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Performance Management

Performance Management. Joanne Kadado AUBMC – Human Resources. Goals of the session. Understanding Performance Management Benefits of Performance Management Understanding the Performance Plan Understanding Performance Appraisal / Review Career Ladders. Performance Management.

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Performance Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Performance Management Joanne Kadado AUBMC – Human Resources

  2. Goals of the session • Understanding Performance Management • Benefits of Performance Management • Understanding the Performance Plan • Understanding Performance Appraisal / Review • Career Ladders

  3. Performance Management

  4. Benefits of Performance Management • For employees: • Continuous feedback on their performance • Understand the supervisor’s expectations • Learn how to improve deficiencies and get praise for their good work • Seek to achieve results in meeting organizational goals and standards • Identify strategies for working toward career goals • Identify professional development opportunities • For supervisors: • Establish a climate for success • Build positive working relationships with employees • Communicate expectations while reinforcing positive behavior • Provide frequent coaching and feedback • Document and assess employee strengths and weaknesses in order to plan and organize work accordingly • Identify training needs and develop employee’s skills and abilities • Recognize outstanding performance and manage poor performance • Address problem areas and develop solutions to improve efficiency of unit as well as team

  5. Benefits of Performance Management • For AUBMC: • Reinforce organizational values and foster a positive organizational culture • Inspires employee commitment and improves employee satisfaction, morale and retention • Maximize contributions of employees • Establish accountability for supervisors and employees • Identify high-potential employees- succession planning and promotions • Promote organizational change and development • Identify concerns or problems

  6. Performance Plan • Planning is a way of communicating performance expectations divided into three sections: • Goals (Be SMART) • Standards • Competencies • It is a useful tool in recording and maintaining your success, as well as bringing deficiencies to your attention.

  7. Step1 . Goals • Supervisor and employee work together to establish annual performance goals • Be SMART when setting goals: • Specific goals • Measurable goals • Action-Oriented / Attainable goals • Realistic goals • Time-Oriented goals • The Company or Department goals are generated on the system, the individual goal you choose will have to be linked to one of them. • Samples of individual goals that are linked to organization goals: • We will increase transfer admissions by 12% over last year • We will conduct department meetings once per month with a published agenda so that employees can come prepared to offer input on meeting topics • We will complete customer service training by April 15

  8. Step 2. Standards • A performance standard describes, in measurable terms, the results that indicate that an employee in the position has properly performed the particular essential function. • Quality • Quantity • Timeliness • Accuracy • Documentation • You can choose between 5 – 7 standards that are linked to the employee job profile and that fall under specific Task Groups.

  9. Step 3. Competencies • Competencies are skills that are essential to the performance of a position. • You can choose between 5 – 7 competencies that are linked to the employee job profile and that fall under specific Task Groups.

  10. Performance Appraisal • The performance appraisal measures employee performance against the goals, standards and competencies in an employee’s performance plan and assigns a summary rating of record. • There are 2 types of appraisals: • Probationary Appraisal (After 3 months on the job) • Yearly Appraisal

  11. Performance Review Work Flow

  12. RATING • Rate each individual as per below scale: • Significantly and consistently exceeds expectations / Significantly and consistently exceeds standards • Excels / Exceeds standards • Proficient / Meets standards • Needs Improvement • Unsatisfactory / Fails to meet standards

  13. Career ladders • What is a Career Ladder: It is a structured sequence of job positions through which a person progresses in an organization. • What are the factors of a Career Ladder: 1- Competencies 2- Standards 3- Goals 4- Performance 5- Recommendation of Supervisor

  14. Career Ladders at AUBMC • Personnel Assistant • Social Worker • Audiology • Perfusionist • Cardiac Sonographers • Pharmacists • Medical Records Transcriptionist • Medical Records Coders • Biomedical Electronics Technicians • Cardiac/EP Technicians • Radiation Therapists • Anesthesia Technicians • Inhalation Therapy • Audiology • Inpatient Nurses • Medical Lab Technicians • Radiographers • Quality • Physical Therapy • Dosimetry • Medical Physicist • Plant Engineering • Storekeepers • Endoscopy Technicians

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