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THE BUFFALO. By Katherine Schoenfeld. What is a Buffalo?. The buffalo is a the largest land mammal in North America. They are warm-blooded . They have teeth and lots of hair.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THE BUFFALO By Katherine Schoenfeld

  2. What is a Buffalo? • The buffalo is a the largest land mammal in North America. • They are warm-blooded. • They have teeth and lots of hair. • The scientific name is Bison bison. • Buffalo are also known as American bison. • The Lakota Sioux name for buffalo is tatanka.

  3. Where Do Buffalo Roam? • The buffalo live on the prairies of North America. (map on the right) • The prairie includes the states Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas. • Can you guess why buffalo live on the prairie? • To find out go to the next slide.

  4. What Do Buffalo Eat? • Buffaloes are herbivores, or plant eaters. • They eat plants that are found in the prairies of North America. • Buffaloes move in groups (herds) trying to find new places where their favorite plants grow.

  5. How Far Did the Buffalo Travel? • Buffaloes made big trails trying to find food. • Route 66 follows one of the largest buffalo trails.

  6. What Happened to the Buffalo? • Many people hunted the buffalo. • Native Americans hunted the buffalo and used all of its parts. Nothing was wasted. • Settlers hunted the buffalo for sport and money.

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