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What is the Definition of an Evidence-based Program?. Varying Terms/Lingo. Best Available PracticesPromising ApproachesResearch-basedScience-basedEvidence-based (empirically proven)Others?....Model programs, Exemplary programs, Effective programs. . What's the difference?. Best Available Pract
2. What is the Definition of an Evidence-based Program?
3. Varying Terms/Lingo Best Available Practices
Promising Approaches
Evidence-based (empirically proven)
Others?....Model programs, Exemplary programs, Effective programs
4. Whats the difference? Best Available Practice
Knowledgeable people say this is the best available practice.
Promising Approaches
We really think this will workbut we need time to prove it.
This program/intervention is based on research about the causes the problem addressed and what may work.
This intervention has been tested and shown to work.
5. What is the Definition of Fidelity of Implementation?
6. Fidelity of Implementation The program is implemented with the appropriate age group or grade level
The program facilitator has been trained to use the program most effectively
The program facilitator implements all of the activities in the curriculum in the same way that they were implemented in the research
7. Why Does Fidelity Matter? Only by implementing the program in the same way in which it was tested can we expect to achieve the same positive results
8. Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14Program Overview
9. Program Description The Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14) is a video-based program designed to reduce adolescent substance abuse and other problematic behaviors in youth 10-14 years old.
The program is delivered within parent, youth, and family sessions using narrated videos that portray typical youth and parent situations.
Highly interactive sessions include role-playing, discussions, learning games, and family projects designed to:
Improve parenting skills
Build skills in youth
Strengthen family bonds
10. Goals of SFP 10-14 Program Reduce and delay substance use and initiation
Reduce behavior problems during adolescence
Improve parental nurturing and limit-setting skills
Improve communication skills for both parents and youth
Improve youth pro-social skills development
11. How it Works SFP 10-14 is delivered to groups of 8-13 families during seven weekly two-hour sessions.
Program activities include:
Parent Sessions consisting of presentations, role-plays, group discussions, and other skill-building activities
Youth Sessions that engage each youth in small and large group discussions, learning games, group skill practice, and social bonding activities
Family Sessions that use specially designed games and projects to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and facilitate learning to solve problems together
12. SFP 10-14 Topics
13. Implementation SFP 10-14 is typically delivered in public schools, church, community centers, or family-serving agencies on weekday evenings or weekends
At least two rooms (one for youth and one for parents) are required for each session, with family sessions taking place in the larger of the two rooms.
Program planning and family recruitment should begin at least two months prior to the seven-week program.
Three group leaders are needed, one for the parent sessions and two for the youth sessions.
14. What is the Evidence of the Effectiveness of SFP 10-14? During the last sixteen years, there have been several studies using randomized intervention and control communities.
SFP 10-14 was offered to families of all 6th grade students in intervention communities. Families in control communities did not receive any programming.
Students in both intervention and control communities filled out self-report questionnaires annually until graduating from high school.
15. Comparisons between the intervention andcontrol communities showed significantlyimproved parenting behaviors:
Communicating specific rules and consequences for using substances
Controlling anger when communicating with the child
Positive involvement with the child
Better communication with the child
Program outcomes: What the Data Say. Parenting Behaviors
16. At the 8th grade, students in intervention communities reported a 49% relative reduction in alcohol use and at 10th grade, a 32% relative reduction in alcohol use compared to control community students (p<.01)
What the Data SayLifetime alcohol use without parental permission At the 8th grade, SFP 10-14 students exhibited a 495 relative reduction in alcohol use and at 10th grade, a 32% relative reduction in alcohol use compared to control group students (p<.01)At the 8th grade, SFP 10-14 students exhibited a 495 relative reduction in alcohol use and at 10th grade, a 32% relative reduction in alcohol use compared to control group students (p<.01)
17. What the Data SayLifetime Marijuana Use Students in intervention communities were 53% less likely than students in the control communities to use marijuana at a follow-up evaluation four years later.
At the 8th grade, SFP 10-14 students exhibited a 495 relative reduction in alcohol use and at 10th grade, a 32% relative reduction in alcohol use compared to control group students (p<.01)At the 8th grade, SFP 10-14 students exhibited a 495 relative reduction in alcohol use and at 10th grade, a 32% relative reduction in alcohol use compared to control group students (p<.01)
18. What the Data SayCigarette Use Students from intervention communities were approximately half as likely as studentsin control communities to smoke cigarettes at follow-up evaluations two years andfour years later. At the 8th grade, SFP 10-14 students exhibited a 495 relative reduction in alcohol use and at 10th grade, a 32% relative reduction in alcohol use compared to control group students (p<.01)At the 8th grade, SFP 10-14 students exhibited a 495 relative reduction in alcohol use and at 10th grade, a 32% relative reduction in alcohol use compared to control group students (p<.01)
19. Reduced Meth Use
20. Self-reported Aggressive Behavior
21. Age of 1st Use Predicts Alcoholism
22. Goal
23. Recent Awards
24. Results of Cochrane Review
25. Conclusion from Meta Analysis Sponsored by the World Health Organization
26. Risk and Protective Factors
27. Definition of Risk and Protective Factors Risk factors are any circumstances that may increase the likelihood of youths engaging in risky behaviors
Protective factors are any circumstances that promote healthy youth behaviors and decrease the chance that youth will engage in risky behaviors Also: Less Harsh Discipline & Better Child MonitoringAlso: Less Harsh Discipline & Better Child Monitoring
28. Risk FactorsWhat do we Know? Risk factors have been identified
within individuals,
in family environments and interactions,
in school experiences,
in peer or social relationships,
and in community contexts.
A persons overall risk may result from the interaction of personal dispositions and environmental risk factors.
29. More About Risk Factors Exposure to many risk factors has cumulative effects
There are different risk factors for different age groups
It is desirable for prevention to occur before the first onset of the risky behavior
30. Group Activity Circulate between the five pieces of newsprint and identify risk and protective factors for each of these five domains:
Individual risk and protective factors
Family risk and protective factors
Peer risk and protective factors
School risk and protective factors
Community risk and protective factors
31. Individual Risk Factors Alienation or rebelliousness
Anti-social behavior
Anxiety or depression
Early first use of drugs
Favorable attitudes toward risky behaviors
Lack of religious commitment
32. Family Risk Factors Adapting to divorce, remarriage, or a marked worsening of family relations
Distant, uninvolved, and inconsistent parenting
Negative parent-child communication
Poor parental monitoring
Unclear family rules and expectations
Parent or sibling drug and alcohol use
33. Peer Risk Factors Associating with peers who use drugs
Perceived use of substances by others
Peer rejection
Gang involvement
34. School Risk Factors Academic failure
Low commitment to school
School transitions
Poorly organized and functioning school
Negative labeling by teachers
Truancy and frequent absences
Suspension and dropping out of school
35. Community Risk Factors Permissive community laws and norms
Drug availability
Lack of concerted law enforcement
Lack of meaningful roles
Low neighborhood attachment and community disorganization
Low socioeconomic status
36. Protective FactorsWhat do we Know? Individual characteristics, temperament, dispositions, and skills may cushion the effects of adversity or stress.
Attributes of the childs environment, such as social support, parental warmth, appropriate discipline, adult monitoring and supervision, and bonding to family or other positive role models may also function as protective factors
37. Individual Protective Factors Positive and resilient temperament
Valuing involvement in organized religious activities
Social competencies and problem-solving skills
Social support from adults and peers
Healthy sense of self
Positive expectations for the future
High expectations
38. Family Protective Factors Good relationships with parents
Opportunities and rewards for positive family involvement
Having a stable family
High family expectations
39. Peer Protective Factors Involvement with positive peer group activities and norms
Good relationship with peers
Parental approval of friends
40. School Protective Factors Positive attitude toward school
Student bonding
Attachment to teachers
Academic achievement
Opportunities and rewards for positive school involvement
High quality schools with clear standards
High expectations of students
Involvement of caring, supportive adults
41. Community Protective Factors Stable communities
Safe and health-promoting environment
Supportive law enforcement presence
Positive social norms
Opportunities and rewards for positive community involvement
High community expectations
Neighborhood social cohesion
42. An activity from the program
Youth Session 6 SFP 10-14
43. What are the risk and protective factors addressed in this activity? SFP 10-14
44. SFP 10-14 Risk Factors Family
Family history of the problem behavior/Parent criminality
Family management problems/Poor parental supervision /monitoring
Pattern of high family conflict
Poor family attachment/Bonding
Parental use of physical punishment/Harsh and/or erratic discipline practices
Anti-social behavior and alienation/Delinquent beliefs/General delinquency involvement/Drug dealing
Favorable attitudes toward drug use/Early onset of AOD use/Alcohol and/or drug use
Early onset of aggression and/or violence
Poor refusal skills
45. SFP 10-14 Protective Factors Family
Effective parenting
Good relationships with parents/Bonding or attachment to family
Opportunities for pro-social family involvement
Having a stable family
High expectations
Social competencies and problem-solving skills
Healthy / Conventional beliefs and clear standards
Perception of social support from adults and peers
46. How would we monitor fidelity? The most effective way to monitor fidelity is to have trained observers use a checklist of activities for a given session. Feedback from these observations can be used to improve fidelity of implementation.
51. More Information