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Mohr-Coulomb Model

Mohr-Coulomb Model. Short Course on Computational Geotechnics + Dynamics Boulder, Colorado January 5-8, 2004. Stein Sture Professor of Civil Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder. Mohr-Coulomb Model. Computational Geotechnics. Contents.

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Mohr-Coulomb Model

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mohr-Coulomb Model Short Course on Computational Geotechnics + Dynamics Boulder, Colorado January 5-8, 2004 Stein Sture Professor of Civil Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder

  2. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Contents • Idealized and Real Stress-Strain Behavior of Soils • Basic Concepts of Mohr-Coulomb Model • Mohr-Coulomb Model Modeling • Friction Angle • Influence of Intermediate Principal Stress on Friction Angle • Drained Simple Shear Test • How to Understand  • Drained Triaxial Test

  3. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Idealized and Real Stress-Strain Behavior of Soils

  4. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Basic Concepts of Mohr-Coulomb Model Bilinear approximation of triaxial test Basic law:

  5. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Mohr-Coulomb Soil Modeling

  6. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Mohr-Coulomb Soil Modeling Flow rule for plastic strain: This means: , , etc.

  7. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Mohr-Coulomb Soil Modeling a multiplier that determines the magnitude of plastic strains determines the direction of plastic strains Classical associated plasticity: g = f General non-associated plasticity: g  f M-C model: f r – s sin– c cos : yield function g r – s sin– c cos : plastic potential function

  8. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Mohr-Coulomb Soil Modeling Nonlinear Failure Envelope Representation

  9. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Mohr-Coulomb Soil Modeling Friction Angle Definitions

  10. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Mohr-Coulomb Soil Modeling Strength Envelopes for a Range of Soil Types

  11. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Mohr-Coulomb Soil Modeling Versus Relative Density and Unit Weight

  12. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Friction Angle Dilatancy Angle Relationships

  13. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics in which:

  14. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics for NC Clays vs. PI

  15. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Influence of Intermediate Principal Stress on Friction Angle

  16. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Influence of Intermediate Principal Stress on Friction Angle

  17. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Drained Simple Shear Test

  18. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics How to Understand y

  19. Mohr-Coulomb Model Computational Geotechnics Drained Triaxial Test (identical to biaxial test)

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