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A Matter of Some Concern Affordable Housing Crisis in Chattanooga

For the past few years, local community welfare organizations, such as Chattanooga Organized for Action, have been calling our attention to the plight of affordable housing. Chattanooga is facing an affordable housing crisis. The statement may come as a surprise to some of usu2014especially with all the new construction around usu2014 but it is true that low to medium income families have to pull teeth to meet their rental obligation. An average apartment in Chattanooga is priced more than 25 percent above the affordable housing level, which means that a renter would need a yearly income of $42, 680 t

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A Matter of Some Concern Affordable Housing Crisis in Chattanooga

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  1. A MATTER OF SOME CONCERN: AFFORDABLE HOUSING CRISIS IN CHATTANOOGA For the past few years, local community welfare organizations, such as Chattanooga Organized for Action, have been calling our attention to the plight of affordable housing. Chattanooga is facing an affordable housing crisis. The statement may come as a surprise to some of us—especially with all the new construction around us— but it is true that low to medium income families have to pull teeth to meet their rental obligation. An average apartment in Chattanooga is priced more than 25 percent above the affordable housing level, which means that a renter would need a yearly income of $42, 680 to be able to pay his rent without compromising other necessities. According to HUD guidelines, for a house to be affordable should not have a rent more than 30 percent of the total household expense. This year, the spread of Covid – 19 has further worsened the situation making affording housing nearly impossible for the low-income families. Understanding the potential negative effects of affordable housing crisis, Anand- Martin Foundation (AMF) plans to remediate the problem by building 250 housing units and renting them out at affordable rates to the families with low-medium income.

  2. About Anand Martin Foundation (AMF) Formed in 2016, AMF is Chattanooga-area, not for profit organization and is dedicated to, improving the quality of life in under-served neighborhoods through the support of community economic development and affordable housing opportunities. Its immediate goal is to build 250 affordable housing units within next two years. AMF hopes that its housing projects will foster communication between business, government, and neighborhoods, will increase the provision of affordable housing and community stabilization resources within Chattanooga, and will strengthen its community economic development industry. AMF works to support Chattanooga area communities toward the accomplishment of: 01. Affordable housing development /Quality homeownership and rental opportunities Neighborhood stabilization and revitalization Economic development Public /private community services Resource development and capacity building for members AMF is convinced that its housing project would not only solve the housing problem but would alleviate the stigma attached with the affordable housing. The general impression of affordable housing is that would be unattractive, poorly maintained, crime infested and would have low property value. Anand Martin Foundation aims to challenge this view by building attractive looking new houses. The architectural design of the houses would rival median- priced homes of the city of Chattanooga . In its strife against housing crisis and poverty, AMF has partnered with like-minded organizations such as Tinker MA Architect and ASA Engineering &Consulting INC. who are dedicated to the cause of designing affordable and equitable housing and strongly believe that beautiful and well-built houses is everyone’s right and not a domain of privileged few. www.anand-martinfoundation.com

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