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I NSTRUCTIONAL T ECHNOLOGY _______________________________________________________________________________________ Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov 2009 Federal Programs Conference Ed-Tech Standards, Resources and Planning
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov 2009 Federal Programs Conference Ed-Tech Standards, Resources and Planning Breakout Session DESE Instructional Technology Deborah S. Sutton, Director Claranne Vogel, Supervisor Janice Libbert, Adm. Asst.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov SESSION TOPICS Why districts and schools should integrate technology MSIP, NCLB, METSP standards and goals Planning for effective technology implementation DESE resources: planning website, templates, exemplary plans Creating and submitting plans for state approval DESE resources: ePeGS, related guidance documents How to fund and support technology DESE programs, grant writing/funding resources
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Research says… Since the 1960s, the demand for routine manual task skills has decreased, while the demand for non-routine interactive task skills has increased significantly (OECD 2007) Technology-enhanced, project-based student work is a staple of quality knowledge work (Schlechty 2001) Students who are engaged: learn at high levels and have a profound grasp of what they learn, retain what they learn, and can transfer what they learn to new contexts (Schlechty) Computers and software are tools students use to create their own learning environment (Ashton, Bland, & Rogers 2001; Milken 1999)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Research says… (cont.) Lack of student engagement is a predictor for dropping out of school even after controlling for student background and academic achievement (Rumberger 2004) Engaged students learn more, retain more, and enjoy learning more that students who are not engaged (Dowson & McInerney 2001; Hancock & Betts 2002; Lumsden 1994; Voke 2002) According to student surveys: 47% stated that a major reason for dropping out of school was that classes were not interesting (Gates Foundation 2006) 50% reported being bored in at least one high school class every day and 75% stated they were bored because the material was not interesting (Yazzie-Mintz 2006)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov WHY USE TECHNOLOGY Students must be prepared for post-secondary education and/or employment in an increasingly technical and global society
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov 21st Century skills require… 21st century content Information and communications technology literacy Life skills: personal productivity, accountability, self-direction, personal and social responsibility, adaptability, people skills, leadership 21st century assessments
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Technology can… Increase administrator, teacher, and student engagement and productivity Enhance curriculum, instructional strategies, and student learning Help close the achievement gap Break down socio-economic barriers and help reach and motivate reluctant and disenfranchised learners Promote 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, problem-solving, creativity
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov WHY USE TECHNOLOGY Research shows that technology, when used appropriately, can make a positive difference. Technology cannot make an appreciable difference in teaching and learning if districts are not providing, and teachers and students are not using, technology in any appreciable degree.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov WHY USE TECHNOLOGY State and federal programs, plans, and standards mandate technology integration
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Tech planning has been implied, strongly encouraged, and/or mandated since 1990s 1993 Show-Me Curriculum, MSIP Standards Technology embedded in curriculum, instruction, professional development, library media centers, facilities, and program evaluation 1994 TAG & TNP – first dedicated funding New grant program encouraged tech inventory and plan development via initial technology survey and guide “Using Technology in Missouri Schools” MOREnet K-12 Technology Network Program Initial networking requirements Program evaluation included “Computing Census”
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Tech planning implications, mandates…(cont.) 2002 NCLB – new requirements for states, districts Title II.D goal to integrate technology into curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development students technology literate by end of 8th grade New requirements for state and district plans 2002-06 Missouri Ed-Tech Strategic Plan (METSP) Adopted National Educational Technology Standards 5 Overarching goals/TFAs: Student Learning, Teacher Preparation, Administration/Data Management/ Communication, Resources, Technical support District plan approval criteria updated to address CSIP alignment, 5 TFAs, Title II.D goals, E-rate, etc.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Tech planning implications, mandates…(cont.) 2007 METSP – new state plan, updated district plan requirements State plan updated, addressing NETS, NETS assessment, and 21st Century Skills, and presenting eight major recommendations for DESE action to meet TFA goals District approval process streamlined, while still emphasizing alignment of CSIP and TFAs and meeting NCLB and E-rate technology plan requirements * Student and Teacher standards updated in 2007 and 2008, respectivelyhttp://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=NETS
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Tech planning implications, mandates…(cont.) 2008 ePeGS – state’s new online planning and grant tool Designed to help districts align and integrate all required plan and DESE grant programs Will allow electronic submission of plans Will require districts tie grant program activities and expenditures to specific plan(s) in FY10 Formula-driven applications will go online for FY10 and competitive grants for FY11 Perkins and Special Education, Part B grants were first to become available
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Tech planning implications, mandates…(cont.) 2009-10 Information Communication Technology and Media Literacy grade level expectations (GLEs) Information Literacy GLEs being revised and updated Posted on the DESE Web site for public comment September/October. URL will be sent to the district library media services contacts as soon as it is available. After public comment, a final copy will be prepared. Staff development opportunities for implementation strategies of the GLEs will be available at a later date
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov MSIP and Show-Me Standards Adequate access / appropriate and effective use Educational technology and technology education Process and content standards Application of technology tools and resources Grappling’s “Technology and Learning Spectrum” Literacy – Centers on acquiring and practicing technical skills; technology is something to learn Adaptive – Automates traditional teacher and student roles; technology is optional Transforming – Expands role and/or products; technology is essential
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov No Child Left Behind / Title II.D Goals Technology integration in core content areas – Written curriculum that incorporates content and processes (such as delivery of instruction, professional development, and assessment) related to technology resources, equity of resources, research and workplace readiness skills. Technology supports overall goals and objectives and makes possible and/or enhances the use of multiple instructional resources and teaching strategies. Technology integration should be evident throughout the curriculum, as appropriate; however, technology integration does not have to be addressed in each unit or lesson.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov No Child Left Behind / Title II.D Goals (cont.) Integrated instruction – The ability to use appropriate technology to support and enhance classroom curriculum and instructional strategies that promote authentic, inquiry- and project-based learning opportunities, problem solving, and student teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills. Teacher technology proficiency – Regular and routine use of applications, software, and Internet resources for increased productivity and integrating tools to accomplish a variety of learning, instructional, and/or management functions.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov No Child Left Behind / Title II.D Goals (cont.) Student technology literacy (8th-grade) – The ability to use appropriate technology to communicate, solve problems, and access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to improve learning and acquire lifelong knowledge and skills.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov METSP TFAs Students engage in technology-enriched curricula which promotes inquiry-based, hands-on learning, taking responsibility for their own education success. Teachers embrace effective techniques to integrate technology throughout the curricula for use by all students, and to pursue life-long technology learning. .
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov METSP TFAs Administration provides foundational support for teacher integration of technology, appropriate and consistent funding for technology resources, professional development opportunities, technology-derived data and research-based decisions, and enhanced communication systems supporting instructional and administrative processes. Resources to facilitate technology use are equitably distributed and available to all students, teachers, staff, and administrators to promote academic achievement. Technical support and instructional technology staff are adequately funded and readily available to support all education and administration processes.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov METSP Major Recommendations / Goals The Department will: assist districts in integrating technology into the curriculum and implementing effective research- and inquiry-based instructional strategies, such as the eMINTS instructional model or equivalent, that address student achievement and 21st Century learning assist and support districts in adopting or adapting the NETS*S achievement rubrics or equivalent to promote and monitor student technology literacy partner with key stakeholders to assist districts in using and supporting high quality pre- and in-service professional development that furthers knowledge, skills, and abilities of educators, helping them integrate technology into curriculum and inquiry-based instructional strategies
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov The Department will (METSP Recommendations continued): assist and support districts in adopting or adapting the NETS*T and NET*A achievement rubrics or equivalent to promote and monitor educator technology literacy assist and support districts in developing and implementing comprehensive local technology plans that support comprehensive school improvement plans assist and support districts in developing policies and procedures for effective use of technology for administration, data management, and communication systems assist districts in establishing and supporting equitable resources assist and support districts in providing sufficient and qualified personnel to provide technical and instructional technology support
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov METSP Recommendations / National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) ISTE National standards for… Students (S), revised 2007 Teachers (T), revised 2008 Administrators (A), revised 2009 Educational Technology Leaders (TL) Educational Technology Facilitators (TF)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov NETS*S http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/NETS_for_Students_2007_Standards.pdf Students… demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov NETS*T http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/NETS_for_Teachers.htm Teachers… use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS*S. exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices. continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective us of digital tools and resources.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov NETS*A http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForAdministrators/NETS_for_Administrators.htm Administrators… inspire a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of that vision ensure that curricular design, instructional strategies, and learning environments integrate appropriate technologies to maximize learning and teaching apply technology to enhance their professional practice and to increase their own productivity and that of others ensure the integration of technology to support productive systems for learning and administration use technology to plan and implement comprehensive systems of effective assessment and evaluation understand the social, legal, and ethical issues related to technology and model responsible decision making related to these issues
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov NETS*TL http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTechnologyFacilitatorsandLeaders/NCATE_Standards.htm Educational technology leaders… demonstrate advanced understanding of technology operations and concepts plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences supported by technology model, design, and disseminate plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning communicate research on use of technology to implement effective assessment and evaluation strategies
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov NETS*TL Educational technology leaders…(cont.) design, develop, evaluate and model products created using technology resources to improve and enhance their productivity and professional practice understand social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in schools & develop programs facilitating application of that understanding in practice coordinate development and direct implementation of technology infrastructure procedures, policies, plans, and budgets facilitate development of a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster environment and culture conducive to realization of the vision
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov NETS*TF http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTechnologyFacilitatorsandLeaders/NCATE_Standards.htm Educational technology facilitators… demonstrate advanced understanding of technology operations and concepts plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences supported by technology apply and implement c apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies apply technology to enhance and improve personal productivity and professional practice
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov NETS*TF Educational technology facilitators…(cont.) understand social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in schools & develop programs facilitating application of that understanding in practice promote development and implementation of technology infrastructure, procedures, policies, plans, and budgets for PK-12 schools contribute to shared vision for campus integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to realization of the vision
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov HOW TO IMPLEMENT TECHNOLOGY Integrate technology into comprehensive school improvement plans, set standards and indicators, secure funding, and monitor and evaluate progress regularly
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Seize the day… Students spend 27 hours a week online at home and an average of 15 minutes a week at school. (2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project study, “The Digital Disconnect: The Widening Gap between Internet-savvy Students and Their Schools”) 59% of online students say they talk about education-related topics; 50% talk specifically about schoolwork. (2008 Grunwald Associates and National School Boards Report, “Creating and Connecting: Research and Guidelines on Online Social – and – Educational Networking”)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov HOW TO IMPLEMENT TECHNOLOGY Integrate standards-based, research-based technology interventions
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov HOW DO DISTRICTS PLAN FOR TECHNOLOGY? According to research and experience, what are the essential elements of effective technology plans? effective technology integration?
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Planning, evaluating, updating… Align technology efforts to support district and school-wide educational goals and school improvement plans Hire, recruit and train highly-qualified staffs Establish standards, policies, and procedures, related to state plan’s TFAs Set measurable objectives and evaluation progress regularly * Develop and maintain adequate budget and fiscal resources * See Capacity for Applying Project Evaluation: http://www.serve.org/Evaluation/Capacity/
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Researching the research What Works Clearinghouse: http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/ Research-based programs eMINTS National Center: http://www.emints.org/ E-Learning for Educators: http://www.elearningmo.org/
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Technology planning resources available: District planning website: http://dese.mo.gov/divimprove/instrtech/techplan/ State ed-tech plan recommendations and progress table Six-step planning process and Missouri planning guide Technology plan approval writing and approval checklists and FCC’s Elements of a technology plan Exemplary local plans (as determined in peer review) ePeGS and related guidance documents
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Six-step process in creating an effective plan Getting Started Disseminate, Monitor, and Evaluate the Tech PlanMission Statement Develop and Implement Action Plans and TimelinesNeeds Assessment Goals and Objectives
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Guiding Rule: Technology plans shouldn’t be stand-alone plans; they should support districts’ comprehensive school improvement plans Determine where and how technology can realize CSIP goals and objectives – and – determine what needs to be added to address ed-tech standards and indicators Specify desired outcomes, detail necessary strategies and action steps, and identify/secure funding Establish evaluation process and strategies (Good resource: Capacity for Applying Project Evaluation: http://www.serve.org/Evaluation/Capacity/)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Getting ready to use the ePeGS planning tool Request access to the new system Convene planning committee to review and update current approved plan Crosswalk tech planning with ePeGS plan elements Mission statement Needs assessment Goals, objectives, strategies, action steps “Education Technology Plan” first appears on Strategy page Summary Additional elements (applies to ed-tech plans)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Six-step process and ePeGS alignment… Getting started Committee development, representation Effective planning is guided by a collaborative vision about desired learning outcomes Taking stock (SWOT or SOAR analyses) Reviewing current plan goals, objectives, progress, in terms of what worked and what didn’t, what needs to be added, deleted, or revised
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Six-step process and ePeGS alignment… (cont.) Mission Statement <ePeGS element > District mission, based on vision and core beliefs and values Needs Assessment <ePeGS element > Analysis of various, relevant data Data related to CSIP goals and TFAs Comparing data to district goals, state/national benchmarks, exemplars Determining what worked or is working, what needs improvement, where technology can help address current and future needs
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Six-step process and ePeGS alignment… (cont.) Goals and Objectives <ePeGS element > CSIP goals and objectives Technology-related objectives Tied to MSIP standards [and state ed-tech goals] Measurable [SMART] objectives Strategies and Action Steps <ePeGS element > Implementation plans, steps Specifying start-end dates, person(s) responsible, funding source (based on estimated cost)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Six-step process and ePeGS alignment… (cont.) Disseminate, Monitor and Evaluate <ePeGS additional element> Review often (at least annually) Formative and summative monitoring and evaluation Communicate plans, progress, and achievement Shared with patrons on regular, frequent basis
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Using the ePeGS planning tool To access the system: http://www.dese.mo.gov/epegs/ Common page actions/options Save – Save regularly and often! Mark as Complete – Note to user that action is complete (displayed in the “status” column of the planning tool homepage) Can still return later for additional data entry/edit Clear screen – Clears the information. If information is saved, will pull up a new screen to enter additional objective, strategy, action step (be sure to save first)
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Using the ePeGS planning tool…(cont.) Have the new plan ready to copy and paste Can enter information in a linear fashion (mission statement, then needs assessment, then goals, etc.) or in any order desired Mission statement – text box to enter district’s mission This is for the district’s missions statement, which will be entered only once and will appear in the district s CSIP and all other district plans created in ePeGS Needs assessment – text box to enter significant findings (e.g., strengths, weaknesses) Links provided to DESE-generated district data – it is important to consider all data appropriate, including local data
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY_______________________________________________________________________________________Department of Elementary and Secondary Education * Phone: (573) 751-8247 * E-mail: instrtech@dese.mo.gov Using the ePeGS planning tool…(cont.) Goal – where most tech planners will start Click on Goals to bring up screen with the five overarching goals: Student Performance (TFA 1) Highly Qualified Staff (TFA 2) Facilities, Support, Instructional Resources (TFAs 4 & 5) Parent and Community Involvement (TFA 3) Governance (TFA 3) District can create two goals; however, ePeGS will only allow up to 5 goals (including district-generated)