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Best CPA Course in Delhi will help you in gaining essential skills that are required to become an accountant and financial advisor in a reputed firm or a company. CPA course in Delhi involves deep details concepts of accounting and will teach through tally software. Additionally, you will get personality development classes to improve your communication skill which will help to crack the interview and be able to present yourself in front of anyone.
3/24/23,6:12PM #1 Institute for CPACourse with Placement 9999196162(tel:9999196162) 100%PlacementAssistance info@ifda.in(mailto:info@ifda.in) (https://ifda.in/) Certificationin ProfessionalAccounting Developyouraccountingskillstomeet currentneed of industries. ApplyNow AboutCourses The CPA course will help you in gaining essential skills that are required to become an accountant andnancial advisor in a reputedrm or a company. This course involves deep details concepts of accounting and will teach through tally software. Additionally, you will get personality development classes to improve your communication skill which will help to crack the interview and be able to present yourself in front of anyone. This course will add great value to your resume and open up multiple career options for you and you will be self-capable of doing accounting byyourself. CourseHighlights Accountingconcepts 10+Assignmentpractice 1. 5. 2. Tallyconcepts 6. 1yearoffreebackupclasses 3. Basicsofcomputer 7.16Modules PersonalityDevelopment 100hoursoftraining 4. 8. DownloadE-Brochure REQUESTFORDEMOCLASS TakealookathowIFDAhelpsyoutohavea great career by delivering the best content andpractice. YourName YourPhone YourMail EnterYourMessage SUBMIT LearningOutcome • You’lllearnDetailedconceptsofaccounting,management,nance,marketing, and economics. • Abletosolve problems anddodecision-makingaccordingly • Identifyand analyzeaccountingissuesusingtheappropriate accountingframeworkand make decisionsaccordingly. • Analyzenancialinformation,auditrisk,evaluatethecostand determinetaximplications. Softwarethatyouwilllearninthiscourse CourseContent https://ifda.in/cpa-course.php
3/24/23,6:12PM #1 Institute for CPACourse with Placement REQUESTFORDEMOCLASS TakealookathowIFDAhelpsyoutohavea great career by delivering the best content andpractice. YourName YourPhone YourMail EnterYourMessage SUBMIT JobsYouwillGetAfterCompletingCourse The Cpa course is not limited to India but also around the world. CPA is hired by multi- nationalcompanies(MNC’s).Thereare thousandsofcompaniesthat workwithaccountants ornancial analysts for their work. After doing this course there are many options where you can look for a career and get a high salary. Additionally, if you don’t want to do a job in big companieslike MNCs, you can open upashopof your own. Features&Facilities BackupClass FeesInstallment 100%jobassistance FlexibleTiming ExpertTrainer FreeLibrary LiveProject Practicallearning StudentReviews AbhishekPrasad Student GoogleReview(https://g.co/kgs/dfTCfg) Myname is Abhishek Prasad.I ama student of CPA inIFDAinstitute. HereI am studying since last 3 monthsin English batch. My facultyisgood and hard-workingtous. My experienceis good. HereIhave learntgrammer modulesand alsoincrease mypronunciationetc. NancySiddharth Student GoogleReview (https://g.co/kgs/8DYqdB) Hii, I am NancySiddharth and I ama student of CPA CourseatIFDAInstitute.IFDA instituteisvery good institute of anycomputercourse.InInstitutefacultyisverywellexperienced and good teaching method.There was good senseofhumor. ArunKumar Student GoogleReview (https://g.co/kgs/og2mXJ) https://ifda.in/cpa-course.php
3/24/23,6:12PM #1 Institute for CPACourse with Placement I am Arun Kr. I joined the Computer class in the begining of the August I am learning everything so well .Every thing I have learned it was easy to understand.I can ask about my doubts without any hesisation.I wouldrecommend everyone should try IDFA Classes. OurAchievements 0+ Student 0+ Trained 0+ Courses 0+ Batchyes/Da FrequentlyAskedQuestions OurAlumni'sWorksAt CallTodayToGetFree DEMO Getfreecounsellingbyour experiencecounsellors.Weoeryou free demo&trialclasses toevaluateyoureligibiltyforthecouurse. CallNow(tel:9999196162) YourName GET COMPREHENSIVE LEARNINGEXPERIENCE YouarejustonestepawayFrombecomingthe futureofdesign.Makeyourrstmoveand enquirenow YourMail YourPhone EnterYourMessage SendEnquiry NAVIGATION FOLLOWUS VISITOURINSTITUTE KalkajiBranch REGISTEREDOFFICE |Facebook H-18/B,2ndFloor,KalkajiMainRoad, NewDelhi-110019 (https://www.facebo HEADOFFICE |Instagram G-33,1stFloor,MainRoadKalkaji, NewDelhi-110019 (https://www.instagr (https://goo.gl/maps/zPtbaFMcN41ySaKT8) OURBRANCHES |Whatsapp BadarpurBranch E-9,2ndFloorChandermalComplex, NearBadarpurMetroStation,New Delhi-110044 (https://wa.me/9199 |Youtube Varanasi,UttarPradesh-221001 & 9+ASSOCIATEDBRANCHES (https://www.youtub Airoli,NaviMumbai-400708 • |Telegram (https://goo.gl/maps/SS6uEAbC46m8jbyq9) () QUICKLINK |LinkedIn (https://in.linkedin.c institute/) • (https://ifda.in/contact.php) CONTACT • (https://ifda.in/contact.php) • FAQ(https://ifda.in/faq.php) • GALLERY • (https://ifda.in/gallery.php) • JOB (https://ifda.in/job- updates.php) • SCHOLARSHIP • (https://ifda.in/scholarship.php) https://ifda.in/cpa-course.php
3/24/23,6:12PM #1 Institute for CPACourse with Placement • OURRECRUITERS • (https://ifda.in/our- recruiters.php) • PLACEDSTUDENTS • (https://ifda.in/placed- students.php) • TESTIMONIAL • (https://ifda.in/testimonial.php) • TERMS&CONDITIONS • (https://ifda.in/terms-and- condition.php) • REFUNDPOLICY • (https://ifda.in/refund- policy.php) • PRIVACYPOLICY • (https://ifda.in/Privacy- Policy.php) • CAREER (https://ifda.in/404- error-under- construction.php) • SITEMAP • (https://ifda.in/sitemap.php) • ASSISMENT • (https://ifda.in/test.php) • Graphic Design(https://ifda.in/graphic-design-course.php)| Website Design(https://ifda.in/web-development-course.php)| Digital Marketing(https://ifda.in/digital-marketing-course.php)|CyberSecurity(https://ifda.in/cyber-security-and-web-pentesting-course.php)|GST (https://ifda.in/gst-course.php)| Income Tax (https://ifda.in/income-tax-course.php)| Python (https://ifda.in/core-python-course.php)| Data Science (https://ifda.in/data-science-course.php)| Video Editing (https://ifda.in/video-editing-course.php)| Animation 2D 3D (https://ifda.in/animation-2d-3d-course.php)| Spoken English (https://ifda.in/spoken-english-course.php)| Advance Excel (https://ifda.in/advance-excel-course.php)| CCA (https://ifda.in/cca-course.php)| COAA (https://ifda.in/ccoa-course.php)| CoreJava (https://ifda.in/core-java-course.php)| Nielit 'O' Leval (https://ifda.in/o-level-course.php)| Nielit 'A' Leval (https://ifda.in/a-level-course.php)| Stock Market (https://ifda.in/stock-market-course.php)| MDCA / ADCA (https://ifda.in/Adca-course.php)| Multimedia Designer Courses (https://ifda.in/multimedia-and-design-course.php)|LongTermCourses (https://ifda.in/long-term-courses.php) • ©CopyrightIFDA.AllRightsReserved https://ifda.in/cpa-course.php