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Amun a GIFTED Healer

Holistic Self-help teacher gives the learn about higher life coonection. You can get the aspect of love to life at great circumstances.

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Amun a GIFTED Healer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HOME PAGE • ABOUT US • A HOLISTIC SELF-HELP TEACHER DELIVERS • Let your heart be your Guide • Reasons For Connecting With Your Higher Self • How to overcome fear • How to Overcome a Relationship Breakup Using Spirituality • CONTACT US AMUN BROWN - A Holistic self-help Teacher www.amunbrown.com

  2. AmunBrown being a highly trained and sought after project management specialist, he spent 20 years learning and practicing the spiritual teachings and exercises of Eckankar. Then he was chosen by high initiates to teach the knowledge to the new spiritual students. ABOUT US Like Us : https://www.facebook.com/amun.brown

  3. Let your heart be your Guide Reasons For Connecting With Your Higher Self How to overcome fear How to Overcome a Relationship Breakup Using Spirituality AMUN BROWN A HOLISTIC SELF-HELP TEACHER DELIVERS Tweet On : https://twitter.com/AMUNBROWN

  4. Achieving Enlightenment Drunvalo Melchizedek proposes an integrated form of meditation practice, advocating both novel and ancient approaches to spiritual enlightenment. The Power of Merkaba Through Mer-ka-ba meditation, one can fully explore the provocative possibilities circulating the human light body and surrounding energy fields. The Power of the Heart It is believed that the heart is the source of creation, possessing features comparable to that of a chakra How Merkaba Meditation Can Help You You can surpass the barriers of space and time to achieve higher states of self, and achieve a reality that you never knew was possible. LET YOUR HEART BE YOUR GUIDE

  5. Your Higher Self is the spirit part of you that is said to ‘reside’ in the Ether (the non-physical realm). It’s your Divine spark. This part of you helps you to keep on track with your Life’s purpose and in touch with your passion and joy. Your higher self is your access point to your wisdom from all time. Your soul is infinite–meaning it’s been around forever. You probably have had many, many lifetimes. You can gain access to that wisdom by reconnecting within and paying attention to that part of you. Reasons For Connecting With Your Higher Self

  6. Pray and/or Meditate daily Identify Positivity Yoga Understand Failure Explore Your Roots Breathe How to overcome fear

  7. Try prayer Engage in meditation and visualization Consult a spiritual adviser Conduct rituals Cry and express your emotions Distance yourself from your ex Fill your time with people How to Overcome a Relationship Breakup Using Spirituality

  8. AWAKENING THE ILLUMINATED HEART WORKSHOP Overcome your own and the modern society limiting beliefs Get over your past hurts and heal your emotional problems Events Join Us : http://www.linkedin.com/in/amunbrown

  9. amunbrown.com City : MARYDEL State : Maryland Country : USA Phone number:  (240) 475-2387  Email: info@amunbrown.com CONTACT US

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