for their best price and if their is a range depending on services  4. Plan the route beforehand so there are no surprises for you or the driver  5. Make sure everyone is clear on the times for pick-up and departure for all  locations (includes passengers and driver)  6. Be clear on what will be in the party bus and what you are allowed to bring  (i.e. booze, music)  7. Have a blast! You are on a party bus after all :)    That’s all you need to know! But if you are lucky enough to live in the Ottawa area, you can skip all this and give us a call ;) The Ottawa Limo Company (613) 699-8130  2420 Bank St #26 Ottawa, ON K1V 8S1 


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