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Date: August 22, 2013

Major Gifts: Cracking the Code. Date: August 22, 2013. We All Share The Same Goal. A vital and robust YWCA that Achieves its mission, Meets community needs, Engages the community in its work…. and is Sustainable. YWCA Path To Financial Vitality 3 Key Requirements.

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Date: August 22, 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Major Gifts: Cracking the Code Date: August 22, 2013

  2. We All Share The Same Goal A vital and robust YWCA that Achieves its mission, Meets community needs, Engages the community in its work…. and is Sustainable.

  3. YWCA Path To Financial Vitality3 Key Requirements STRONGER, FINANCIALLY VITAL YWCAs!!

  4. YWCA USA Fund Raising Training Series A series of 6 workshops designed to help local YWCAs build their fund development capacity • Fund Raising 101 (June 28, 2013) • Developing Your Annual Fund Raising Plan (July 25) • Major Gifts (Today) • Fund Raising Events (Sept.19, 2 p.m. EDT) • Capital Campaigns (Oct. 24, 2 p.m. EDT) • Planned Giving/Endowment (Nov. 22, 2 p.m. EDT)

  5. What’s A “Major Gift”? For today’s discussion, a “Major Gift” is a gift: • Made to the YWCA’s Annual Fund and • At the $1,000 or more level

  6. Truism #1 Virtually all communities include people with the capacity to make annual gifts of $1000+ Our goal: identify those who share our values and engage them in the YWCA

  7. All Gifts Are ImportantWe Want a Bunch of Them to Be Big!! • Major Gifts Programs are Cost- Effective: • It costs 2-15 cents to raise $1.00 • Top 20% of donors give 80% of private fundraising

  8. 6 Steps to More Major Gifts • Build Your Major Gifts Case  2. Identify Major Donor Prospects 3. Create Plans for Engaging Prospects  4. Create Special Major Gift Opportunities  • Actively Steward Every Major Donor  • Assess Your Capacity Needs…Prioritize, Implement, Continuously Improve

  9. Step 1: Build Your Case We’rean institution worthy of major investment! • A critical mission and vision • Effective programs • Address important community needs (clients can’t pay) • Significant scale, impact….change lives, (primary provider?) • Innovative, unique, leveraged • We’re moving the dial! • A wonderful history and legacy in the community • Strong leadership: talented, committed Board, staff, volunteers • A solid reputation of financial accountability and integrity • Why your support makes a difference!! e.g. critical, often survival services…..clients can’t pay

  10. Step 2: Identify Major Gift ProspectsKey Questions to Ask Yourselves: Does your prospect… Have the capacity for a major gift? Have the inclination for a major gift? Have a relationship with the organization? (Direct or Indirect)

  11. “Prospecting” For Major Donors • Who Are Your Prospects? • Women who currently give to us but could give more e.g. • Board members • Other volunteers • Board Alumnae • Staff alumnae • Women who aren’t current donors but: • Share our values • Have capacity • How Do We Figure This Out? • Prospecting sessions • Review donor lists from the arts, education, health • Access data bases

  12. Gaining Access to Major Donor Prospects…. Just a few Strategies • Recruit women with access to prospect communities to an appropriate YWCA committee/volunteer group: • Nominating Committee • Awards Committee • Blue Ribbon committee • YWCA Board • Make strategic presentations to organizations with access e.g. • United Way special donor societies • Local Women’s Foundation membership • Research prospects with shared values e.g. • Major donors to aligned causes • Volunteers to aligned causes

  13. Major Gift ProspectsCurrent Donors Who Have Greater Capacity

  14. Major Gift ProspectsNon-Donors Who Share Our Values, Have Capacity

  15. Truism #2 Major gifts fundraising is all about developing meaningful relationships with donors…..and calls for a “customized” approach.

  16. Step 3: Engage Major Gifts ProspectsKey Ingredients For a Fabulous Major Donor + BINGO!! Head: Understand the nature, scope, of community needs, issues Understand YWCA’s problem-solving programs Heart: Empathize, “connect” with the people impacted Understand the human consequences if needs unmet

  17. More: Create A Plan To Engage Prospects! “Moves Management”: Customized, Individual • Prioritize prospects (focus on most likely 15-25 initially) • Identify “lead” staff, volunteer with closest relationship • Identify key interests • Create customized cultivation plan: • Invite to your compelling YWCA events • Invite on a tour of compelling programs • Invite to participate in a high-impact volunteer activity • Recruit to a YWCA Committee • Make visits—in person, phone • Keep comprehensive record of interactions, info, gifts • Send content-rich communications (substantive, timely)

  18. Step 4. Create Major Gift Opportunities! • Opportunity to designate to specific programs, sites • Compelling program-specific “carve-outs” e.g.: • Adopt-a-shelter: cost of a housing unit for a year • Help a child succeed: cost of child care for a year • Give a woman the tools to support her family: cost of employment services for one woman • Provide safety to a domestic violence victim: cost of housing + services for a victim and children • High leverage, “bridge”, matching or capacity-building opportunities; special project opportunities • Quantify gift: cost of “guilty pleasures” e.g. a month of lattes, “what you’re worth on the hoof”, auto depreciation, your vacation

  19. More on “Carve Outs”

  20. Step 5. Actively “Steward” Every Major Donor! Retain the Gift, Grow the Gift • Convey a personal “thank you” by phone, mail • Continuously identify interests • Send content-rich communications • Report on results of their gift • Real-time community needs • Trends affecting women • Invite to participate in a special volunteer activity • Invite to provide feedback/input on issues, initiatives, • Invite to special major donor events e.g. tours, • Identify other mission-related “perks” • Maintain a monthly “tickler” file to maintain stewardship

  21. Step 6: Assess Your Big-Picture Capacity Needs! Identify Strategic, Doable, Short-term Improvements • Enhance your Board capacity: • Provide major-gifts training • Create consensus on Board responsibilities • Plan to recruit one or two new “strategic” major gifts members to the Board • Add major gifts to Board structure, fundraising committee • Enhance your staff capacity e.g. • Allocate portion of ED time • Reallocate time from other staff • Secure major gifts professional (part-time, start up?) • Enhance your capacity for gift and relationship tracking • Enhance the stature and “position”, your YWCA • Strengthen “fertile major-gifts fundraising mindset” e.g. Board and staff discussions

  22. The Major Gifts Officer Key Responsibilities: • Identify, cultivate, solicit, steward donors at the $1,000+ level (or higher). Includes current, prospective, lapsed major donors • Track donor interests, “moves” (contacts), life events, gifts • Support YWCA major gifts Board members/volunteers • FT caseload 50-75 individuals—visit, develop relationship Qualities/Experience Associated With Success: • Fundraising track record (staff/volunteer). BA, basic fundraising training • Exceptional interpersonal skills; reaching out, creating relationships • Strong written/verbal skills; ability to articulate “case” (clear, compelling) • Knowledge of “prospect community”; existing relationships a plus • Computer skills: donor data base, social media, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, • Strong commitment to YWCA mission, vision

  23. Board/CEO/Staff Major Gift Roles

  24. Homework OpportunityLet’s Grow Our Major Gifts ProgramSome Things We’ll Work on This Quarter---Pick 2 Initiatives • Enhance The Board’s Major Gifts Capacity: • Provide major gifts training • Get consensus on Board role, expectations • Recruit one or two new strategic members to the Board • Add major gifts to Board fund raising structure • Implement a YWCA Board member FD Commitment Form • Create staff capacity e.g. ED, major gifts professional • Begin prospecting (current donors, prospective donors) • Prioritize prospects • Create, implement cultivation plans for each potential • donor e.g. events, volunteer opportunities—get early “wins” • Think through and layout our stewardship plan

  25. Recap of Some Key Points: • Major Gifts are very important to the health and vitality of your YWCA. • We have lots of opportunity! • Building your major gifts program is a continuous process…always growing, never done. • Its based on relationships and is customized to the interests and capacity of each major donor Our local YWCAs deserve major gifts, and we can get them!

  26. Major Gifts Resources Things We’ll Send You In the Next Couple of Days: • A copy of the PowerPoint used in today’s webinar • More on “Moves Management”, including a planning template • A “Major Gifts Roadmap” that looks at the “steps” a little more granularly • A sample “YWCA Board Member Fund Development Commitment Form” • Elements of the “Fertile Development Mindset” Other Resources to Check Out: • Panas, Jerold. (2009). Asking: A 59-minute Guide to Everything Board Members, Volunteers, and Staff Must Know to Secure the Gift Available on Amazon for as low as $15.00 (used). • Klein, Kim. (1994). “Getting Major Gifts.” Article online: http://www.tgci.com/magazine/Getting%20Major%20Gifts.pdf • Klein, Kim. (1998). “Hiring a Consultant.” Article online: http://www.nhi.org/online/issues/97/fundraising.html • Burk, Penelope. (2003). Donor Centered Fundraising

  27. A Couple of Reminders…… Upcoming Fund Development Webinars: • Events: Sept. 19 • Capital Campaigns: Oct. 24 • Planned Giving/Endowments: Nov. 22 Access to Content for Fund Raising Training Series (including video recordings of the webinars) go to: http//intranet.ywca.org/webinar

  28. Q & A

  29. Polling Questions

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